5,783 research outputs found

    The role of p38 MAPK and its substrates in neuronal plasticity and neurodegenerative disease

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    A significant amount of evidence suggests that the p38-mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) signalling cascade plays a crucial role in synaptic plasticity and in neurodegenerative diseases. In this review we will discuss the cellular localisation and activation of p38 MAPK and the recent advances on the molecular and cellular mechanisms of its substrates: MAPKAPK 2 (MK2) and tau protein. In particular we will focus our attention on the understanding of the p38 MAPK-MK2 and p38 MAPK-tau activation axis in controlling neuroinflammation, actin remodelling and tau hyperphosphorylation, processes that are thought to be involved in normal ageing as well as in neurodegenerative diseases. We will also give some insight into how elucidating the precise role of p38 MAPK-MK2 and p38 MAPK-tau signalling cascades may help to identify novel therapeutic targets to slow down the symptoms observed in neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease

    Finite-size, magnetic and chemical-potential effects on first-order phase transitions

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    We perform a study about effects of an applied magnetic field and a finite chemical potential on the size-dependent phase structure of a first-order transition. These effects are introduced by using methods of quantum fields defined on toroidal spaces, and we study in particular the case of two compactified dimensions, imaginary time and a spatial one (a heated film). It is found that for any value of the applied field, there is a minimal size of the system, independent of the chemical potential, below which the transition disappears.Comment: 19 pages, 3 figures, version accepted for publication in Phys. Lett.

    Democracia como mestre de obras

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    3º congresso – As múltiplas Faces da Arquitetura Contemporânea de 2016 – As múltiplas Faces da Arquitetura Contemporânea – foram apresentados pelos/as estudantes da disciplina de Crítica e História da Arquitetura e da Cidade IV sob orientação da professora Andreia Moassab, do curso de Arquitetura e Urbanismo da Universidade Federal da Integração Latino-americana – UNILA. O congresso é parte da avaliação final da disciplina, no qual os/as estudantes apresentam a sua versão e dialogam com autores/as e textos de referência sobre a arquitetura nas últimas décadasConsiderando a questão de produção do espaço doméstico como uma forma de análise arquitetônica das décadas de 1960 e 1970, neste trabalho a autora trata este assunto mostrando as diversas formas de se pensar sobre os problemas existentes no mundo em relação a habitação, o uso cotidiano deste espaço por nós e como as considerações sobre isso mudaram bastante numa época marcada pelo inicio de uma revolução tecnológica apressadaUNIL