38 research outputs found

    Somatostatin- und Gentamicin-induzierter Haarzellverlust

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    EinfĂŒhrung: Aminoglykoside können Haarzellen irreversibel schĂ€digen. Somatostatin, ein Peptid mit Eigenschaften von einem Hormon/Neurotransmitter, zeigt einen neuroprotektiven Effekt durch die Bindung an seinen Rezeptor. Wir untersuchten, ob Somatostatin Haarzellen vor Gentamicin-induzierter SchĂ€digung in vitro schĂŒtzen kann. Material und Methoden: Mittels Reverse Transcriptase- Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR) wurde die Expression der Somatostatinrezeptor-mRNA in der Rattencochlea analysiert. Der Einfluss von Somatostatin auf die Gentamicin-induzierte HaarzellschĂ€digung in vitro wurde mittels zweier verschiedener Konzentrationen (1 mM und 5 mM) Somatostatin geprĂŒft. Resultate: Wir konnten mittels RT-PCR Somatostatinrezeptor- 1- und Somatostatinrezeptor-2-mRNA im Cortischen Organ, im Spiralganglion und in der Stria vascularis nachweisen. Des Weiteren konnten wir eine signifikante Abnahme der Anzahl abgestorbener Haarzellen bei mit entweder 1 mM oder 1 mM Somatostatin vorbehandelten Cortischen Organen im Vergleich zu Cortischen Organen, welche mit Gentamicin allein behandelt wurden, feststellen. Diskussion: Die Abnahme des Gentamicin-induzierten Haarzellverlustes durch die Vorbehandlung der Cortischen Organe durch Somatostatin ist ein Hinweis fĂŒr einen potektiven Effekt von Somatostatin auf den Gentamicin-induzierten Haarzelverlust in vitro

    Resveratrol protects auditory hair cells from gentamicin toxicity

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    Resveratrol is a naturally occurring polyphenol that is synthesized by a variety of plant species. It is abundant in grapes and grape products (e.g., red wine). Resveratrol has demonstrated reactive oxygen species (ROS) scavenger activity, and it has been linked to nuclear factor-kappa B (NF-kappaB) activity. We recently demonstrated that NF-kappaB is important to the survival of immature mammalian hair cells. Therefore, we undertook an in vitro experiment to determine if resveratrol is able to exert some protective influence against gentamicin-induced damage to and death of auditory hair cells. To accomplish this, we dissected the organ of Corti (OC) from newborn Sprague-Dawley rats and cultured the OCs in medium overnight for recovery. We treated two groups of OC explants with different concentrations of resveratrol plus gentamicin for 24 hours; for comparison and control purposes, we also treated a group of explants with gentamicin only and we left a group untreated. We found that resveratrol in both concentrations had a moderate but statistically significant protective effect against gentamicin-induced toxicity in vitro

    Nogo in the Mammalian cochlea

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    HYPOTHESIS: Different members of the Nogo system are expressed in the mammalian cochlea. BACKGROUND: The protein Nogo has gained a lot of attention during the last couple of years because it inhibits neurite outgrowth in the adult central nervous system. In contrast to the central nervous system, very little is known regarding the expression and possible function of the Nogo system within the inner ear. METHODS: Using reverse-transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction and immunohistochemistry, we analyzed for the expression of members of the Nogo system within the cochlea. In addition, we determined hearing levels of Nogo A knockout and wild-type mice with auditory brainstem response audiometry. RESULTS: In this study, we demonstrate the expression of Nogo A, B, C, and of Nogo receptor mRNA in the organ of Corti, spiral ganglion, and stria vascularis. Immunohistochemistry revealed that Nogo A and Nogo receptor localize to the spiral ganglion neurons. Interestingly, Nogo A expression was also observed in the outer and inner hair cells of the organ of Corti. As revealed by light microscopy, deletion of Nogo A does not alter cochlear microanatomy. We have assessed hearing levels in 10-month old wild-type and Nogo A knockout mice, and thereby, we could not detect any differences between these 2 groups. CONCLUSION: Different members of the Nogo family are expressed in the mammalian cochlea. Deletion of Nogo A does not alter cochlea microanatomy or hearing levels compared with wild-type mice

    Expression of endogenous and exogenous growth hormone (GH) messenger (m) RNA in a GH-transgenic tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus)

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    We have previously produced transgenic fish from crosses between a wild-type female tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) and a G transgenic male. This line of growth-enhanced tilapia carries a single copy of a chinook salmon (s) growth hormone (GH) gene spliced to an ocean pout antifreeze promoter (OPA-FPcsGH) co-ligated to a carp beta-actin/lacZ reporter gene construct, integrated into the tilapia genome. Because little is known about the expression sites of transgenes, we have characterised the gene expression patterns of sGH and tilapia (t)GH in transgenic tilapia using a newly established real-time PCR to measure the absolute mRNA amounts of both hormones. The sGH gene, which was expected to be expressed mainly in liver, was also found to be expressed in other organs, such as gills, heart, brain, skeletal muscle, kidney, spleen, intestine and testes. However, in pituitary no sGH mRNA but only tGH mRNA was found. Tilapia GH mRNA in wild-type pituitary amounted to 226 +/- 30 pg/microg total RNA but in transgenics only to 187 +/- 43 pg/microg total RNA. Liver exhibited the highest level of sGH mRNA (8.3 +/- 2.5 pg/microg total RNA) but the extrahepatic sites expressed considerable amounts of sGH mRNA ranging from 4.1 +/- 2.0 pg/microg total RNA in gills to 0.2 +/- 0.08 pg/microg total RNA in kidney. The widespread expression of the sGH gene is assumed to be due to the tissue specificity of the type III AFP gene promoter. It is assumed that our transgenic experiments, which in contrast to some other approaches caused no obvious organ abnormalities, mimick the GH expression during ontogeny. Because sGH mRNA is expressed both in liver and in extrahepatic sites it may not only promote secretion and release of liver-derived (endocrine) IGF-I leading to an overall growth enhancement but also stimulate IGF-I expression within the different organs in a paracrine/autocrine manner and, thus, further promote organ growth

    Establishment of a real-time RT-PCR for the determination of absolute amounts of IGF-I and IGF-II gene expression in liver and extrahepatic sites of the tilapia

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    We developed a one-tube two-temperature real-time RT-PCR that allows to absolutely quantify the gene expression of hormones using the standard curve method. As our research focuses on the expression of the insulin-like growth factors (IGFs) in bony fish, we established the technique for IGF-I and IGF-II using the tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) as model species. As approach, we used primer extension adding a T7 phage polymerase promoter (21 nt) to the 5' end of the antisense primers. This procedure avoids the disadvantages arising from plasmids. Total RNA extracted from liver was subjected to conventional RT-PCR to create templates for in vitro transcription of IGF-I and IGF-II cRNA. Correct template sizes including the T7 promoter were verified (IGF-I: 91 nt; IGF-II: 94 nt). The PCR products were used to create IGF-I and IGF-II cRNAs which were quantified in dot blot by comparison with defined amounts of standardised kanamycin mRNA. Standardised threshold cycle (Ct) values for IGF-I and IGF-II mRNA were achieved by real-time RT-PCR and used to create standard curves. To allow sample normalisation the standard curve was also established for beta-actin as internal calibrator (template: 86 nt), and validation experiments were performed demonstrating similar amplification efficiencies for target and reference genes. Based on the standard curves, the absolute amounts of IGF-I and IGF-II mRNA were determined for liver (IGF-I: 8.90+/-1.90 pg/microg total RNA, IGF-II: 3.59+/-0.98 pg/microg total RNA) and extrahepatic sites, such as heart, kidney, intestine, spleen, gills, gonad, and brain considering the different lengths of cRNAs and mRNAs by correction factors. The reliability of the method was confirmed in additional experiments. The amplification of descending dilutions of cRNA and total liver RNA resulted in parallel slopes of the amplification curves. Furthermore, amplification plots of the standard cRNA and the IGF-I and IGF-II mRNAs showed signals starting at the expected Ct values. Thus, the one-tube RT-PCR described here is highly sensitive (detection level approximately 2 pg/microg total RNA) and allows precise absolute quantification. The method is rapid as there are neither separate reverse transcriptions nor post-amplification steps, and can be executed with low risk of contamination. Therefore, it will be helpful when investigating gene expression in any species and tissue whenever absolute levels are of concern

    NF-kappaB-dependent apoptotic hair cell death in the auditory system

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    Hair cells are the most vulnerable elements in the inner ear and their degeneration is the most common cause of hearing loss. In the last few years progress has been made in uncovering the molecular mechanisms involved in hair cell damage and death. However, little is known about factors important for hair cell survival. Recently, it has been demonstrated that the transcription factor NF-kappaB is required for survival of immature auditory hair cells in vitro. Here we used DNA microarray technology to explore NF-kappaB downstream events in organ of Corti explants of postnatal day-5 Sprague-Dawley rats which were exposed to a cell-permeable NF-kappaB-inhibitory peptide. Gene expression was analyzed using DNA microarray technology. Genes were selected on the basis of comparative analysis, which reliably distinguished the NF-kappaB inhibitor-treated samples from control samples. Interestingly, among the up-regulated genes was the gene coding for the regulatory subunit of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase. Moreover, inhibition of the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase signaling pathway in organ of Corti explants exposed to the NF-kappaB inhibitor reduced caspase-3 activation. These data link NF-kappaB-dependent hair cell death to phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase signaling