33 research outputs found

    Intraspecfic variation in cold-temperature metabolic phenotypes of Arabidopsis lyrata ssp petraea

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    Atmospheric temperature is a key factor in determining the distribution of a plant species. Alongside this, plant populations growing at the margin of their range may exhibit traits that indicate genetic differentiation and adaptation to their local abiotic environment. We investigated whether geographically separated marginal populations of Arabidopsis lyrata ssp. petraea have distinct metabolic phenotypes associated with exposure to cold temperatures. Seeds of A. petraea were obtained from populations along a latitudinal gradient, namely Wales, Sweden and Iceland and grown in a controlled cabinet environment. Mannose, glucose, fructose, sucrose and raffinose concentrations were different between cold treatments and populations, especially in the Welsh population, but polyhydric alcohol concentrations were not. The free amino acid compositions were population specific, with fold differences in most amino acids, especially in the Icelandic populations, with gross changes in amino acids, particularly those associated with glutamine metabolism. Metabolic fingerprints and profiles were obtained. Principal component analysis (PCA) of metabolite fingerprints revealed metabolic characteristic phenotypes for each population and temperature. It is suggested that amino acids and carbohydrates were responsible for discriminating populations within the PCA. Metabolite fingerprinting and profiling has proved to be sufficiently sensitive to identify metabolic differences between plant populations at different atmospheric temperatures. These findings show that there is significant natural variation in cold metabolism among populations of A. l. petraea which may signify plant adaptation to local climates

    CGIAR Operations under the Plant Treaty Framework

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    The history of CGIAR and the development and implementation of the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (“Plant Treaty”) are closely intertwined. In accordance with the agreements that 11 CGIAR centers signed with the Plant Treaty’s Governing Body under Article 15 of the treaty, >730,000 accessions of crop, tree, and forage germplasm conserved in CGIAR genebanks are made available under the terms and conditions of the multilateral system of access and benefit sharing, and the CGIAR centers have transferred almost 4 million samples of plant genetic resources under the system. Many activities of CGIAR centers and their genebanks (e.g., crop enhancement, improved agronomic methods, seed system strengthening, and capacity building) are influenced by, and promote, the Plant Treaty’s objectives. The continued existence and optimal functioning of the Plant Treaty’s multilateral system of access and benefit sharing is critically important to CGIAR in the pursuit of its mission. However, the multilateral system has encountered some challenges since the Plant Treaty came into force. The successful conclusion of the ongoing process for enhancing the functioning of the multilateral system could increase monetary benefit sharing and incentives for exchanging more germplasm. In the meantime, increased efforts are necessary to promote nonmonetary benefit sharing through partnerships, technology transfer, information exchange, and capacity building. These efforts should be integrated into countries’ and organizations’ work to implement the Plant Treaty’s provisions on conservation and sustainable use of plant genetic resources, and farmers’ rights

    Enhancement of the magnetocaloric effect driven by changes in the crystal structure of Al-doped GGG, Gd3Ga5−xAlxO12 (0 ≀x ≀5)

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    The Gd3Ga5−xAlxO12 (0 ≀ x ≀ 5) solid solution has been prepared using ceramic synthesis routes and the structural and magnetic properties were investigated using x-ray diffraction, magnetic susceptibility, χ, and isothermal magnetisation, M(H), measurements. Our results indicate a contraction of the unit cell and more significant antiferromagnetic interactions as x increases. Despite the decrease in the magnetic polarisation on the application of a field and the corresponding decrease in the change in the magnetic entropy, ΔS, we find that Gd3Al5O12 has a significantly higher observed (17%) and theoretical (14%) ΔS per unit mass than Gd3Ga5O12. The theoretical increase in ΔS per unit volume (7%) is offset by the increased antiferromagnetic interactions in Gd3Al5O12. The differences in ΔS are driven by a decrease in both the mass and the density as Al ions replace Ga ions. These results highlight the importance of changes to the crystal structure when considering materials for solid state magnetic cooling

    CGIAR genebank viability data reveal inconsistencies in seed collection management

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    Open Access Article; Published online: 09 Jul 2021Genebanks underpin global food security, conserving and distributing agrobiodiversity for use in research and breeding. The CGIAR collections include >700,000 seed accessions, held in trust as global public goods. However, the role of genebanks in contributing to global food security can only be realized if collections are effectively managed. Examination of the historical viability monitoring data from seven CGIAR genebanks confirmed that high seed viability was maintained for many decades for the various crops and forage species. However, departures from optimum management procedures were revealed, and there were insufficient data gathered to derive reliable estimates of longevity needed to better forecast regeneration requirements, estimate the size of seed lots that should be stored, and optimize accession monitoring intervals