530 research outputs found

    Femtosecond pulses and dynamics of molecular photoexcitation: RbCs example

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    We investigate the dynamics of molecular photoexcitation by unchirped femtosecond laser pulses using RbCs as a model system. This study is motivated by a goal of optimizing a two-color scheme of transferring vibrationally-excited ultracold molecules to their absolute ground state. In this scheme the molecules are initially produced by photoassociation or magnetoassociation in bound vibrational levels close to the first dissociation threshold. We analyze here the first step of the two-color path as a function of pulse intensity from the low-field to the high-field regime. We use two different approaches, a global one, the 'Wavepacket' method, and a restricted one, the 'Level by Level' method where the number of vibrational levels is limited to a small subset. The comparison between the results of the two approaches allows one to gain qualitative insights into the complex dynamics of the high-field regime. In particular, we emphasize the non-trivial and important role of far-from-resonance levels which are adiabatically excited through 'vertical' transitions with a large Franck-Condon factor. We also point out spectacular excitation blockade due to the presence of a quasi-degenerate level in the lower electronic state. We conclude that selective transfer with femtosecond pulses is possible in the low-field regime only. Finally, we extend our single-pulse analysis and examine population transfer induced by coherent trains of low-intensity femtosecond pulses.Comment: 25 pages, 12 figure

    Enfermedad carcinoide cardiaca multivalvular

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    ResumenHombre de 67 años de edad, enviado a valoración ecocardiográfica por cuadro clínico de 6meses de evolución con: disnea de esfuerzo, edemas de miembros inferiores y fatiga. Se encuentra doble lesión de la válvula tricúspide con: estenosis e insuficiencia severa, insuficiencia pulmonar severa; y compromiso valvular izquierdo con: insuficiencia mitral y aórtica severas, asociadas a engrosamiento y rigidez valvular. El paciente tenía como antecedente tumor neuroendocrino de íleon, metastásico a pulmón e hígado.En este caso se discuten los hallazgos ecocardiográficos característicos del síndrome carcinoide con compromiso multivalvular como hallazgo inusual de este raro síndrome.AbstractA 67 year-old man is sent to echocardiographic assessment for 6 month history of exertional: dyspnea, edema of the lower extremities, fatigue, double lesions in tricuspid valve with: severe stenosis and severe regurgitation, severe pulmonary valve regurgitation; and left side valvular disease with: severe aortic regurgitation and severe mitral regurgitation, all of them associated with valvular thickening, rigidity, in a patient with history of neuroendocrine tumor, with lung and liver metastases.This case discuss the echocardiographic findings suggestive of carcinoid multivalvular and left side valvular disease as unusual finding in this rare syndrome

    Application of the sine-cosine algorithm to the optimal design of a closed coil helical spring

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    This paper proposes the application of the sinecosine algorithm (SCA) to the optimal design of a closed coil helical spring. The optimization problem addressed corresponds to the minimization of total spring volume subject to physical constraints that represents the closed coil helical spring such as maximum working load, shear stress, and minimum diameter requirements, among other. The resulting mathematical formulation is a complex nonlinear and non-convex optimization model that is typically addressed in literature with trial and error methods or heuristic algorithms. To solve this problem efficiently, the SCA is proposed in this research. This optimization algorithm belongs to the family of the metaheuristic optimization techniques, it works with controlled random processes guided by sine and cosine trigonometric functions, that allows exploring and exploiting the solution space in order to find the best solution to the optimization problem. By presenting as main advantage an easy implementation at any programming language using sequential quadratic programming; eliminating the need to uses specialized and costly software. Numerical results demonstrating that the proposes SCA allows reaching lower spring volume values in comparison with literature approaches, such as genetic algorithms, particle swarm optimization methods, among others. All the numerical simulations have been implemented in the MATLAB software

    Role of CXCL13 in the formation of the meningeal tertiary lymphoid organ in multiple sclerosis [version 3; referees: 2 approved]

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    Immunomodulatory therapies available for the treatment of patients with multiple sclerosis (MS) accomplish control and neutralization of peripheral immune cells involved in the activity of the disease cascade but their spectrum of action in the intrathecal space and brain tissue is limited, taking into consideration the persistence of oligoclonal bands and the variation of clones of lymphoid cells throughout the disease span. In animal models of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE), the presence of CXCL13 has been associated with disease activity and the blockade of this chemokine could work as a potential complementary therapeutic strategy in patients with MS in order to postpone disease progression. The development of therapeutic alternatives with ability to modify the intrathecal inflammatory activity of the meningeal tertiary lymphoid organ to ameliorate neurodegeneration is mandatory

    Evidence of disease control: a realistic concept beyond NEDA in the treatment of multiple sclerosis [version 1; referees: 2 approved]

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    Although no evidence of disease activity (NEDA) permits evaluation of response to treatment in the systematic follow-up of patients with multiple sclerosis (MS), its ability to accomplish detection of surreptitious activity of disease is limited, thus being unable to prevent patients from falling into a non-reversible progressive phase of disease. A protocol of evaluation based on the use of validated biomarkers that is conducted at an early stage of disease would permit the capture of abnormal neuroimmunological phenomena and lead towards intervention with modifying therapy before tissue damage has been reached

    Role of CXCL13 in the formation of the meningeal tertiary lymphoid organ in multiple sclerosis [version 2; referees: 2 approved]

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    Immunomodulatory therapies available for the treatment of patients with multiple sclerosis (MS) accomplish control and neutralization of peripheral immune cells involved in the activity of the disease cascade but their spectrum of action in the intrathecal space and brain tissue is limited, taking into consideration the persistence of oligoclonal bands and the variation of clones of lymphoid cells throughout the disease span. In animal models of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE), the presence of CXCL13 has been associated with disease activity and the blockade of this chemokine could work as a potential complementary therapeutic strategy in patients with MS in order to postpone disease progression. The development of therapeutic alternatives with ability to modify the intrathecal inflammatory activity of the meningeal tertiary lymphoid organ to ameliorate neurodegeneration is mandatory

    Desempeño agronómico y valor nutritivo de Tithonia diversifolia (Hemsl.) A Gray para la alimentación de bovinos

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    The traditional livestock, due to the pressure exerted on the resources, must undergo a transformation that includes elements that allow the sustainability of the activity in the productive environment. The implementation of silvopastoral systems constitute a viable alternative for the improvement of production through the inclusion of woody species in the pasture for the formation of different plant stratum, which brings multiple benefits to the bovine productive cycle. The selection of these species should be carried out taking into account agronomic and compositional aspects to optimize animal response. This paper presents a review of the Mexican Sunflower (Tithonia diversifolia - (Asteraceae)), in feeding cattle. Main ways of establishment, nutrient content, biomass production, effect on the soil due to its use as a green manure and their productive effects in the diet of ruminants are described. Mexican Sunflower (Tithonia diversifolia) can be established by sexual or vegetative seed. Its nutritional composition shows high levels of protein and soluble carbohydrates, low neutral detergent fiber content (NDF), and balanced levels of minerals. The establishment of this specie and its use as green manure can improve soil fertility to increase production and yield of the pasture. These characteristics give it a high potential in bovine feeding, either as a resource for browsing, processed in flour or silage, to reduce production costs in livestock farms.La producción ganadera tradicional debido a la presión ejercida sobre los recursos, debe sufrir una transformación que incluya elementos que permitan la sostenibilidad de la actividad en el entorno productivo. La implementación de sistemas silvopastoriles se constituye en una alternativa viable para el mejoramiento de la producción a través de la inclusión de especies leñosas en el potrero para la formación de diferentes estratos, que generen múltiples beneficios a todos los elementos del ciclo bovino. La selección de las especies silvopastoriles debe ser realizada teniendo en cuenta aspectos agronómicos y composicionales para optimizar la respuesta animal. Este documento presenta una revisión sobre el potencial agronómico, la calidad nutricional y el uso del Botón de oro (Tithonia diversifolia – Asteraceae) en la alimentación de bovinos. Se describen las principales formas de establecimiento, contenido de nutrientes, producción de biomasa, acción en el suelo debido a su uso como abono verde y sus efectos productivos en la dieta de los rumiantes. El establecimiento del Botón de oro (Tithonia diversifolia), puede ser realizado a través de semilla sexual y vegetativa. Su composición nutricional muestra niveles elevados de proteína y carbohidratos solubles, bajo contenido de FDN, y niveles adecuados de minerales, su establecimiento y uso como abono verde  puede mejorar las condiciones de fertilidad del suelo para aumentar la producción y rendimiento del pasto. Estas características  le confieren una alto potencial en la alimentación bovina, ya sea como recurso para ramoneo,  procesado  en harina o ensilado, para reducir los costos de producción en explotaciones ganaderas

    Sistema de localización de bajo costo y alta prestación para una plataforma robótica móvil

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    Se detalla la implementación un sistema de localización de bajo costo y alta prestación para plataformas robóticas móviles, el cual combina información odométrica relativa con información absoluta. Se consideran los aspectos tenidos en cuenta para adquirir la información suministrada por un mouse óptico y un compás magnético como elementos de estimación de la posición en el robot Giraa_02