89 research outputs found

    Parallel Sparse Matrix-Matrix Multiplication and Indexing: Implementation and Experiments

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    Generalized sparse matrix-matrix multiplication (or SpGEMM) is a key primitive for many high performance graph algorithms as well as for some linear solvers, such as algebraic multigrid. Here we show that SpGEMM also yields efficient algorithms for general sparse-matrix indexing in distributed memory, provided that the underlying SpGEMM implementation is sufficiently flexible and scalable. We demonstrate that our parallel SpGEMM methods, which use two-dimensional block data distributions with serial hypersparse kernels, are indeed highly flexible, scalable, and memory-efficient in the general case. This algorithm is the first to yield increasing speedup on an unbounded number of processors; our experiments show scaling up to thousands of processors in a variety of test scenarios

    An Indictment of Bright Line Tests for Honest Services Mail Fraud

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    Sparse matrix-matrix multiplication (SpGEMM) is a computational primitive that is widely used in areas ranging from traditional numerical applications to recent big data analysis and machine learning. Although many SpGEMM algorithms have been proposed, hardware specific optimizations for multi- and many-core processors are lacking and a detailed analysis of their performance under various use cases and matrices is not available. We firstly identify and mitigate multiple bottlenecks with memory management and thread scheduling on Intel Xeon Phi (Knights Landing or KNL). Specifically targeting multi- and many-core processors, we develop a hash-table-based algorithm and optimize a heap-based shared-memory SpGEMM algorithm. We examine their performance together with other publicly available codes. Different from the literature, our evaluation also includes use cases that are representative of real graph algorithms, such as multi-source breadth-first search or triangle counting. Our hash-table and heap-based algorithms are showing significant speedups from libraries in the majority of the cases while different algorithms dominate the other scenarios with different matrix size, sparsity, compression factor and operation type. We wrap up in-depth evaluation results and make a recipe to give the best SpGEMM algorithm for target scenario. A critical finding is that hash-table-based SpGEMM gets a significant performance boost if the nonzeros are not required to be sorted within each row of the output matrix

    High-Quality Shared-Memory Graph Partitioning

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    Partitioning graphs into blocks of roughly equal size such that few edges run between blocks is a frequently needed operation in processing graphs. Recently, size, variety, and structural complexity of these networks has grown dramatically. Unfortunately, previous approaches to parallel graph partitioning have problems in this context since they often show a negative trade-off between speed and quality. We present an approach to multi-level shared-memory parallel graph partitioning that guarantees balanced solutions, shows high speed-ups for a variety of large graphs and yields very good quality independently of the number of cores used. For example, on 31 cores, our algorithm partitions our largest test instance into 16 blocks cutting less than half the number of edges than our main competitor when both algorithms are given the same amount of time. Important ingredients include parallel label propagation for both coarsening and improvement, parallel initial partitioning, a simple yet effective approach to parallel localized local search, and fast locality preserving hash tables

    RDMA vs. RPC for implementing distributed data structures

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    Distributed data structures are key to implementing scalable applications for scientific simulations and data analysis. In this paper we look at two implementation styles for distributed data structures: remote direct memory access (RDMA) and remote procedure call (RPC). We focus on operations that require individual accesses to remote portions of a distributed data structure, e.g., accessing a hash table bucket or distributed queue, rather than global operations in which all processors collectively exchange information. We look at the trade-offs between the two styles through microbenchmarks and a performance model that approximates the cost of each. The RDMA operations have direct hardware support in the network and therefore lower latency and overhead, while the RPC operations are more expressive but higher cost and can suffer from lack of attentiveness from the remote side. We also run experiments to compare the real-world performance of RDMA- and RPC-based data structure operations with the predicted performance to evaluate the accuracy of our model, and show that while the model does not always precisely predict running time, it allows us to choose the best implementation in the examples shown. We believe this analysis will assist developers in designing data structures that will perform well on current network architectures, as well as network architects in providing better support for this class of distributed data structures

    Implementing Push-Pull Efficiently in GraphBLAS

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    We factor Beamer's push-pull, also known as direction-optimized breadth-first-search (DOBFS) into 3 separable optimizations, and analyze them for generalizability, asymptotic speedup, and contribution to overall speedup. We demonstrate that masking is critical for high performance and can be generalized to all graph algorithms where the sparsity pattern of the output is known a priori. We show that these graph algorithm optimizations, which together constitute DOBFS, can be neatly and separably described using linear algebra and can be expressed in the GraphBLAS linear-algebra-based framework. We provide experimental evidence that with these optimizations, a DOBFS expressed in a linear-algebra-based graph framework attains competitive performance with state-of-the-art graph frameworks on the GPU and on a multi-threaded CPU, achieving 101 GTEPS on a Scale 22 RMAT graph.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figures, International Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP) 201

    Automatic Generation of Efficient Sparse Tensor Format Conversion Routines

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    This paper shows how to generate code that efficiently converts sparse tensors between disparate storage formats (data layouts) such as CSR, DIA, ELL, and many others. We decompose sparse tensor conversion into three logical phases: coordinate remapping, analysis, and assembly. We then develop a language that precisely describes how different formats group together and order a tensor's nonzeros in memory. This lets a compiler emit code that performs complex remappings of nonzeros when converting between formats. We also develop a query language that can extract statistics about sparse tensors, and we show how to emit efficient analysis code that computes such queries. Finally, we define an abstract interface that captures how data structures for storing a tensor can be efficiently assembled given specific statistics about the tensor. Disparate formats can implement this common interface, thus letting a compiler emit optimized sparse tensor conversion code for arbitrary combinations of many formats without hard-coding for any specific combination. Our evaluation shows that the technique generates sparse tensor conversion routines with performance between 1.00 and 2.01×\times that of hand-optimized versions in SPARSKIT and Intel MKL, two popular sparse linear algebra libraries. And by emitting code that avoids materializing temporaries, which both libraries need for many combinations of source and target formats, our technique outperforms those libraries by 1.78 to 4.01×\times for CSC/COO to DIA/ELL conversion.Comment: Presented at PLDI 202

    Unveiling Relations in the Industry 4.0 Standards Landscape based on Knowledge Graph Embeddings

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    Industry~4.0 (I4.0) standards and standardization frameworks have been proposed with the goal of \emph{empowering interoperability} in smart factories. These standards enable the description and interaction of the main components, systems, and processes inside of a smart factory. Due to the growing number of frameworks and standards, there is an increasing need for approaches that automatically analyze the landscape of I4.0 standards. Standardization frameworks classify standards according to their functions into layers and dimensions. However, similar standards can be classified differently across the frameworks, producing, thus, interoperability conflicts among them. Semantic-based approaches that rely on ontologies and knowledge graphs, have been proposed to represent standards, known relations among them, as well as their classification according to existing frameworks. Albeit informative, the structured modeling of the I4.0 landscape only provides the foundations for detecting interoperability issues. Thus, graph-based analytical methods able to exploit knowledge encoded by these approaches, are required to uncover alignments among standards. We study the relatedness among standards and frameworks based on community analysis to discover knowledge that helps to cope with interoperability conflicts between standards. We use knowledge graph embeddings to automatically create these communities exploiting the meaning of the existing relationships. In particular, we focus on the identification of similar standards, i.e., communities of standards, and analyze their properties to detect unknown relations. We empirically evaluate our approach on a knowledge graph of I4.0 standards using the Trans^* family of embedding models for knowledge graph entities. Our results are promising and suggest that relations among standards can be detected accurately.Comment: 15 pages, 7 figures, DEXA2020 Conferenc