128 research outputs found

    Het vergelijk van de toekomst

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    Dit boekje neemt de lezer mee naar de nieuwe wereld van de digitale ruimtelijke ordening. Een aantal van de problemen wordt uiteengezet, mogelijke oplossingen worden voorgesteld en er wordt vermeld wat op het gebied van de digitale ruimtelijke planning al is bereikt, via implementatie van DURP (Digitaal Uitwisselbare Ruimtelijke Plannen) en via de ondersteunende projecten in het kader van het kennisprogramma Ruimte voor Geo-informati

    Differences between young children's actual, self-perceived and parent-perceived aquatic skills

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    As drowning is a leading cause of unintentional injury/death in children worldwide, perceptions of their actual aquatic skills are of critical importance. Children’s self perceptions may influence the risks they take, and parental perceptions may influence the degree of supervision deemed to be necessary for children in and around water. Accordingly, we examined the differences between young children’s actual, self-perceived and parent-perceived aquatic skills. Using a three-way repeated measures ANCOVA, we analyzed data from 134 child-parent dyads (56.0% boys; M age ¼ 7.1, SD ¼ 1.1 years; and 71.6% mothers). We measured self and parental perceptions of the child’s aquatic skills with the ‘Pictorial Scale of Perceived Water Competence’ (PSPWC), and we applied the exact same 17 test items of the PSPWC to assess the child’s actual aquatic skill level in the water. Controlling for years of swimming school experience, within-subject differences between the total scores on the ‘Actual Aquatic Skills Test’ (AAST) and both the child- and parentcompleted PSPWC indicated lower than actual estimates of the children’s aquatic skill level. The degree of disagreement against the AAST was more pronounced in parents than in 6-7 year-old children but was similar between parents and 8-9 yearold children, with these patterns being evident regardless of the children’s sex. Our study contributes to an ongoing validation of the PSPWC and represents a key advance in assessing and comparing children’s actual and perceived aquatic skill competence, using perfectly aligned instruments. Future research and practice might explore children’s actual aquatic skills in different contexts (e.g., open water), include perspectives of non-parent caregivers and assess perceived and actual water competence across development

    Omgaan met digitale nationale beleidskaarten

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    In dit werkdocument worden de resultaten besproken van een casestudy die onderdeel is van het project GeO3 - Omgaan met onzekerheid binnen Ruimtelijke Ordening. De directie Platteland van het ministerie van LNV heeft bij het publiceren van het meerjarenprogramma van Agenda Vitaal Platteland geen digitale viewer gepubliceerd omdat men bang was voor verkeerde interpretatie van de digitale kaarten. In dit project is gekeken naar methoden en cartografische oplossingen om voortaan zonder angst voor misinterpretaties digitale nationale beleidskaarten te kunnen verspreiden. De oplossing is gezocht in het opstellen van een handreiking, zodat kaarten ook daadwerkelijk weergeven wat er bedoeld is door de maker

    Ontwerp webportaal nulversie; kennisinfrastructuur cultuurhistorie (KICH)

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    Het rapport beschrijft het ontwerp van de nulversie van het weportaal voor de cultuurhistorie. Per fase, de inventarisatie, informatieanalyse, logisch ontwerp en technisch ontwerp zijn de resultaten van het project in notities uitgewerkt. Na het afronden van de bouw van de nulversie van het webportaal is een acceptatietest en een usability test uitgevoerd. De bevindingen van beide testen zijn ook in dit rapport opgenomen

    Mammary Paget's disease occurring after mastectomy

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    BACKGROUND: Mammary Paget's disease and extramammary Paget's disease are neoplastic conditions, in which there is intraepithelial (usually intraepidermal) infiltration by neoplastic cells showing glandular differentiation. Mammary Paget's disease occurs exclusively on the nipple/areola complex from where it may spread to the surrounding skin. CASE PRESENTATION: We here describe a case of Paget's disease occurring on the thoracic wall site of a previous simple mastectomy, and also briefly summarise the most important aspects leading to a diagnosis of mammary Paget's disease. CONCLUSION: To the best of our knowledge, this is the first reported case of mammary Paget's disease occurring after mastectomy. The absence of the nipple/areola complex obviously raised some questions concerning whether it was mammary or extra-mammary Paget's disease, and how it could occur in the absence of the nipple/areola complex

    Irish pig farmer's perceptions and experiences of tail and ear biting.

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    peer-reviewedAbnormal behaviours such as ear and tail biting of pigs is of significant welfare and economic concern. Currently, pig welfare legislation is under renewed focus by the EU commission and is likely to be enforced more thoroughly. The legislation prohibits routine tail docking and requires adequate enrichment to be provided. In Ireland, tail-docking is still the most utilised control mechanism to combat tail biting, but biting is still widespread even in tail-docked pigs. In addition, as pig farms are almost all fully slatted, bedding type material cannot be provided. Thus, the opinions, and practices of farmers in countries like Ireland, which may need to make significant adaptations to typical pig management systems soon, need to be considered and addressed. We carried out a survey of pig farmers during 2015 in order to gain a greater understanding of the extent of biting on Irish farms, perception on the most important preventive measures, current enrichment use and actions following outbreaks. Fifty-eight farmers from 21 Counties responded with an average herd size of 710 ± 597 sows (range 90–3000 sows). Only two farms had experienced no biting in the last year. Of the farms that had experienced tail biting (88%), 86% had also experienced ear biting. The most common concerns relating to biting were condemnation and reduced productivity of bitten pigs with both receiving an average score of 4 (most serious). Ear biting occurred most commonly in the 2nd stage (approximately 47–81 days from weaning) weaner and tail biting in the finishing stage. The most important preventive measures were felt to be taking care of animal health, restricting density, maintaining an even quality of feed/content and maintaining good air movement. Sixty-five percent of respondents added additional enrichment following an outbreak. Chains were the most common form of enrichment currently used (83%). Those not using chains favoured wood, toys and rope (17%). Identification of the most effective and accessible control and prevention measures both for the animals and for the farming community is thus essential. Improved understanding of the concerns and practices of producers, which this survey contributes to, is a first step towards this aim

    Androgen-Induced Cell Migration: Role of Androgen Receptor/Filamin A Association

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    Background: Androgen receptor (AR) controls male morphogenesis, gametogenesis and prostate growth as well as development of prostate cancer. These findings support a role for AR in cell migration and invasiveness. However, the molecular mechanism involved in AR-mediated cell migration still remains elusive. Methodology/Principal Findings: Mouse embryo NIH3T3 fibroblasts and highly metastatic human fibrosarcoma HT1080 cells harbor low levels of transcriptionally incompetent AR. We now report that, through extra nuclear action, AR triggers migration of both cell types upon stimulation with physiological concentrations of the androgen R1881. We analyzed the initial events leading to androgen-induced cell migration and observed that challenging NIH3T3 cells with 10 nM R1881 rapidly induces interaction of AR with filamin A (FlnA) at cytoskeleton. AR/FlnA complex recruits integrin beta 1, thus activating its dependent cascade. Silencing of AR, FlnA and integrin beta 1 shows that this ternary complex controls focal adhesion kinase (FAK), paxillin and Rac, thereby driving cell migration. FAK-null fibroblasts migrate poorly and Rac inhibition by EHT impairs motility of androgen-treated NIH3T3 cells. Interestingly, FAK and Rac activation by androgens are independent of each other. Findings in human fibrosarcoma HT1080 cells strengthen the role of Rac in androgen signaling. The Rac inhibitor significantly impairs androgen-induced migration in these cells. A mutant AR, deleted of the sequence interacting with FlnA, fails to mediate FAK activation and paxillin tyrosine phosphorylation in androgen-stimulated cells, further reinforcing the role of AR/FlnA interaction in androgen-mediated motility. Conclusions/Significance: The present report, for the first time, indicates that the extra nuclear AR/FlnA/integrin beta 1 complex is the key by which androgen activates signaling leading to cell migration. Assembly of this ternary complex may control organ development and prostate cancer metastasis

    Study protocol of KLIMOP: a cohort study on the wellbeing of older cancer patients in Belgium and the Netherlands

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Cancer is mainly a disease of older patients. In older cancer patients, additional endpoints such as quality of survival and daily functioning might be considered equally relevant as overall or disease free survival. However, these factors have been understudied using prospective designs focussing on older cancer patients. Therefore, this study will focus on the impact of cancer, ageing, and their interaction on the long-term wellbeing of older cancer patients.</p> <p>Methods/Design</p> <p>This study is an observational cohort study. We aim to recruit 720 cancer patients above 70 years with a new diagnosis of breast, prostate, lung or gastrointestinal cancer and two control groups: one control group of 720 patients above 70 years without a previous diagnosis of cancer and one control group of 720 cancer patients between 50 - 69 years newly diagnosed with breast, prostate, lung or gastrointestinal cancer. Data collection will take place at inclusion, after six months, after one year and every subsequent year until death or end of the study. Data will be collected through personal interviews (consisting of socio-demographic information, general health information, a comprehensive geriatric assessment, quality of life, health locus of control and a loneliness scale), a handgrip test, assessment of medical records, two buccal swabs and a blood sample from cancer patients (at baseline). As an annex study, caregivers of the participants will be recruited as well. Data collection for caregivers will consist of a self-administered questionnaire examining depression, coping, and burden.</p> <p>Discussion</p> <p>This extensive data collection will increase insight on how wellbeing of older cancer patients is affected by cancer (diagnosis and treatment), ageing, and their interaction. Results may provide new insights, which might contribute to the improvement of care for older cancer patients.</p