169 research outputs found

    Screening of Aroma-Producing Performance of Anticlostridial Lacticaseibacillus casei Strains

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    The cheesemaking industry is increasingly interested in using adjunct cultures with potential aromatic and anticlostridial activities. In this study, 34 Lb. paracasei and 2 Lb. rhamnosus strains were isolated from a semi-hard cheese and characterized for their proteolytic, esterase, and anticlostridial activity. Moreover, the strains were inoculated in a curd-based medium and the volatile compounds in the headspace of samples were evaluated by solid-phase microextraction–GC–MS analysis. Proteolytic activity was present in 30 strains, whereas only one Lb. paracasei strain showed esterase activity. All strains inhibited Cl. sporogenes, Cl. beijerinckii, and Cl. butyricum, and 18 isolates inhibited at least one Cl. tyrobutyricum strain. Principal component analysis and clustering analysis based on the volatilome grouped strains into three groups. One of these groups was characterized by high amounts of acids and esters and clustered with control samples inoculated with commercial starter cultures, suggesting similarity in the aroma profile. Strains belonging to this group with inhibitory effects against Cl. tyrobutyricum might be exploited as autochthonous adjunct cultures for the reduction of late-blowing defects in semi-hard cheeses

    Experimental results on the physical model of an USBR type II stilling basin

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    The present paper describes the experimental campaign carried on the physical model of the spillway of Lower Diamphwe Dam (Malawi), which is provided with a USBR type II stilling basin. Stilling basins are used in order to reduce the excessive kinetic energy of flowing water downstream of spillways. Specifically, a USBR type II basin is provided with blocks at the end of the chute and with a confining dentated sill; these appurtenances allow to dissipate excess energy with high efficiency. The study focuses on the hydraulic behavior of the stilling basin; tests were carried on for different values of incoming discharge and downstream water depth. Results show the dissipation efficiency of the stilling basin in terms of pressure fluctuation and the variability of the jump type with the hydraulic characteristics of the incoming and the downstream flow depths

    Management practices and forage quality affecting the contamination of milk with anaerobic spore‐forming bacteria

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    BACKGROUND: Anaerobic spore-forming bacteria (ASFB) in milk derive from the farm environment, and the use of silages and management practices are the main responsible of milk ASFB contamination. The aim of this study was to evaluate the relationships between feeding, milking routine and cow hygiene and milk and Grana Padano cheese (produced with and without lysozyme) ASFB contamination. RESULTS: The study involved 23 dairy farms. ASFB in corn silage were on average 2.34\ub10.87 log10 MPN g-1. For grass, Italian ryegrass and alfalfa, ASFB (log10 MPN g-1) were numerically higher for silages (3.22) than hays (2.85). The use of corn silages of high quality (high lactic and acetic acids concentrations) decreased the milk ASFB contamination, whilst the use of herbage silages did not affect it. The presence (>40%) of cows with dirty udders increased the ASFB contamination of milk, while forestripping had a positive effect (-9% ASFB). Ripened Grana Padano had an ASFB count below the analytical limit; Clostridium tyrobutyricum DNA was found only in wheels produced without lysozyme, which also showed late blowing. CONCLUSION: The factors increasing milk spore contamination were corn silage quality, cow udder hygiene and inadequate milking routine. Late blowing was present only in cheeses without lysozyme

    Analysis of new control applications

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    This document reports the results of the activities performed during the first year of the CRUTIAL project, within the Work Package 1 "Identification and description of Control System Scenarios". It represents the outcome of the analysis of new control applications in the Power System and the identification of critical control system scenarios to be explored by the CRUTIAL project

    Variazioni stagionali di indicatori di benessere in allevamenti lombardi di bovine da latte in aree di pianura, collinari e pedemontane

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    One of the main priorities of the agricultural EU policies is to set up valid, reliable and feasible indicators for on-farm welfare assessment. The EU Welfare Quality\uae project has developed a set of valid and feasible indicators, that have also been tested for inter-observer repeatability. For those indicators, repeatability between different times of survey has already been tested, but always within limited time spans; therefore, we have no information about their long-term repeatability, e.g. in extremely different seasonal conditions. We can hypothesize that more or less marked seasonal variations can occur, depending on farms\u2019 geographical location. In order to verify this hypothesis, we collected some welfare indicators, derived from the Welfare Quality\uae protocol, in 22 dairy farms located in plain, hilly and piedmont areas in Lumbardy, both in summer and in winter. No differences between seasons were found for presence of hairless patch areas, lameness, avoidance distance at the feeding rack (used to evaluate human-animal relationship) and for the other behavioural indicators. The percentage of cow that are too lean was higher in winter, especially in piedmont farms, where the climate is more severe. In fact, a long cold period, with rain, snow and wind, may cause an increase of energy consumption that, in turn, can make cows loose weight. The percentage of cows with diarrhoea was higher in winter, probably due to a reduction of digestion efficiency, induced by low environmental temperatures, that increased the sensibility of cows to enteric pathologies. We may conclude that the geographic location of the farms affected the repeatability of some welfare indicators in different seasons. The present study was carried out in the frame of the EULAT project, supported by Lumbardy Region, and that aims at the valorization of an excellent production chain \u2013 in terms of environmental sustainability, animal welfare and nutritional quality for the production of milk and dairy products

    Integration of a Smartphone HF-Dedicated App in the Remote Monitoring of Heart Failure Patients with Cardiac Implantable Electronic Devices: Patient Access, Acceptance, and Adherence to Use

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    (200 w) Introduction. Remote monitoring (RM) of cardiac implantable electronic device (CIED) diagnostics helps to identify patients potentially at risk of worsening heart failure (HF). Additionally, knowledge of patient HF-related symptoms is crucial for decision making. Patient smartphone applications may represent an ideal option to remotely collect this information. Purpose. To assess real-world HF patient access, acceptance, and adherence to use of an HF-dedicated smartphone application (HF app). Methods. In this study, 10 Italian hospitals administered a survey on smartphone/app use to HF patients with CIED. The subgroup who accepted it downloaded the HF app. Mean 1-year adherence of the HF app use was evaluated. Results. A total of 495 patients (67 ± 13 years, 79% males, 26% NYHA III–IV) completed the survey, of which 84% had access to smartphones and 85% were willing to use the HF app. In total, 311/495 (63%) downloaded the HF app. Patients who downloaded the HF app were younger and had higher school qualification. Patients who were ≥60 years old had higher mean 1-year adherence (54.1%) than their younger counterparts (42.7%; p < 0.001). Hospitals with RM-dedicated staff had higher mean 1-year patient adherence (64.0% vs. 33.5%; p < 0.001). Adherence to HF app decreased from 63.3% (weeks_1–13) to 42.2% (weeks_40–52, p < 0.001). Conclusions. High access and acceptance of smartphones/apps by HF patients with CIED allow HF app use for RM of patient signs/symptoms. Younger patients with higher school qualifications are more likely to accept HF app; however, older patients have higher long-term adherence

    Evaluación del uso de los cementos de ionómetros vítreos en la práctica diaria

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    Los Cementos de ionómeros vítreos (CIV) son usados como biomateriales por sus amplias aplicaciones clínicas y múltiples ventajas. Los objetivos de este trabajo fueron determinar si los profesionales utilizan o no en la práctica diaria los cementos de ionómeros vítreos y tratar de identificar el porqué, como así también validar o innovar la metodología en la enseñanza de este material, en la Cátedra de Operatoria I “B”. Materiales y Métodos: Los datos se obtuvieron de un cuestionario anónimo autoadministrado, con preguntas cerradas en una muestra aleatoria de 148 odontólogos, con un período promedio de diez años de egresado, pertenecientes al padrón de prestadores del Círculo Odontológico de Córdoba. Resultados: El 80,41 % de los encuestados afirmaron que utilizan el CIV. El 19,59 % que no lo usa opina que es costoso y que algunas obras sociales no lo reconocen (89,66%). El 56,08 % refiere que los aplica como base o relleno y que prefiere como mecanismo de endurecimiento la fotopolimerización (56,76%). Al valorar las ventajas el 53,38 % destacó la liberación de fluoruro y propiedades físico-mecánicas similares a la dentina. Como desventaja el 54,73 % destacó la necesidad de proporcionarlo adecuadamente y el costo elevado. Para la compra del producto, el criterio de selección es el consejo del vendedor y el costo material (54,73%). En conclusión es utilizado por un alto porcentaje de odontólogos generalistas, de lo que se deduce que fue adecuada la incorporación de este contenido en la enseñanza preclínica de gradopublishedVersio

    Methodologies synthesis

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    This deliverable deals with the modelling and analysis of interdependencies between critical infrastructures, focussing attention on two interdependent infrastructures studied in the context of CRUTIAL: the electric power infrastructure and the information infrastructures supporting management, control and maintenance functionality. The main objectives are: 1) investigate the main challenges to be addressed for the analysis and modelling of interdependencies, 2) review the modelling methodologies and tools that can be used to address these challenges and support the evaluation of the impact of interdependencies on the dependability and resilience of the service delivered to the users, and 3) present the preliminary directions investigated so far by the CRUTIAL consortium for describing and modelling interdependencies

    Draft Genome Sequence of Clostridium tyrobutyricum Strain DIVETGP, Isolated from Cow's Milk for Grana Padano Production

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    We announce the draft genome sequence of Clostridium tyrobutyricum strain DIVETGP. This strain was isolated from cow's milk used for Grana Padano cheese production. The genome was obtained using Illumina HiSeq technology and comprises 45 contigs for 3,018,999\ua0bp, with a G+C content of 30.8%