14 research outputs found

    Second-order sensitivity of parallel shear flows and optimal spanwise-periodic flow modifications

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    The question of optimal spanwise-periodic modification for the stabilisation of spanwise-invariant flows is addressed. A 2nd-order sensitivity analysis is conducted for the linear temporal stability of parallel flows U0 subject to small-amplitude spanwise-periodic modification e*U1, e<<1. Spanwise-periodic modifications have a quadratic effect on stability, i.e. the 1st-order eigenvalue variation is zero. A 2nd-order sensitivity operator is computed from a 1D calculation, allowing one to predict how eigenvalues are affected by any U1, without actually solving for modified eigenvalues/eigenmodes. Comparisons with full 2D stability calculations in a plane channel flow and in a mixing layer show excellent agreement. Next, optimisation is performed on the 2nd-order sensitivity operator: for each eigenmode streamwise wavenumber and base flow modification spanwise wavenumber b, the most stabilising profiles U1 are computed, together with lower bounds for the variation in leading eigenvalue. These bounds increase like b^-2 as b goes to 0, yielding a large stabilising potential. However, 3D modes with wavenumbers |b0|=b and b/2 are destabilised, thus larger control wavenumbers should be preferred. The modification U1 optimised for the most unstable streamwise wavenumber has a stabilising effect on other streamwise wavenumbers too. Finally, the potential of transient growth to amplify perturbations and stabilise the flow is assessed. Combined optimal perturbations that achieve the best balance between transient linear amplification and flow stabilisation are determined. In the mixing layer with b<1.5, these combined optimal perturbations appear similar to transient growth-only optimal perturbations, and achieve a more efficient overall stabilisation than optimal 1D and 2D modifications computed for stabilisation only. This is consistent with the efficiency of streak-based control strategies.Comment: 23 pages, 15 figure

    From thin plates to Ahmed bodies: linear and weakly non-linear stability of rectangular prisms

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    We study the stability of laminar wakes past three-dimensional rectangular prisms. The width-to-height ratio is set to W/H=1.2W/H=1.2, while the length-to-height ratio 1/6<L/H<31/6<L/H<3 covers a wide range of geometries from thin plates to elongated Ahmed bodies. First, global linear stability analysis yields a series of pitchfork and Hopf bifurcations: (i) at lower Reynolds numbers ReRe, two stationary modes, AA and BB, become unstable, breaking the top/bottom and left/right planar symmetries, respectively; (ii) at larger ReRe, two oscillatory modes become unstable and, again, each mode breaks one of the two symmetries. The critical ReRe of these four modes increase with L/HL/H, qualitatively reproducing the trend of stationary and oscillatory bifurcations in axisymmetric wakes (e.g. thin disk, sphere and bullet-shaped bodies). Next, a weakly non-linear analysis based on the two stationary modes AA and BB yields coupled amplitude equations. For Ahmed bodies, as ReRe increases state (A,0)(A,0) appears first, followed by state (0,B)(0,B). While there is a range of bistability of those two states, only (0,B)(0,B) remains stable at larger ReRe, similar to the static wake deflection (across the larger base dimension) observed in the turbulent regime. The bifurcation sequence, including bistability and hysteresis, is validated with fully non-linear direct numerical simulations, and is shown to be robust to variations in WW and LL in the range of common Ahmed bodies

    Second-order sensitivity of parallel shear flows and optimal spanwise-periodic flowmodifications

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    The question of optimal spanwise-periodic modification for the stabilisation of spanwise-invariant flows is addressed. A second-order sensitivity analysis is conducted for the linear temporal stability of parallel flows U0U_{0} subject to small-amplitude spanwise-periodic modification ϵU1,ϵ≪1{\it\epsilon}U_{1},{\it\epsilon}\ll 1 .It is known that spanwise-periodic flow modifications have a quadratic effect on stability properties, i.e. the first-order eigenvalue variation is zero, hence the need for a second-order analysis. A second-order sensitivity operator is computed from a one-dimensional calculation, which allows one to predict how eigenvalues are affected by any flow modification U1U_{1} , without actually solving for modified eigenvalues and eigenmodes. Comparisons with full two-dimensional stability calculations in a plane channel flow and in a mixing layer show excellent agreement. Next, optimisation is performed on the second-order sensitivity operator: for each eigenmode streamwise wavenumber α0{\it\alpha}_{0} and base flow modification spanwise wavenumber β{\it\beta} , the most stabilising/destabilising profiles U1U_{1} are computed, together with lower/upper bounds for the variation in leading eigenvalue. These bounds increase like β−2{\it\beta}^{-2} as β{\it\beta} goes to zero, thus yielding a large stabilising potential. However, three-dimensional modes with wavenumbers β0=±β{\it\beta}_{0}=\pm {\it\beta} , ±β/2\pm {\it\beta}/2 are destabilised, and therefore larger control wavenumbers should be preferred. The most stabilising U1U_{1} optimised for the most unstable streamwise wavenumber α0,max{\it\alpha}_{0,max} has a stabilising effect on modes with other α0{\it\alpha}_{0} values too. Finally, the potential of transient growth to amplify perturbations and stabilise the flow is assessed with a combined optimisation. Assuming a separation of time scales between the fast unstable mode and the slow transient evolution of the optimal perturbations, combined optimal perturbations that achieve the best balance between transient linear amplification and stabilisation of the nominal shear flow are determined. In the mixing layer with β⩽1.5{\it\beta}\leqslant 1.5 , these combined optimal perturbations appear similar to transient growth-only optimal perturbations, and achieve a more efficient overall stabilisation than optimal spanwise-periodic and spanwise-invariant modifications computed for stabilisation only. These results are consistent with the efficiency of streak-based control strategie

    Homogenization-based design of microstructured membranes: Wake flows past permeable shells

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    A formal framework to characterize and control/optimize the flow past permeable membranes by means of a homogenization approach is proposed and applied to the wake flow past a permeable cylindrical shell. From a macroscopic viewpoint, a Navier-like effective stress jump condition is employed to model the presence of the membrane, in which the normal and tangential velocities at the membrane are respectively proportional to the so-called filtrability and slip numbers multiplied by the stresses. Regarding the particular geometry considered here, a characterization of the steady flow for several combinations of constant filtrability and slip numbers shows that the flow morphology is dominantly influenced by the filtrability and exhibits a recirculation region that moves downstream of the body and eventually disappears as this number increases. A linear stability analysis further shows the suppression of vortex shedding as long as large values of the filtrability number are employed. In the control/optimization phase, specific objectives for the macroscopic flow are formulated by adjoint methods. A homogenization-based inverse procedure is proposed to obtain the optimal constrained microscopic geometry from macroscopic objectives, which accounts for fast variations of the filtrability and slip profiles along the membrane. As a test case for the proposed design methodology, a cylindrical membrane is designed to maximize the resulting drag coefficient