152 research outputs found

    Compact groups of dwarf galaxies in TNG50: late hierarchical assembly and delayed stellar build-up in the low-mass regime

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    Compact groups of dwarf galaxies (CGDs) have been observed at low redshifts (z<0.1z<0.1) and are direct evidence of hierarchical assembly at low masses. To understand the formation of CGDs and the galaxy assembly in the low-mass regime, we search for analogues of compact (radius 100\leq 100 kpc) groups of dwarfs (7log[M/M]9.57 \leq \log[M_{\ast}/{\rm M}_\odot] \leq 9.5) in the IllustrisTNG highest-resolution simulation. Our analysis shows that TNG50-1 can successfully produce CGDs at z=0z=0 with realistic total and stellar masses. We also find that the CGD number density decreases towards the present, especially at z0.26z \lesssim 0.26, reaching n103.5n \approx 10^{-3.5} cMpc3\rm cMpc^{-3} at z=0z = 0. This prediction can be tested observationally with upcoming surveys targeting the faint end of the galaxy population and is essential to constrain galaxy evolution models in the dwarf regime. The majority of simulated groups at z0z \sim 0 formed recently (1.5 Gyr\lesssim 1.5 \ \rm Gyr), and CGDs identified at z0.5z \leq 0.5 commonly take more than 1 Gyr to merge completely, giving origin to low- to intermediate-mass (8log[M/M]108 \leq \log[M_{\ast}/{\rm M}_\odot] \leq 10) normally star-forming galaxies at z=0z=0. We find that halos hosting CGDs at z=0z = 0 formed later when compared to halos of similar mass, having lower stellar masses and higher total gas fractions. The simulations suggest that CGDs observed at z0z \sim 0 arise from a late hierarchical assembly in the last 3\sim 3 Gyr, producing rapid growth in total mass relative to stellar mass and creating dwarf groups with median halo masses of 1011.3\sim 10^{11.3} M\rm M_\odot and B-band mass-to-light ratios mostly in the range 10M/L10010 \lesssim M/L \lesssim 100, in agreement with previous theoretical and observational studies.Comment: 20 pages, 18 figures, 4 tables, accepted by MNRAS. Updated to reflect minor changes made during the referring process. Nearest neighbour catalogues available at http://www.tng-project.org/floresfreitas2

    Impairment of germline transmission after blastocyst injection with murine embryonic stem cells cultured with mouse hepatitis virus and mouse minute virus

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    The aim of this study was to determine the susceptibility of murine embryonic stem (mESCs) to mouse hepatitis virus (MHV-A59) and mouse minute virus (MMVp) and the effect of these viruses on germline transmission (GLT) and the serological status of recipients and pups. When recipients received 10 blastocysts, each injected with 100 TCID50 MHV-A59, three out of five recipients and four out of 14 pups from three litters became seropositive. When blastocysts were injected with 10−5 TCID50 MMVp, all four recipients and 14 pups from four litters remained seronegative. The mESCs replicated MHV-A59 but not MMVp, MHV-A59 being cytolytic for mESCs. Exposure of mESCs to the viruses over four to five passages but not for 6 h affected GLT. Recipients were seropositive for MHV-A59 but not for MMVp when mESCs were cultured with the virus over four or five passages. The data show that GLT is affected by virus-contaminated mESCs

    Atomic force microscopy analysis of nanoparticles in non-ideal conditions

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    Nanoparticles are often measured using atomic force microscopy or other scanning probe microscopy methods. For isolated nanoparticles on flat substrates, this is a relatively easy task. However, in real situations, we often need to analyze nanoparticles on rough substrates or nanoparticles that are not isolated. In this article, we present a simple model for realistic simulations of nanoparticle deposition and we employ this model for modeling nanoparticles on rough substrates. Different modeling conditions (coverage, relaxation after deposition) and convolution with different tip shapes are used to obtain a wide spectrum of virtual AFM nanoparticle images similar to those known from practice. Statistical parameters of nanoparticles are then analyzed using different data processing algorithms in order to show their systematic errors and to estimate uncertainties for atomic force microscopy analysis of nanoparticles under non-ideal conditions. It is shown that the elimination of user influence on the data processing algorithm is a key step for obtaining accurate results while analyzing nanoparticles measured in non-ideal conditions

    Recent progress towards development of effective systemic chemotherapy for the treatment of malignant brain tumors

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    Systemic chemotherapy has been relatively ineffective in the treatment of malignant brain tumors even though systemic chemotherapy drugs are small molecules that can readily extravasate across the porous blood-brain tumor barrier of malignant brain tumor microvasculature. Small molecule systemic chemotherapy drugs maintain peak blood concentrations for only minutes, and therefore, do not accumulate to therapeutic concentrations within individual brain tumor cells. The physiologic upper limit of pore size in the blood-brain tumor barrier of malignant brain tumor microvasculature is approximately 12 nanometers. Spherical nanoparticles ranging between 7 nm and 10 nm in diameter maintain peak blood concentrations for several hours and are sufficiently smaller than the 12 nm physiologic upper limit of pore size in the blood-brain tumor barrier to accumulate to therapeutic concentrations within individual brain tumor cells. Therefore, nanoparticles bearing chemotherapy that are within the 7 to 10 nm size range can be used to deliver therapeutic concentrations of small molecule chemotherapy drugs across the blood-brain tumor barrier into individual brain tumor cells. The initial therapeutic efficacy of the Gd-G5-doxorubicin dendrimer, an imageable nanoparticle bearing chemotherapy within the 7 to 10 nm size range, has been demonstrated in the orthotopic RG-2 rodent malignant glioma model. Herein I discuss this novel strategy to improve the effectiveness of systemic chemotherapy for the treatment of malignant brain tumors and the therapeutic implications thereof

    Mesenchymales Chondrosarkom im Bereich der Otobasis bei einem 9-jährigen Knaben

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    Pharyngokutane Fistel durch mechanische Irritation bei Z.n. Laryngektomie

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    Einleitung: Nach Tracheotomie oder Laryngektomie kommt es insbesondere in den ersten postoperativen Wochen aber auch darüber hinaus zu einer vermehrten Trachealsekretbildung. Diese wird verursacht durch eine mechanische Reizung der Schleimhaut durch die Trachealkanüle sowie eine fehlende Befeuchtung und Erwärmung der Atemluft. Durch falsche oder unzureichende Pflege des Tracheostomas kann eine peristomale Schädigung der Haut resultieren.Kasuistik: Eine 73-jährige kachektische Patientin (BMI 16,5 kg/m²) mit Z.n. Laryngektomie mit Teilpharyngektomie eines pT4 Hypopharynxkarzinoms sowie adjuvanter Radiochemotherapie vor 17 Jahren stellte sich in unserer Klinik aufgrund einer neu aufgetretenen submentalen Speichelfistel vor. Klinisch imponierte eine ausgeprägte peristomale Hautulzeration. Diese war von der Patientin durch ein jahrelanges Abwischen von Trachealsekret herbeigeführt worden, sodass nur noch eine sehr dünne Schicht zwischen Hypopharynx und Ulcus bestand. Ein Lokalrezidiv konnte als Ursache ausgeschlossen werden. Fistel und Ulcus kranial des Stomas wurden mit einem M. pectoralis major Transplantat (PM) und kaudal des Stomas mit einem Deltopectoraltransplantat (DP) gedeckt. Aufgrund einer Transplantatnekrose des PM bei einer generalisierten Arteriosklerose der Patientin wurde im Verlauf die erneute Defektdeckung mit einem kontralateralen DP notwendig, wodurch der Fistelverschluss gelang. Schlussfolgerung: Die korrekte Tracheostomapflege ist zum Schutz der Haut vor Infektionen und Ulzerationen zwingend erforderlich. Um Sekretbildung zu vermeiden, sollte auf eine ausreichende Befeuchtung der Atemluft und den korrekten Sitz der Trachealkanüle geachtet werden. Mechanische Irritationen der peristomalen Hautpartie sollten vermieden und Läsionen konsequent behandelt werden.Der Erstautor gibt keinen Interessenkonflikt an