430 research outputs found

    High surface area, emulsion-templated carbon foams by activation of polyHIPEs derived from Pickering emulsions.

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    Carbon foams displaying hierarchical porosity and excellent surface areas of >1400 m2/g can be produced by the activation of macroporous poly(divinylbenzene). Poly(divinylbenzene) was synthesized from the polymerization of the continuous, but minority, phase of a simple high internal phase Pickering emulsion. By the addition of KOH, chemical activation of the materials is induced during carbonization, producing Pickering-emulsion templated carbon foams, or carboHIPEs, with tailorable macropore diameters and surface areas almost triple that of those previously reported. The retention of the customizable, macroporous open-cell structure of the poly(divinylbenzene) precursor and the production of a large degree of microporosity during activation leads to tailorable carboHIPEs with excellent surface areas

    Manufacturing Of Robust Natural Fiber Preforms Utilizing Bacterial Cellulose as Binder

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    We present a novel method of manufacturing rigid and robust short natural fiber preforms using a papermaking process. Bacterial cellulose acts simultaneously as the binder for the loose fibers and provides rigidity to the fiber preforms. These preforms can be infused with a resin to produce truly green hierarchical composites

    pH-triggered phase inversion and separation of hydrophobised bacterial cellulose stabilised Pickering emulsions

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    The pH-triggered transitional phase behaviour of Pickering emulsions stabilised by hydrophobised bacterial cellulose (BC) is reported in this work. Neat BC was esterified with acetic (C2–), hexanoic (C6–) and dodecanoic (C12–) acids, respectively. We observed that C6– and C12–BC stabilised emulsions exhibited a pH-triggered reversible transitional phase separation. Water-in-toluene emulsions containing of 60 vol.% dispersed phase stabilised by C6– and C12–BC were produced at pH 5. Lowering the pH of the aqueous phase to 1 did not affect the emulsion type. Increasing the pH to 14, however, caused the emulsions to phase separate. This phase separation was caused by electrostatic repulsion between modified BC due to dissociable acidic surface groups at high pH, which lowered the surface coverage of the water droplets by modified BC. When the pH was re-adjusted to 1 again, w/o emulsions re-formed for C6– and C12–BC stabilised emulsions. C2–BC stabilised emulsions, on the other hand, underwent an irreversible pH-triggered transitional phase separation and inversion. This difference in phase behaviour between C2–BC and C6–/C12–BC was attributed to the hydrolysis of the ester bonds of C2–BC at high pH. This hypothesis is in good agreement with the measured degree of surface substitution (DSS) of modified BC after the pH-triggered experiments. The DSS of C2–BC decreased by 20% whilst the DSS remained constant for C6– and C12–BC

    Surface functionalisation of bacterial cellulose as the route to produce green polylactide nanocomposites with improved properties

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    The effect of surface functionalisation of bacterial cellulose nanofibrils (BC) and their use as reinforcement for polylactide (PLLA) nanocomposites was investigated. BC was functionalised with various organic acids via an esterification reaction. This rendered the otherwise hydrophilic BC hydrophobic and resulted in better compatibility (interfacial adhesion) between PLLA and BC. A direct wetting method, allowing the determination of the contact angle of polymer droplets on a single BC nanofibre, was developed to quantify the interfacial adhesion between PLLA and functionalised BC. It was found that the contact angle between PLLA droplets and functionalised BC decreased with increasing chain lengths of the organic acids used to hydrophobise BC. A novel method to compound BC with PLLA based on thermally induced phase separation (TIPS) to yield a dry form of pre-extrusion composite was also developed. The mechanical properties of the surface functionalised BC reinforced PLLA nanocomposites showed significant improvements when compared to neat PLLA and BC reinforced PLLA. The thermal degradation and viscoelastic behaviour of the nanocomposites were also improved over neat PLLA

    Microwave curing of carbon-epoxy composites: Penetration depth and material characterisation

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    Microwave heating has several major advantages over conventional conductive heating when used to cure carbon–epoxy composites, especially in speed of processing. Despite this and many other well-known advantages, microwave heating of carbon–epoxy composites has not taken off in industry, or even academia, due to the problems associated with microwave energy distribution, arcing, tool design and (ultimately) part quality and consistency, thus leading to a large scepticism regarding the technique/technology for heating such type of materials. This paper presents some evidence which suggests that with the correct hardware and operating procedure/methodology, consistent and high quality carbon–epoxy laminates can be produced, with the possibility of scaling up the process, as demonstrated by the micro- and macro-scale mechanical test results. Additionally, the author proposes a methodology to practically measure the maximum microwave penetration depth of a carbon–epoxy composite material

    More Than Meets the Eye in Bacterial Cellulose: Biosynthesis, Bioprocessing, and Applications in Advanced Fiber Composites

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    Bacterial cellulose (BC) nanofibers are one of the stiffest organic materials produced by nature. It consists of pure cellulose without the impurities that are commonly found in plant-based cellulose. This review discusses the metabolic pathways of cellulose-producing bacteria and the genetic pathways of Acetobacter xylinum. The fermentative production of BC and the bioprocess parameters for the cultivation of bacteria are also discussed. The influence of the composition of the culture medium, pH, temperature, and oxygen content on the morphology and yield of BC are reviewed. In addition, the progress made to date on the genetic modification of bacteria to increase the yield of BC and the large-scale production of BC using various bioreactors, namely static and agitated cultures, stirred tank, airlift, aerosol, rotary, and membrane reactors, is reviewed. The challenges in commercial scale production of BC are thoroughly discussed and the efficiency of various bioreactors is compared. In terms of the application of BC, particular emphasis is placed on the utilization of BC in advanced fiber composites to manufacture the next generation truly green, sustainable and renewable hierarchical composites

    Multifunctional Structural Supercapacitor Composites Based on Carbon Aerogel Modified High Performance Carbon Fiber Fabric

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    It is well documented that bedrest has adverse outcomes for hospitalized patients. This is especially true for critically ill patients due to life support measures, invasive catheters, and mechanical ventilation. Consequences associated with bedrest in critical care patients include venous thromboembolism, ventilator associated pneumonia, pressure ulcer development, and muscle weakness. Respiratory muscle weakness is associated with prolonged ventilator support and delayed extubation. The Awakening and Breathing Coordination, Delirium Monitoring and Management, and Early Mobility (ABCDE) bundle uses evidence based practice to prevent and treat ICU acquired delirium and weakness. The bundle aims to do this by standardizing care processes in collaboration with the ICU team to promote early mobility in ventilated patients. The purpose of this research study was to determine if the implementation of an early mobility protocol decreased the number of ventilator days for patients who receive mechanical ventilation. A retrospective chart review was conducted at a 16 bed ICU. Group A included 30 subjects (n=30) who were treated pre implementation of the ABCDE bundle and Group B included 39 (n=39) subjects who were treated post implementation of the ABCDE bundle. There were less average ventilator days found in Group A in comparison to Group B. Additionally, there was a significant difference found in the ICU length of stay pre implementation (M=9.4, SD=4.4) and post implementation (M=5.7, SD=2.6) of the ABCDE bundle for early mobility, t (65) =4.3, p = 0.00005. The APRN can use the evidence in the ABCDE bundle to guide care to critically ill patients that are mechanically ventilated. Utilizing the ABCDE bundle additionally allows the APRN to be instrumental in improving patient outcomes through interdisciplinary collaboration

    Surface properties of chitin-glucan nanopapers from Agaricus bisporus

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    The structural component of fungal cell walls comprises of chitin covalently bonded to glucan; this constitutes a native composite material (chitin-glucan, CG) combining the strength of chitin and the toughness of glucan. It has a native nano-fibrous structure in contrast to nanocellulose, for which further nanofibrillation is required. Nanopapers can be manufactured from fungal chitin nanofibrils (FChNFs). FChNF nanopapers are potentially applicable in packaging films, composites, or membranes for water treatment due to their distinct surface properties inherited from the composition of chitin and glucan. Here, chitin-glucan nanofibrils were extracted from common mushroom (Agaricus bisporus) cell walls utilizing a mild isolation procedure to preserve the native quality of the chitin-glucan complex. These extracts were readily disintegrated into nanofibre dimensions by a low-energy mechanical blending, thus making the extract dispersion directly suitable for nanopaper preparation using a simple vacuum filtration process. Chitin-glucan nanopaper morphology, mechanical, chemical, and surface properties were studied and compared to chitin nanopapers of crustacean (Cancer pagurus) origin. It was found that fungal extract nanopapers had distinct physico-chemical surface properties, being more hydrophobic than crustacean chitin
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