31 research outputs found

    Management of surgical waiting list in public hospitals

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    Hospitals are considered public utility companies and are supposed to be non-profit institutions; usually they function in a politieal and highly complex environment. Managerial authority is shared between doctors and administrators and each of the two groups aims to formulate its own individual policies and pursue objectives that may not coincide or may even be in direct opposition to one another. This situation is certain to affeet hospital performance and it must be taken into account when proposing any kind of results analysis. Improving the efficieney of Hospital performance establishing quantitative target values to those objectives, some of them involving intangible benefits, is the main objective of any Hospital Administration. The purpose of this study is to analyze through the M.C.D.M. approach, the inner coherency of the goals expressed by administrative Authorities. Also, applying Multicriteria Decision techniques we intend to design the real performance of surgical services at a local general hospital offering the decision centre a suitable methodology that allows us to analyze whether or not it is possible to improve fue running of the services, taking into account all the real constraints, e.g. space, staff availability and financial support

    Planning a TV advertising campaign: A crisp multiobjective programming model from fuzzy basic data

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    This paper proposes a crisp two-objective logarithmic programming model to help companies decide their advertising campaigns on TV networks for mature products. Both objectives are: (a) to achieve the highest audience impact and (b) to reduce advertising costs as much as possible. Information input is fuzzily elaborated from statistical data, the fuzzy variables being defuzzified to introduce them into the crisp model. This fuzzy information is elicited by TV experts (often independent consultants). Although these experts know statistical information on audience in the past, they do not fully trust its predictive ability. The approach leads to the strategic advertisement (ad) placement among different broadcasts. Users (often managers of big companies) should inform the analyst about their advertising campaign budget. From Weber and Fechner-based psychological research, the ad impact during the advertising campaign is measured depending on the logarithm of ad repetitions. The crisp two-objective problem is solved by a tradeoff method subject to TV technical constraints. A case study with real world data is developed.Ad impact Weber and Fechner's logarithmic law Audience expectation Budgeting Multiobjective programming Fuzzy techniques

    Las matemáticas como soporte de las decisiones en economía y empresa.

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    La toma de decisiones sobre problemas propios de su ámbito competencial es una de las tareas de mayor importancia con las que se ha de enfrentar un titulado en Economía o en Gestión y/o Dirección de Empresas. El término “decisión” puede tener diferentes matices según en qué contexto se esté empleando (derecho, economía, ingeniería, etc.) pero en todos los casos existen elementos comunes sobre los que se puede razonar para construir un modelo, matemático o no, válido en cualquier situación. Un individuo enfrentado con la toma de decisiones debe escoger una alternativa dentro de un conjunto de acciones posibles. Para ello es necesario manejar y evaluar información acerca de factores muy diversos, algunos de ellos solo parcialmente conocidos, que influyen en los cursos de acción y en sus resultados. La Teoría de la Decisión, en este marco, es una disciplina matemática que incluye una amplia gama de métodos y modelos que afrontan el proceso de decisión desde diversas perspectivas o corrientes de pensamiento. Pretendemos, con este trabajo, explicitar las matemáticas que deben servir de soporte a tales métodos y modelos