803 research outputs found

    Spectrum and transition rates of the XX chain analyzed via Bethe ansatz

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    As part of a study that investigates the dynamics of the s=1/2 XXZ model in the planar regime |Delta|<1, we discuss the singular nature of the Bethe ansatz equations for the case Delta=0 (XX model). We identify the general structure of the Bethe ansatz solutions for the entire XX spectrum, which include states with real and complex magnon momenta. We discuss the relation between the spinon or magnon quasiparticles (Bethe ansatz) and the lattice fermions (Jordan-Wigner representation). We present determinantal expressions for transition rates of spin fluctuation operators between Bethe wave functions and reduce them to product expressions. We apply the new formulas to two-spinon transition rates for chains with up to N=4096 sites.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figure

    Two Dimensional Quantum Mechanical Modeling of Nanotransistors

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    Quantization in the inversion layer and phase coherent transport are anticipated to have significant impact on device performance in 'ballistic' nanoscale transistors. While the role of some quantum effects have been analyzed qualitatively using simple one dimensional ballistic models, two dimensional (2D) quantum mechanical simulation is important for quantitative results. In this paper, we present a framework for 2D quantum mechanical simulation of a nanotransistor / Metal Oxide Field Effect Transistor (MOSFET). This framework consists of the non equilibrium Green's function equations solved self-consistently with Poisson's equation. Solution of this set of equations is computationally intensive. An efficient algorithm to calculate the quantum mechanical 2D electron density has been developed. The method presented is comprehensive in that treatment includes the three open boundary conditions, where the narrow channel region opens into physically broad source, drain and gate regions. Results are presented for (i) drain current versus drain and gate voltages, (ii) comparison to results from Medici, and (iii) gate tunneling current, using 2D potential profiles. Methods to reduce the gate leakage current are also discussed based on simulation results.Comment: 12 figures. Journal of Applied Physics (to appear

    Two-Dimensional Quantum Model of a Nanotransistor

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    A mathematical model, and software to implement the model, have been devised to enable numerical simulation of the transport of electric charge in, and the resulting electrical performance characteristics of, a nanotransistor [in particular, a metal oxide/semiconductor field-effect transistor (MOSFET) having a channel length of the order of tens of nanometers] in which the overall device geometry, including the doping profiles and the injection of charge from the source, gate, and drain contacts, are approximated as being two-dimensional. The model and software constitute a computational framework for quantitatively exploring such device-physics issues as those of source-drain and gate leakage currents, drain-induced barrier lowering, and threshold voltage shift due to quantization. The model and software can also be used as means of studying the accuracy of quantum corrections to other semiclassical models

    Linkage analysis in a large kindred with autosomal dominant transmission of polyglandular autoimmune disease type II (Schmidt syndrome)

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    Schmidt syndrome (PGA syndrome type II) is a rare condition characterized by polyglandular failure. It is an autosomal dominant trait with variable expressivity that was inherited over four generations in an Indiana kindred. Association of HLA-B8 has been reported with Schmidt syndrome. Our proband is a 12-year-old boy with Addison disease, insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM), and vitiligo. Two of his eight sibs had either IDDM (sister) or vitiligo and hyperthyroidism (brother). His mother had hypothyroidism. Seven members of earlier generations apparently were also affected. We obtained peripheral blood for HLA and genetic analysis from 21 relatives in a family with 8 Schmidt syndrome individuals in three generations. HLA studies on 15 affected and unaffected relatives showed only 2 of 7 persons with B8-containing haplotypes. Therefore, no association exists between the B8-containing haplotype and the syndrome. We identified informative marker loci. No evidence for linkage of the Schmidt locus to any of the 14 markers was found and close linkage to esterase D and adenylate kinase and possibly properdin factor B was excluded

    Extended quantum critical phase in a magnetized spin-1/2 antiferromagnetic chain

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    Measurements are reported of the magnetic field dependence of excitations in the quantum critical state of the spin S=1/2 linear chain Heisenberg antiferromagnet copper pyrazine dinitrate (CuPzN). The complete spectrum was measured at k_B T/J <= 0.025 for H=0 and H=8.7 Tesla where the system is ~30% magnetized. At H=0, the results are in quantitative agreement with exact calculations of the dynamic spin correlation function for a two-spinon continuum. At high magnetic field, there are multiple overlapping continua with incommensurate soft modes. The boundaries of these continua confirm long-standing predictions, and the intensities are consistent with exact diagonalization and Bethe Ansatz calculations.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Quasiparticles governing the zero-temperature dynamics of the 1D spin-1/2 Heisenberg antiferromagnet in a magnetic field

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    The T=0 dynamical properties of the one-dimensional (1D) s=1/2s=1/2 Heisenberg antiferromagnet in a uniform magnetic field are studied via Bethe ansatz for cyclic chains of NN sites. The ground state at magnetization 0<Mz<N/20<M_z<N/2, which can be interpreted as a state with 2Mz2M_z spinons or as a state of MzM_z magnons, is reconfigured here as the vacuum for a different species of quasiparticles, the {\em psinons} and {\em antipsinons}. We investigate three kinds of quantum fluctuations, namely the spin fluctuations parallel and perpendicular to the direction of the applied magnetic field and the dimer fluctuations. The dynamically dominant excitation spectra are found to be sets of collective excitations composed of two quasiparticles excited from the psinon vacuum in different configurations. The Bethe ansatz provides a framework for (i) the characterization of the new quasiparticles in relation to the more familiar spinons and magnons, (ii) the calculation of spectral boundaries and densities of states for each continuum, (iii) the calculation of transition rates between the ground state and the dynamically dominant collective excitations, (iv) the prediction of lineshapes for dynamic structure factors relevant for experiments performed on a variety of quasi-1D antiferromagnetic compounds, including KCuF3_3, Cu(C4_4H4_4N2)(NO3)2_2)(NO_3)_2, and CuGeO3_3.Comment: 13 pages, 12 figure

    SWI/SNF Chromatin Remodeling Complexes and Cancer

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    The identification of mutations and deletions in the SMARCB1 locus in chromosome band 22q11.2 in pediatric rhabdoid tumors provided the first evidence for the involvement of the SWI/SNF chromatin remodeling complex in cancer. Over the last 15 years, alterations in more than 20 members of the complex have been reported in a variety of human tumors. These include germline mutations and copy number alterations in SMARCB1, SMARCA4, SMARCE1, and PBRM1 that predispose carriers to both benign and malignant neoplasms. Somatic mutations, structural abnormalities, or epigenetic modifications that lead to reduced or aberrant expression of complex members have now been reported in more than twenty percent of malignancies, including both solid tumors and hematologic disorders in both children and adults. In this review, we will highlight the role of SMARCB1 in cancer as a paradigm for other tumors with alterations in SWI/SNF complex members and demonstrate the broad spectrum of mutations observed in complex members in different tumor types

    Valence bond solid formalism for d-level one-way quantum computation

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    The d-level or qudit one-way quantum computer (d1WQC) is described using the valence bond solid formalism and the generalised Pauli group. This formalism provides a transparent means of deriving measurement patterns for the implementation of quantum gates in the computational model. We introduce a new universal set of qudit gates and use it to give a constructive proof of the universality of d1WQC. We characterise the set of gates that can be performed in one parallel time step in this model.Comment: 26 pages, 9 figures. Published in Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Genera

    Dynamical correlation functions of the XXZ model at finite temperature

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    Combining a lattice path integral formulation for thermodynamics with the solution of the quantum inverse scattering problem for local spin operators, we derive a multiple integral representation for the time-dependent longitudinal correlation function of the spin-1/2 Heisenberg XXZ chain at finite temperature and in an external magnetic field. Our formula reproduces the previous results in the following three limits: the static, the zero-temperature and the XY limits.Comment: 22 pages, v4: typos corrected, published versio