1,300 research outputs found

    A Walmart with No Televisions

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    A Walmart with No Televisions is a deconstructed novel about the perils and heartbreak of adolescent drug addiction. What begins as a fad, a social affectation, quickly becomes a guiding light. The novel illustrates hope as a potentiality, and escape from oneself as something always in question. Happiness is uncertain, but the experience is not

    The Historical Representation of Native Americans within Primary- and Intermediate-Level Trade Books

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    State and national education initiatives require significant changes for public schools beginning at the earliest grade levels and within all content areas. Two relevant changes are the increase of non-fiction in English/language arts and the mandate for diverse texts within history/social studies. History-based trade books are a logical resource for both curricula. Teachers must rely on their discretion when selecting trade books because the initiatives do not provide curricular support. Research indicates trade books’ cultural representation and historical representation are inconsistent, yet there is a need for further research as just over a dozen empirical studies have been completed. This study examines how Native Americans are historically and culturally represented within children’s literature. It juxtaposes findings for trade books intended for primary-level and intermediate-level elementary students. Important findings include the absence of tribal names, omission of historical connections with European colonists and American citizens, an apparent decline recent publications of trade books centered on Native Americans, and a robust representation of distinct cultural traits. Teachers are offered suggestions for instructional procedures and in selection of supplementary primary sources to assist in balancing the misrepresentations

    Formalizing Moessner's theorem and generalizations in Nuprl

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    Moessner's theorem describes a procedure for generating a sequence of n integer sequences that lead unexpectedly to the sequence of nth powers 1^{n}, 2^{n}, 3^{n},...Several generalizations of Moessner's theorem exist. Recently, Kozen and Silva gave an algebraic proof of a general theorem that subsumes Moessner's original theorem and its known generalizations. In this note, we describe the formalization of this theorem that the first author did in Nuprl. On the one hand, the formalization remains remarkably close to the original proof. On the other hand, it leads to new insights in the proof, pointing to small gaps and ambiguities that would never raise any objections in pen and pencil proofs, but which must be resolved in machine formalization

    The semantics and morphology of Mixtec mood and aspect

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    From the introduction: This study presents a relatively detailed description of the grammatical categories of mood and aspect in three Mixtec languages. Our goals include morphology in a broad sense, covering both meaning and form. Our focus is a grammatical category known in Mixtec studies as \u27aspect\u27, which distinguishes three forms of every verb, generally called completive, continuative, and potential. We present a view of the system that differs somewhat from previous work, suggesting that the system is primarily modal, not aspectual in character. Partly, this is just a matter of how terms like \u27mood\u27 and \u27aspect\u27 are defined, but there is a more fundamental difference. We would like to suggest that the system is best analyzed in terms of two binary divisions, one between realis and irrealis mood, and a second within realis mood between perfective and imperfective aspect. We believe this leads to an insightful understanding of the meaning and usage of these categories, and also of their formal expression, inasmuch as it mirrors their semantic structure. In the process, we are also able to give a first description of this system in three previously unstudied Mixtec languages. Our perspective is a comparative one, concentrating on those characteristics that are common to all three languages, and especially those which are found throughout Mixtec

    The Dielectric Constant and Specific Conductance of Liquid Hydrogen Sulphide at 194.5° K

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    The following values have been reported for the specific conductance of liquid hydrogen sulphide. 0.1x10-6 ohm-1 cm3 - a-c method - Steel, Mcintosh & Archibald; less than 4x10-7 ohm-1 cm3 - d.c. method - Magri; 1x10-11 ohm-1 cm3 - d.c. method - Quam & Wilkinson; 3.7x10-11 ohm-1 cm3 - d.c. method - Satwaleker, Butler & Wilkinson

    The continuation of: A comparison of monocular and binocular refractive results in preprespyopes

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    It has been reported that binocular refraction methods yield different results than tradition refraction methods m slightly less than 10% of subjects. Binocular refraction is said to provide better balance between the eyes, and more accurate astigmatism measurements. The purpose of this study was to identify individuals whose binocular and traditional prescriptions differed, and to have subjects wear and rate spectacle lenses determined by each method. One hundred thirty prepresbyopic subjects were refracted twice in succession using both refraction methods in counterbalanced order. The AO Vectographic Slide was used for the binocular refractions. Autorefraction results were utilized as a common starting point for both methods. Refractions were judged different if there was: \u3e0.25D difference in either spherical power, cylindrical power, equivalent sphere power, anisometropia (based on equivalent sphere), and vertical prism. They were also considered different if there was an induced cylindrical power due to axis shift of 0.25D or greater. It was found that 69%, or 90 subjects, had significant differences in one or more of these parameters. Thirty-eight subjects elected to participate in the doubly masked, randomized, crossover second phase of the study alternately wearing the results of each refraction method in identical frames. Following a three week wearing schedule, subjects completed a questionnaire. Based upon all subjects, mean sphere significantly differed by 0.22D, mean cyl differed by 0.04D, and mean equivalent sphere by 0.24D. Binocular refraction means were more minus for all three values. In the clinical trial, 47% of the 38 subjects preferred the binocular prescription, 42% preferred the traditional prescription, and 11% liked both prescriptions equally. In conclusion, a high percentage of subjects in this study yielded statistically more minus spectacle lens prescriptions when refracted binocularly compared to the traditional method. In the clinical lens wear trial, neither refraction method yielded lens prescriptions that were preferred by a majority of the subjects in lens wear trials

    Tailwater Recovery Systems for Irrigation: Benefit/Cost Analysis and Water Resource Conservation Technique in Northeast Arkansas

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    Water, one of the earth\u27s most vital resources, is particularly significant in the Arkansas Delta agricultural landscape. While both surface and groundwater are extremely important, 94% of the 26.9 billion L (7.1 billion gal) of water pumped daily from the Alluvial Aquifer is used for agricultural purposes. This common property is subsequently being depleted and sustainable conservation methods are being pursued. State and federal incentive programs encourage the use of a tailwater recovery system in agricultural irrigation. With the use of a complete recovery system, benefits include not only government incentives for wetland habitat, but reduced groundwater use and decreased agricultural runoff entering receiving streams. Costs incurred to the farm manager include crop loss due to reservoir storage, additional ditch construction, and the cost of a liftpump. Use of these systems offers not only economic benefits associated with aquifer preservation but also ecological benefits including reduced nutrient and sediment loading to receiving streams concurrent with ecosystem services. The overall benefit/cost analysis ofthese systems shows that the economic benefits of using a tailwater recovery system exceed the cost. Other positive features include the ecological benefits of surface water protection and ecosystem services

    Use of otolith chemistry to assess recruitment and habitat use of a white bass fishery in a Nebraska reservoir

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    Managing fisheries that exhibit variable annual recruitment is challenging, and maintenance stockings are often prescribed to minimize interannual population variation. Maintenance stockings are costly and may not be necessary if sufficient natural recruitment is occurring. Therefore, developing tools and techniques that can collectively assess hatching origin and subsequent habitat use of individuals would be valuable. Herein, we aimed to assess the efficacy of otolith chemistry techniques to (1) determine whether there was evidence of natural recruitment within an annually stocked white bass population and (2) examine the potential to describe spatial reservoir use of these age-0 fish. A sample of hatchery-produced fingerling white bass (n = 17) was retained from a larger June 2015 stocking of white bass in Lake McConaughy, Nebraska, to characterize the hatchery fish natal elemental signatures. Age-0 white bass (n = 100) were then collected in Lake McConaughy in September 2015 from 2 sections of the reservoir (upper and main) to assess both natal origin (hatchery versus natural) and habitat use (upper versus main) using otolith concentrations of 5 chemical constituents at the otolith core and otolith edge, respectively. Otolith core signatures from the fall age-0 Lake McConaughy collected fish were different from the hatchery fish, indicating evidence for natural white bass recruitment. Otolith edge signatures were also distinct between fish collected from the upper and main sections of the reservoir. Otolith chemistry techniques can be useful for addressing challenges associated with managing erratic recruiting fish populations that are common to lake and reservoir systems
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