332 research outputs found

    Experimental velocity fields and forces for a cylinder penetrating into a granular medium

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    We present here a detailed granular flow characterization together with force measurements for the quasi-bidimensional situation of a horizontal cylinder penetrating vertically at a constant velocity in dry granular matter between two parallel glass walls. In the velocity range studied here, the drag force on the cylinder does not depend on the velocity V_0 and is mainly proportional to the cylinder diameter d. Whereas the force on the cylinder increases with its penetration depth, the granular velocity profile around the cylinder is found stationary with fluctuations around a mean value leading to the granular temperature profile. Both mean velocity profile and temperature profile exhibit strong localization near the cylinder. The mean flow perturbation induced by the cylinder decreases exponentially away from the cylinder on a characteristic length \lambda, that is mainly governed by the cylinder diameter for large enough cylinder/grain size ratio d/d_g: \lambda ~ d/4 + 2d_g. The granular temperature exhibits a constant plateau value T_0 in a thin layer close to the cylinder of extension \delta_{T_0} ~ \lambda/2 and decays exponentially far away with a characteristic length \lambda_T of a few grain diameters (\lambda_T ~ 3d_g). The granular temperature plateau T_0 that scales as (V_0^2 d_g/d) is created by the flow itself from the balance between the "granular heat" production by the shear rate V_0/\lambda over \delta_{T_0} close to the cylinder and the granular dissipation far away

    Identifikasi Mineral Pasir Tiga Warna Pantai Puntaru Kabupaten Alor-NTT

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    Puntaru beach is famous for its three-colored sand that is mixed into one of them reddish-brown, black, and white sand. Research on the mineral composition of the tricolor sand has been conducted so that the use of three-colored sand is still done traditionally. This study aims to obtain information on the silica content and other mineral compositions of the three-colored sand of Puntaru Beach as initial data for further development. The three-color sand preparation process is carried out by the method of milling / crushing sand samples then sieving and washing with H2O. Stages of characterization of silica in three-colored sand were carried out using X-ray fluorescence (XRF), X-ray powder diffraction (XRD), and Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR). The analysis showed that the percentage of Si was the most dominant 45.28%, followed by Fe 25.94% and other minor elements. XRD results show that the three-colored sand contains quartz mineral (SiO2) identified at the main peak with 2 with in the 24.34 ° area. The black color of the sand is influenced by Fe content of 25.94% with hematite metal oxide (Fe2O3) 15.80% and reddish-brown influenced by the presence of sulfur (3.25%) in the form of mineral SO3 4.32%. &nbsp

    Influence of humidity on granular packings with moving walls

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    A significant dependence on the relative humidity H for the apparent mass (Mapp) measured at the bottom of a granular packing inside a vertical tube in relative motion is demonstrated experimentally. While the predictions of Janssen's model are verified for all values of H investigated (25%< H <80%), Mapp increases with time towards a limiting value at high relative humidities (H>60%) but remains constant at lower ones (H=25%). The corresponding Janssen length is nearly independent of the tube velocity for H>60% but decreases markedly for H=25%. Other differences are observed on the motion of individual beads in the packing. For H=25%, they are almost motionless while the mean particle fraction of the packing remains constant; for H>60% the bead motion is much more significant and the mean particle fraction decreases. The dependence of these results on the bead diameter and their interpretation in terms of the influence of capillary forces are discussed.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figure

    Competitive dynamics of two erosion patterns around a cylinder

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    We investigate experimentally the local erosion of a granular bed near a fixed vertical cylinder that emerges from the bed. The onset of erosion arising at the base of the cylinder and usually ascribed to the wrapping horseshoe vortex is determined and rationalized by a flow contraction effect. We report a new erosion pattern visible downstream of the cylinder that consists of two side-by-side elongated holes. This pattern is observed for flow regimes close to the horseshoe scour onset, whose growth usually inhibits its spatiotemporal development.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figure

    Experimental investigation of tsunami waves generated by granular collapse into water

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    The generation of a tsunami wave by an aerial landslide is investigated through model laboratory experiments. We examine the collapse of an initially dry column of grains into a shallow water layer and the subsequent generation of waves. The experiments show that the collective entry of the granular material into water governs the wave generation process. We observe that the amplitude of the wave relative to the water height scales linearly with the Froude number based on the horizontal velocity of the moving granular front relative to the wave velocity. For all the different parameters considered here, the aspect ratio and the volume of the column, the diameter and density of the grains, and the height of the water, the granular collapse acts like a moving piston displacing the water. We also highlight that the density of the falling grains has a negligible influence on the wave amplitude, which suggests that the volume of grains entering the water is the relevant parameter in the wave generation.Comment: 23 pages, 16 figure

    Slow dynamics and aging of a confined granular flow

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    We present experimental results on slow flow properties of a granular assembly confined in a vertical column and driven upwards at a constant velocity V. For monodisperse assemblies this study evidences at low velocities (1<V<100μm/s1<V<100 \mu m/s) a stiffening behaviour i.e. the stress necessary to obtain a steady sate velocity increases roughly logarithmically with velocity. On the other hand, at very low driving velocity (V<1μm/sV<1 \mu m/s), we evidence a discontinuous and hysteretic transition to a stick-slip regime characterized by a strong divergence of the maximal blockage force when the velocity goes to zero. We show that all this phenomenology is strongly influenced by surrounding humidity. We also present a tentative to establish a link between the granular rheology and the solid friction forces between the wall and the grains. We base our discussions on a simple theoretical model and independent grain/wall tribology measurements. We also use finite elements numerical simulations to confront experimental results to isotropic elasticity. A second system made of polydisperse assemblies of glass beads is investigated. We emphasize the onset of a new dynamical behavior, i.e. the large distribution of blockage forces evidenced in the stick-slip regime