1,672 research outputs found

    Design of the 7 MeV/u, 217 MHz Injector Linac for the Proposed Ion Beam Facility for Cancer Therapy at the Clinic in Heidelberg

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    A dedicated clinical synchrotron facility for cancer therapy using energetic proton and ion beams (C, He and O) has been designed at GSI for the Radiologische Universitaetsklinik at Heidelberg, Germany. The design of the injector linac is presented. Suitable ion sources are discussed and results of ion source test measurements are reported. The LEBT allows for switching between two ion sources. A short RFQ accelerates the ions from 8 keV/u to 400 keV/u. It is followed by a very compact beam matching section and a 3.8 m long IH-type drift tube linac for the acceleration to 7 MeV/u. Both rf structures are designed for a resonance frequency of 216.816 MHz and for ion mass-to-charge ratios up to A/q = 3 (12C4+, (H_3)+, 3He+, 16O6+).Comment: Contribution to the LINAC2000 Proceedings, Paper ID: MOD1

    A reconnaissance space sensing investigation of the crustal structure for a strip from the eastern Sierra Nevada to the Colorado Plateau: April 1971

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    The author has identified the following significant results. An area of anomalous linear topographic grain and color expressions was recognized in Apollo 9 and ERTS-1 imagery along the Colorado River of northwestern Arizona and southern Nevada. Field reconnaissance and analysis of U-2 photography has shown the anomaly to be a zone of north to north-northwest trending dike swarms and associated granitic plutons. The dikes vary in composition from rhyolite to diabase, with an average composition nearer rhyolite. Shearing and displacement of host rocks along dikes suggest dike emplacement along active fault zones. Post-dike deformation has resulted in shearing and complex normal faulting along a similar north-south trend. The epizonal plutonism and volcanism of this north-south belt appears to represent a structurally controlled volcanogenic province which ends abruptly in the vicinity of Lake Mead at a probable eastern extension of the Las Vegas Shear Zone. The magnitude and chronology of extensional faulting and plutonism recognized in the north-south zone, support the hypothesis that the Las Vegas Shear Zone is a transform fault separating two areas of crustal spreading

    Absorption spectra of Q 0000-263 and Q 1442+101

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    Studying the Lyman-alpha forest allows us to trace the cosmological distribution of matter through time, and may reveal insights into important questions such as the onset of galaxy formation. An equation for determining the number of Lyman-alpha absorption lines per redshift per rest equivalent in the Lyman-alpha forest is given. For a nonevolving population of clouds gamma = 1 for q(sub 0) = 0, and gamma = 0.5 for q(sub 0) = 0.5. A detailed study of the Lyman-alpha forests of Q 1442+101 at z(sub em) = 3.54 and Q 0000-263 at z(sub em) = 4.11

    Absorption spectrum of the quasar HS1603+3820 I. Observations and data analysis

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    We present the analysis of multi-wavelength observations of bright quasar HS1603+3820: the optical data taken with the MMT and Keck telescopes, and X-ray data obtained with the Chandra X-ray Observatory. The optical spectra contain a very large number of absorption lines from numerous heavy elements. We derived X-ray properties of HS1603. The quasar has the optical-to-X-ray slope index alpha_ox of 1.70, which is on the high end of the typical range for radio quiet QSOs. We found 49 individual heavy element absorption clouds, which can be grouped into eleven distinct systems. We determined column densities and redshifts of the individual components. Absorbers from the associated system which is likely spatially closest to the QSO show large CIV to HI column density ratio, reaching ca.20.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A, 17 pages, 11 figures, 5 table

    Heat shock proteins Hsp27 and Hsp32 localize to synaptic sites in the rat cerebellum following hyperthermia

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    Stressful stimuli activate the heat shock (stress) response in which a set of heat shock proteins (hsps) is induced, which play roles in cellular repair and protective mechanisms. Most studies in the mammalian nervous system have focused on Hsp70, however, the present investigation targets other members of the induced set, namely Hsp27 and Hsp32. In response to hyperthermia, these hsps are strongly induced in Bergmann glial cells in the rat brain and transported into their radial fibers, which project into the `synaptic-enriched' molecular layer of the cerebellum. Using subcellular fractionation and immunoelectron microscopy, hyperthermia-induced Hsp27 and Hsp32 were detected in synaptic elements and in perisynaptic glial processes. These results suggest that stress-induced Hsp27 and Hsp32 may contribute to repair and protective mechanisms at the synapse