4,371 research outputs found

    Factors Contributing to Domestic Violence Among Hindu Asian Indian Immigrant Women in Allegheny County, Pennsylvania: A Feasibility Study

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    While there is research on survivors of domestic violence in India and the United States (U.S.), little is known about the sociocultural factors related to domestic violence among Hindu Asian Indian immigrant women (AIIW) in the U.S. The objectives of this study were to a) test the feasibility of conducting domestic violence research among Hindu AIIW; b) investigate domestic violence prevalence and correlations with other characteristics; and c) test the cultural appropriateness of completed measures on social support, acculturation status, and domestic violence. Over 50% of respondents had experienced abuse, often perpetrated by family. Participants had high levels of social support and acculturation, regardless of their abuse status. Participants were receptive to this research, suggesting that domestic violence research among Hindu AIIW is feasible. High prevalence of violence among Hindu AIIW suggests they are at high risk for experiencing abuse; lack of variability in social support and acculturation scale responses suggest the need to further test instruments among Hindu AIIW

    Intervertebral Disc Injuries in Workmen\u27s Compensation

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    No lawyer regularly involved in workmen\u27s compensation litigation can do a worthwhile job for his client unless he has a comprehensive and intelligent acquaintance with all branches of medicine. In the ordinary course of his practice, the workmen\u27s compensation lawyer must deal with all types of industrial diseases, and even with disorders in the field of neurology and psychiatry.\u27 Familiarity with a variety of medical conditions is made necessary because of such basic medico-legal problems as causation, involving the industrial or non-industrial origin of the disability at issue, dilration and the like. Of all the industrial injuries with which the workmen\u27s compensation attorney must deal, none have created as much interest or caused as much comment in recent years, among lawyers and doctors alike, as have injuries to the intervertebral discs. It is necessary, of course, that one have a fundamental understanding of the intervertebral disc as a medical entity before any discussion can be undertaken of the medico-legal problems that injuries to the discs occasion. The first section of this paper will therefore be devoted to a discussion of the intervertebral discs from a medical viewpoint

    The Lone Swimmer of Henry County, Virginia

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    Like a Coiled Wire

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    The Effects of Nonmetropolitan Net Migration Rates on Selected Demographic and Economic Characteristics

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    This study focused on the effects of net migration on employment in the non-metropolitan sectors of the Agricultural Western Plains Division of the West North Central Region between 1970 and 1980. The states that constituted the division are North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska and Kansas

    A Scorecard for Small Business Performance

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    Evaluating organizational performance  of small businesses has frequently  been a neglected managerial function.   When evaluation efforts have been undertaken, they have ranged from  simple  internal  reviews  to co1nplex  and  often  costly  audits conducted  by independent parties.  However, most individuals working in a small business rarely take the time or make the effort to undertake a comprehensive review of their business activities.  To begin the process of answering  the important question  of how well a small  business is performing,  a straightforward approach that is easy to prepare and interpret on a regular basis is required. Realizing that most individuals involved with small businesses are pressed for  time, an  easy-to-use  evaluation  instrument  designed  to focus  attention  on strategic performance indicators (SPIs) has been developed. These SPIs focus attention on the primary functional areas of a business: management, marketing, and finance.  Each question has been designed to help the reviewer think about the importance of strategic performance indicators to the overall success of the business

    Statistics of precursors to fingering processes

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    We present an analysis of the statistical properties of hydrodynamic field fluctuations which reveal the existence of precursors to fingering processes. These precursors are found to exhibit power law distributions, and these power laws are shown to follow from spatial qq-Gaussian structures which are solutions to the generalized non-linear diffusion equation.Comment: 7 pages incl. 5 figs; tp appear in Europhysics Letter

    Colored Concrete For Your Home

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    With a minimum amount of skill and patience with a trowel homeowners can add color to conrete. Three methods are available: the sprinkle-on method, the topping method, and the entire thickness method

    A Supplemental Approach to Analyzing Trade Data

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    The objective of this article is to demonstrate the application of statistical process control (SPC) techniques to analyzing U.S. trade data including exports, imports and the overall balance of trade as supplements to existing methods. The major benefit of using these techniques would be to reduce unnecessary intervention (i.e., unnecessary corrective action) to trade policies. The basis for employing these techniques in analyzing trade data stems from an article written by Nolan and Provost (1990) in which they discussed the importance of understanding statistical variation and the importance this concept holds for managers and intent of this research is to show how SPC principles and techniques can help in an analysis of trade data so that the correct and accurate interpretation of the data will emerge and subsequently can be conveyed to decision-makers, policy-makers and other related stakeholders. The article does not intend to promote the idea that SPC techniques could or should replace the existing econometric models; it just proposes that these models (i.e, SPC) models) can be considered as supplements to the current models. The article discusses several examples of SPC applications as well is a brief description of the techniques


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    The current revolution of the Information Age is rapidly changing the complexion of many personal and corporate societies. This revolution is changing the methods people use to communicate with each other, research new information, solve problems, and transact business. The purpose of this study was to describe the learning strategies that adults use in learning to engage in the eBay auction process. The study used the following research questions: (a) what are the identified learning strategy preferences of adult learners using eBay, (b) how do the learning strategy preferences of eBay users compare to the norms for ATLAS, and (c) how do eBay users describe their learning processes related to getting started on eBay, participating in eBay activities,communicating on eBay, learning through eBay, and experiencing eBay? This study used a descriptive design along with the information and data gathering advantages of the Internet to collect data about how adults learn using the Internet. An online questionnaire which featured 19 qualitative questions and 11 quantitative Likert scale items was used to determine the perceptions of eBay participants. Assessing The Learning Strategies of AdultS (ATLAS) instrument was imbedded within the online questionnaire to determine the preferred strategies of eBay users. The study involved a representative sample of 380 eBay users which was identified by electronically downloading the e-mail addresses of participants in completed auctions. The sample was stratified by the 13 categories of items listed on eBay. Within each of these categories, high-volume completed auctions were selected in which the final sale price was under 10,between10, between 11 and 100,andover100, and over 100