25 research outputs found

    A spatiotemporal precipitation generator based on a censored latent Gaussian field

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    A daily stochastic spatiotemporal precipitation generator that yields precipitation realizations that are quantitatively consistent is described. The methodology relies on a latent Gaussian field that drives both the occurrence and intensity of the precipitation process. For the precipitation intensity, the marginal distributions, which are space and time dependent, are described by a composite model of a gamma distribution for observations below some threshold with a generalized Pareto distribution modeling the excesses above the threshold. Model parameters are estimated from data and extrapolated to locations and times with no direct observations using linear regression of position covariates. One advantage of such a model is that stochastic generator parameters are readily available at any location and time of the year inside the stationarity regions. The methodology is illustrated for a network of 12 locations in Sweden. Performance of the model is judged through its ability to accurately reproduce a series of spatial dependence measures and weather indices. © 2015. American Geophysical Union. All Rights Reserved

    On the shape and likelihood of oceanic rogue waves

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    We consider the observation and analysis of oceanic rogue waves collected within spatio-Temporal (ST) records of 3D wave fields. This class of records, allowing a sea surface region to be retrieved, is appropriate for the observation of rogue waves, which come up as a random phenomenon that can occur at any time and location of the sea surface. To verify this aspect, we used three stereo wave imaging systems to gather ST records of the sea surface elevation, which were collected in different sea conditions. The wave with the ST maximum elevation (happening to be larger than the rogue threshold 1.25H s) was then isolated within each record, along with its temporal profile. The rogue waves show similar profiles, in agreement with the theory of extreme wave groups. We analyze the rogue wave probability of occurrence, also in the context of ST extreme value distributions, and we conclude that rogue waves are more likely than previously reported; the key point is coming across them, in space as well as in time. The dependence of the rogue wave profile and likelihood on the sea state conditions is also investigated. Results may prove useful in predicting extreme wave occurrence probability and strength during oceanic storms

    The Relation of the Vickers Hardness With the Loading Stiffness of Instrumented Vickers Indentation of Metal Substrates

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    The present paper presents a relation between the vickers hardness HV and the loading stiffness C of instrumented vickers indentation of metal substrates. The relation is based on the fact that the nonaxisymmetry of the plastic deformation of the vickers indenter leaves the corners of the indentation imprint at the surface of metal substrates after complete unloading. This relation can transform available HV data for metals to C data. It is also shown that the strain hardening details are important in the estimation of material properties and investigators should be cautions when using power-law strain hardening in all cases. [DOI: 10.1115/1.4001300

    Spatio-temporal statistical modelling of significant wave height

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    In this paper. we construct a homogeneous spatio-temporal model to describe the variability of significant wave height over small regions of the sea and over short periods of time. Then. the model is extended to a non-homogeneous one that is valid over larger areas of the sea and for time periods of up to 10 h. To validate the proposed model. we reconstruct the significant wave height surface under different scenarios and then compare it to satellite measurements and the C-ERA-40 field. Copyright (C) 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd

    A model based on the assessment of intrinsic creep resistance concept

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    In the present study a simple model is proposed to assess creep behavior. The model is applied to experimental results performed on austenitic steel X8 CrNiMoNb 16 16. The model is based on a modification of the Levy-Mises equation for plasticity to consider creep time effects, introducing as a parameter the intrinsic creep resistance. The assessment of creep behavior applied for monotonic and two stages loading data is good. The model could assess negative creep strain rates as well as damage accumulation observed as an increase of the minimum creep rate after each reloading at the same stress level in two stages tests

    Modelling significant wave height in the north Atlantic

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    The surface of the ocean, and so such quantities as the significant wave height, can be thought of as a random surface in space which develops over time. In this paper, we explore certain types of random fields (in space and time) as models for the significant wave height and fit these models to data obtained from the TOPEX-Poseidon satellite. The data consist of observations along different one-dimensional tracks over time

    The Modified Rockwell Test: A New Probe for Mechanical Properties of Metals

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    In the present work a novel methodology is proposed, based on the combination of the Rockwell and the Vickers tests, to provide estimates of the mechanical properties of metal substrates. The analysis is based on some novel invariants obtained from the finite element solution of the Vickers indentation (the imprint diagonal relates to the maximum indentation depth and the residual indentation depth with the average pressure and the elastic modulus). Several other useful results are discussed and experiments are performed with a modified Rockwell apparatus on steel and aluminium alloys. The results are important for the interpretation of micro indentation tests. Inverting the indentation data, reasonably accurate results can be obtained for strain hardening properties for "power law" behaviour, whereas more complex strain hardening would require further investigation