74 research outputs found

    Review of process and extraction effects on the bioavailability of anthocyanins in grapes

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    Grapes are widely consumed worldwide in various forms, including fresh and dried, or processed into products like juice, vinegar, wine, and so on. Anthocyanins, mainly found in grapes, are responsible for various health-promoting effects and contribute to their colours such as red, purple, and blue. Although grapes contain a high quantity of anthocyanins, their bioavailability is considered limited. Anthocyanins may be absorbed by the gastrointestinal wall, undergo intensive first-pass metabolism, and emerge as metabolites in systemic circulation. A significant percentage of some anthocyanins can enter the large intestine and undergo breakdown induced by digestive system microorganisms. Several factors, such as pH, temperature, light, and solvents, can affect anthocyanin bioavailability, and processing grapes into products may impact their bioavailability. Considering the high market share of grapes and grape products, it is important to understand the effects of processing on anthocyanin bioavailability. This review discusses changes in the bioavailability of anthocyanins found in grapes and grape products during food processing, the effect of extraction conditions on bioavailability, as well as the health-promoting effects of grapes and grape products

    A very compact metamaterial-based triple-band sensor in terahertz spectrum as a perfect absorber for human blood cancer diagnostics

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    In this dynamic environment, early cancer identification and surveillance have become vital problems. This research paper explores the development of a small, three-band sensor harnessing the potential of terahertz (THz) technology and metamaterials (MTMs) to diagnose blood cancer. This sensor holds the promise of a paradigm shift in the diagnosis and treatment of blood cancer by offering a non-invasive, highly accurate approach. Terahertz radiation, occupying the unique "THz gap" in the electromagnetic spectrum, is now accessible due to recent technological breakthroughs. This work simplifies the design of multiple-band metamaterial absorbers, enhancing their effectiveness and expanding their sensing capabilities. Through the integration of THz technology, metamaterial engineering, and cancer detection, the suggested sensor seeks to launch a new phase of rapid, precise, and non-invasive blood cancer diagnosis. The proposed structure capable of distinguishing cancer and normal cell with 1GHz sensitivity. Although, this difference looks similar it would be easy when we consider the THz technology devices. This work represents a significant step forward in non-invasive, accurate diagnostics for blood cancer, promising to revolutionize the way this disease is diagnosed and treated. The novel strategy put out has a lot of promise to advance medical diagnostics and enhance patient outcomes

    Two Electrons in a Quantum Dot: A Unified Approach

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    Low-lying energy levels of two interacting electrons confined in a two-dimensional parabolic quantum dot in the presence of an external magnetic field have been revised within the frame of a novel model. The present formalism, which gives closed algebraic solutions for the specific values of magnetic field and spatial confinement length, enables us to see explicitly individual effects of the electron correlation.Comment: 14 page

    Bireysel emeklilik sistemi ve Türkiye

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    İnsanlar, tarih boyunca gelecekte karşılaşabilecekleri riskler karşısında endişe duymuşlardır. Bu nedenle geleceklerini garanti altına almaya yönelik araştırmalar yapmışlardır. Bu araştırmalar sayesine sosyal güvenlik düşüncesi doğmuştur. Türkiye'de sosyal güvenlik ilk olarak askeri personel başta olmak üzere devlet çalışanları için kurulmuştur. Ülkemizde sosyal güvenlik sisteminin finansmanında dağıtım yöntemi (PAYG) uygulanmaktadır. Bu yönteme göre belli bir dönemde gerçekleşen harcamalar yine aynı dönemde edilen gelirle karşılanır. Yani çalışan aktif üyelerden toplanan gelir pasif üyelere transfer edilir. Bu durum dağıtım yönteminin sosyal devlet ilkesiyle eşdeğer olması sonucunu beraberinde getirmiştir. Ancak günümüzde devlet üzerine düşen görevi yerine getirememektedir. Türkiye de dahil olmak üzere dünyanın pek çok ülkesinde PAYG sistemi etkisini yitirmeye başlamıştır. Bunun en önemli nedeni ise global olarak yaşlı nüfusun oranının artması ve tıpta yaşam süresini uzatacak gelişmeler olmasıdır. Türkiye'de Avrupa ülkelerinde uygulanan mesleki emeklilik planları uygulanmamaktadır. Sosyal güvenlik sistemi yetersiz olduğu için bireysel emeklilik sistemi oluşturulmaktadır. Bu sistem sayesinde bireylerin tasarrufları yatırıma yönlendirilerek ek gelir sağlanır. Aynı zamanda ekonomiye uzun vadeli kaynak yaratılarak istihdam artar. Bireysel emeklilik sisteminde üyeler aylık ödeyecekleri katkı paylarına ve yatırım enstrümanına kendileri karar verirler. Kararlarını yılda 4 kez değiştirebilirler. Aynı zamanda bağlı bulundukları şirketi yılda bir kez değiştirme hakkına sahiptirler. Bu değişiklikler için vergi kesintisi yapılmaz. Dünya çapında pek çok ülkede bireysel emeklilik planları uygulanmakta ve başarılı sonuçlar alınmaktadır. Bireysel emeklilik sistemi, IMF ile yapılan anlaşma şartlarındadır. Uzun süreli fon problemine çözüm olması, devletin sosyal güvenlik yükünü azaltması ve katılımcılarına ek emeklilik imkanı sağladığı için pek çok yönüyle iyi bir sistemdir. SUMMARY The human nature always care about the risks of the life. During the ages, they seeked many solution to insure their lifes. At the end of this, social security thoughts occured. In Turkey; the first social security system had been established for the goverment and military service personnels. Pay As You Go (PAYG) is the main system that finances the social security system in Turkey. Collected income from the working members of system, is being transfered to the pensioner members of the system. This is related with the social goverments policies. PAYG system is becoming less effective in the world. There are two reasosns (the increasing of the older age group and the developments in medical area). The social security systen is not enough to response people needs. So, Individual Pension Funds are becoming popular. In this system the saving bonus of the people is being used in the investments. This is useful for the economy. Members of this system, make their own decision paying the bonus and kinds of investments. They can change their decision 4 times in a year and they can change their Individual Pension Funds company in a year. There is no tax paying for these changes. This isthe attractive system that helps the goverment economic policies and the well-being the pensioners