7,436 research outputs found
Plan de clase de la unidad de oÌptica reflexioÌn y refraccioÌn
Debido a los altos iÌndices de estudiantes que reprueban la materia FiÌsica D, se ha decidido realizar un plan piloto para implementar un plan de estudio que incluya el cambio de metodologiÌa para el dictado de esta materia. La metodologiÌa a seguir estaÌ basada en el meÌtodo de Gagne, ya que este pone eÌnfasis en el aprendizaje para lograr el desarrollo individual y promueve el desarrollo de habilidades maÌs complejas en el individuo.
El meÌtodo de Gagne se fundamenta en la teoriÌa del procesamiento de la informacioÌn, que se refiere a la secuencia de procesos y operaciones mentales que se realizan para llegar a un conocimiento organizado de grandes cantidades de informacioÌn. Las variables que interfieren en la aplicacioÌn de este meÌtodo son:
1. Los procesos de aprendizaje
2. Las fases del aprendizaje
3. Los resultados del aprendizaje
4. Las condiciones del aprendizaj
Generalized Parton Distributions of ^3He
A realistic microscopic calculation of the unpolarized quark Generalized
Parton Distribution (GPD) of the nucleus is presented. In
Impulse Approximation, is obtained as a convolution between the GPD of
the internal nucleon and the non-diagonal spectral function, describing
properly Fermi motion and binding effects. The proposed scheme is valid at low
values of , the momentum transfer to the target, the most relevant
kinematical region for the coherent channel of hard exclusive processes. The
obtained formula has the correct forward limit, corresponding to the standard
deep inelastic nuclear parton distributions, and first moment, giving the
charge form factor of . Nuclear effects, evaluated by a modern realistic
potential, are found to be larger than in the forward case. In particular, they
increase with increasing the momentum transfer when the asymmetry of the
process is kept fixed, and they increase with the asymmetry at fixed momentum
transfer. Another relevant feature of the obtained results is that the nuclear
GPD cannot be factorized into a -dependent and a
-independent term, as suggested in prescriptions proposed for finite
nuclei. The size of nuclear effects reaches 8 % even in the most important part
of the kinematical range under scrutiny. The relevance of the obtained results
to study the feasibility of experiments is addressed.Comment: 23 pages, 8 figures; Discussion in section II enlarged; discussion in
section IV shortened. Final version accepted by Phys. Rev.
A (p/E) Calculation of Strong Pionic Decays of Baryons
Strong pionic decays of baryons are studied in a non-relativistic quark model
framework via a convergent (p/E) expansion of the transition operator. Results
are compared to the ones obtained within a more conventional (p/m) expansion.Comment: 16 pages, LaTeX, using amssymb.st
Empathic and Nonempathic Interaction in Chronic Pain Couples
Empathy and empathic response are receiving greater attention in pain research as investigators acknowledge that other forms of interaction may impact the pain process. The purpose of this study was to examine validation and invalidation as forms of empathic and nonempathic responses in chronic pain couples. Participants were 92 couples in which at least one spouse reported chronic musculoskeletal pain. Each couple participated in two videotaped interactions about the ways in which the pain has impacted their lives together. Trained raters then coded interactions for each partnerâs use of validation and invalidation. Couples also completed surveys on spouse responses to pain, marital satisfaction, and perceived spousal support. Correlations demonstrated validation by spouses of persons with pain was associated with punishing, solicitous, and distracting spouse responses to pain, marital satisfaction, and perceived spousal support. In contrast, spousesâ invalidation scores were correlated with punishing spouse responses. Exploratory factor analyses were then conducted to determine the extent to which spousesâ responses to pain and spouse validation and invalidation loaded on similar factors. Results indicated that validation and invalidation are more closely related to punishing spouse responses than to solicitous or distracting spouse responses. These results have implications for theoretical and clinical work on spouse responding
Band Connectivity for Topological Quantum Chemistry: Band Structures As A Graph Theory Problem
The conventional theory of solids is well suited to describing band
structures locally near isolated points in momentum space, but struggles to
capture the full, global picture necessary for understanding topological
phenomena. In part of a recent paper [B. Bradlyn et al., Nature 547, 298
(2017)], we have introduced the way to overcome this difficulty by formulating
the problem of sewing together many disconnected local "k-dot-p" band
structures across the Brillouin zone in terms of graph theory. In the current
manuscript we give the details of our full theoretical construction. We show
that crystal symmetries strongly constrain the allowed connectivities of energy
bands, and we employ graph-theoretic techniques such as graph connectivity to
enumerate all the solutions to these constraints. The tools of graph theory
allow us to identify disconnected groups of bands in these solutions, and so
identify topologically distinct insulating phases.Comment: 19 pages. Companion paper to arXiv:1703.02050 and arXiv:1706.08529
v2: Accepted version, minor typos corrected and references added. Now
19+epsilon page
Time series segmentation based on stationarity analysis to improve new samples prediction
A wide range of applications based on sequential data, named time series, have become increasingly popular in recent years, mainly those based on the Internet of Things (IoT). Several different machine learning algorithms exploit the patterns extracted from sequential data to support multiple tasks. However, this data can suffer from unreliable readings that can lead to low accuracy models due to the low-quality training sets available. Detecting the change point between high representative segments is an important ally to find and thread biased subsequences. By constructing a framework based on the Augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF) test for data stationarity, two proposals to automatically segment subsequences in a time series were developed. The former proposal, called Change Detector segmentation, relies on change detection methods of data stream mining. The latter, called ADF-based segmentation, is constructed on a new change detector derived from the ADF test only. Experiments over real-file IoT databases and benchmarks showed the improvement provided by our proposals for prediction tasks with traditional Autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) and Deep Learning (Long short-term memory and Temporal Convolutional Networks) methods. Results obtained by the Long short-term memory predictive model reduced the relative prediction error from 1 to 0.67, compared to time series without segmentation
Low-temperature specific heat of real crystals: Possibility of leading contribution of optical and short-wavelength acoustical vibrations
We point out that the repeatedly reported glass-like properties of
crystalline materials are not necessarily associated with localized (or
quasilocalized) excitations. In real crystals, optical and short-wavelength
acoustical vibrations remain damped due to defects down to zero temperature. If
such a damping is frequency-independent, e.g. due to planar defects or charged
defects, these optical and short-wavelength acoustical vibrations yield a
linear-in- contribution to the low-temperature specific heat of the crystal
lattices. At low enough temperatures such a contribution will prevail over that
of the long-wavelength acoustical vibrations (Debye contribution). The
crossover between the linear and the Debye regime takes place at , where is the concentration of the defects responsible for the
damping. Estimates show that this crossover could be observable.Comment: 5 pages. v4: Error in Appendix corrected, which does not change the
main results of the pape
Stiff oscillatory systems, delta jumps and white noise
Two model problems for stiff oscillatory systems are introduced. Both comprise a linear superposition of N >> 1 harmonic oscillators used as a forcing term for a scalar ODE. In the first case the initial conditions are chosen so that the forcing term approximates a delta function as N tends to infinity, and in the second case so that it approximates white noise. In both cases the fastest natural frequency of the oscillators is O(N). The model problems are integrated numerically in the stiff regime where the time step is of size O(1/N). The convergence of the algorithms is studied in this case in the limit of N tending to infinity and the time step tending to zero. For the white noise problem both strong and weak convergence are considered
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