19 research outputs found

    Alkaline thermostable and halophilic endoglucanase from Bacillus licheniformis C108

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    An endoglucanase was purified from halophilic alkaline Bacillus  licheniformis isolated from soils of Lake Van in Turkey. The optimal pH and temperature of the endoglucanase produced by B.licheniformis C108 were 10.0 and 30°C, respectively. The enzyme was highly stable up to 100°C at pH 10.0 and the enzyme retained its complete activity for 6 h in 7 to10% of NaCl. The activity of the enzyme was significantly inhibited by sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS), Triton X-100, zinc chloride (ZnCl2),phenylmethanesulfonylfluoride (PMSF) and Urea. The partially purified enzyme revealed that, products of carboxymethylcellulosic hydrolysis were glucose, cellobiose and other longer cellooligosaccharides. Thermostability, alkalinity, halostability and high hydrolytic capability make this enzyme a potential candidate for environmental bioremedetion and bioethanol production processes from cellulosic biomasses as well as waste treatment processes.Key words: Cellulose, Bacillus licheniformis, CMCase, endoglucanase, halostable

    Production and characterization of multifunctional endoxylanase by Bacillus sp. X13 [Bacillus sp. X13 suşundan multifonksiyonel endoksilanaz üretimi ve karakterizasyonu]

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    A multifunctional endoxylanase producing Bacillus sp. was isolated from soil. Enzyme synthesis occurred at temperatures between 20 °C and 60 °C with an optimum 37 °C. Analysis of the enzyme by SDS-PAGE revealed 4 active enzyme bands, which were estimated to be 66.5 kDa, 80.6 kDa, 95.5 kDa, and 108.4 kDa. The enzyme has a broad temperature range, between 20 and 90 °C, with an optimum at 40 °C; and maximum activity was at pH 6.0. The enzyme showed a gradual decrease in the remaining activity as the pre-incubation temperature increase. Thermostability was not also increased in the presence of Ca2+. An average of 71% of remaining activity observed when the enzyme incubated between pH 3.6 and 10 for 1 h. The enzyme was highly inhibited by urea, and fairly inhibited by Triton X-100, CaCl2, ZnCl2, KCl, Na2SO3 PMSF, and 2-Mercaptoethanol. The properties of the enzyme presented in this study suggest that this enzyme could be a potential industrial interest. © TÜBİTAK

    Resistance variations of third generation of cephalosporins in some of the enterobacteriaceae members in hospital sewage

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    Bacterial resistance to commonly used antibiotics is monitored for a long time by researchers around the world. To estimate the resistance variation to 3rd generation Cephalosporin antibiotics, total 1457 strains of the Enterobacteriaceae family (Escherichia coli, Enterobacter aerogenes, Klebsiella pneumonia) were isolated from hospital sewage water. Resistance rates were determined against CRO, ZOX and CTX within two different periods in different water temperature by using disc diffusion technique. The average resistance rates of the isolates to the antibiotics (CRO, ZOX & CTX) in the June- October 2007 were higher than that of the October, 2007-February, 2008. The highest resistance was detected to the ZOX and the lowest one was to the CRO in both periods. K pneumonia showed the highest resistance to all three antibiotics compared to the E. aerogenes and E. coli. After plasmid curing, K. pneumonia has lost resistance at the highest level (52.72% to CRO, 44.72% to ZOX, 68.72% to CTX) compared to E. coli and E. aerogenes

    A new halo-alkaliphilic, thermostable endoglucanase from moderately halophilic bacillus sp. C14 isolated from Van Soda Lake

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    Bacillus sp. C14 isolated from Van Soda Lake, Turkey, produced halo-alkaliphilic endoglucanase at 37°C at pH 9. Analyses of the enzyme for molecular mass and cellulolytic activity carried out by CMC SDS-PAGE electrophoresis revealed a single band with molecular mass 61 kDa. The partially purified enzyme showed optimum activity at pH 11 and 50°C. Thermal stability of the enzyme was approximately 89% at 20-40°C for 30 min. The pH stability of enzyme was observed between pH 6 and 12 with an average of 65% of retaining activity for 24 h. Enzyme activity was increased in the presence of 5 mm CaCl2 (132%) and inhibited in the presence of 5 mm ZnCl 2, EDTA, KC1, PMSF, Urea (8 M), Triton X-100 (1%), ß-mercaptoethanol (1%) and SDS (1%) up to 23, 7, 60, 57, 58, 48, 31 and 19%, respectively. The maximal enzyme activity was observed at 20% NaCl concentration by 132% and enzyme retained 75 and 70% of its original activity for 1 and 6 h, respectively. The enzyme was thermostable- highly alkaline, halophilic, suitable for application in industries like beverage, textile and ethanol production from cellulosic material

    Alkaline thermostable and halophilic endoglucanase from Bacillus licheniformis C108

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    An endoglucanase was purified from halophilic alkaline Bacillus licheniformis isolated from soils of Lake Van in Turkey. The optimal pH and temperature of the endoglucanase produced by B. licheniformis C108 were 10.0 and 30°C, respectively. The enzyme was highly stable up to 100°C at pH 10.0 and the enzyme retained its complete activity for 6 h in 7 to10% of NaCl. The activity of the enzyme was significantly inhibited by sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS), Triton X-100, zinc chloride (ZnCl2), phenylmethanesulfonylfluoride (PMSF) and Urea. The partially purified enzyme revealed that, products of carboxymethylcellulosic hydrolysis were glucose, cellobiose and other longer cellooligosaccharides. Thermostability, alkalinity, halostability and high hydrolytic capability make this enzyme a potential candidate for environmental bioremedetion and bioethanol production processes from cellulosic biomasses as well as waste treatment processes. © 2011 Academic Journals


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    Aim Oral and dental heath are important aspects of general health and impact the quality of life and well-being. In this study, we aimed to assess the level of knowledge and attitudes towards oral and dental health and to examine the relative effect of social- behavioural risk factors on caries and other teeth problems among seventh and eighth grade students. Method