442 research outputs found

    Effect of different dental articulating papers on SEMG activity during maximum clenching

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    This study evaluated the influence of two different occlusal indicators (articulating papers of 40\u3bcm and 200\u3bcm) on muscular activity of the temporalis anterior (TA) and superficial masseter (MS) during maximum voluntary clenches (MVC), using surface electromyography (SEMG). It was hypothesized that an articulating paper positioned between dental arches during MVC elicits a different muscular activity compared with the occlusion on natural dentition (without the occlusal indicator). 30 healthy adult subjects with a complete, natural dentition were recruited; SEMG activity was recorded in the following experimental conditions: MVC with cotton rolls for standardization purposes; MVC on natural dentition; MVC onto the 40 \u3bcm or 200\u3bcm paper indicator positioned on right or left side of the dental arch. Percentage Overlapping Coefficient (POC; separate values obtained for TA and MS), antero-posterior coefficient (APC) and total muscle activities (IMP) were the analyzed SEMG parameters. The use of an occlusal indicator statistically changed POC_TA, POC_MS and IMP median values (p 0.05). In conclusion, the examined articulating papers affected two specific SEMG parameters (POC and IMP); the recorded muscular activity with the occlusal indicator varied regardless left or right side positioning, and independently from tested paper thicknesses

    Regulation of protein synthesis at the translational level in neuroblastoma cells.

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    Anthocyanins identification and quantification in new acai access.

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    The objective of this work was to identify and quantify the anthocyanins present in new genetically breeding açaí accesse

    Using WiMAX technology to improve volcano monitoring: the WEIRD System

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    IEEE 802.16 standards (IEEE, 2004; IEEE, 2005), commonly known as WiMAX (Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access Forum), is one of the most promising broadband wireless access technology for next generation all-IP networks. This access technology allows reaching high bit rate and covering large areas with a single Base Station (BS). Thanks to these features, IEEE 802.16 opens the way for the use and the introduction of wireless technologies in particular emergency scenarios, like volcano monitoring. Active volcano surveillance is based prevalently on the analysis of geophysical and geochemical parameters gathered by monitoring networks. Of all, seismology is one of the most useful methods for volcano monitoring. In fact, several types of seismic signals, e.g. volcano-tectonic earthquakes (VT), long-period events (LP), volcanic tremor, can occur before and during an eruption. The analysis and interpretation of these seismic signals are a very important task for the volcanic eruption forecasting (Scarpa and Tilling, 1996). WiMAX technology can be applied to provide broadband wireless access in volcano monitoring scenarios, in order to solve all the problems that today limit the possibility to realize a real-time and accurate monitoring of volcanoes activities in emergency situations. In particular, this paper focus on a novel solution, designed within the IST FP6 EU WEIRD (WiMAX Extension to Isolated Research Data networks) Integrated Project, to perform volcano monitoring using the features offered by IEEE 802.16 networks in order to improve transmission of data acquired by temporary seismic stations deployed during emergencies. Tests performed on field demonstrate the advantages offered by the use of WiMAX compared with other commonly used technologies

    Initial growth of seedlings in two yellow melon cultivars with seed reuse.

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    Farmers adopt sowing in melon seedling production using hybrid seeds, which increases production costs, making crop management more expensive. At the same time, small producers reduce these costs by reusing seeds over successive generations. The objective of this study was to evaluate the physiological quality of seeds from two yellow melon cultivars across two generations based on the initial growth components of the seedlings. A 2 x 2 factorial experiment was tested (2 yellow melon cultivars (cv. Gladial and Gold Mine) × 2 generations -F1 and F2), using 5 replicates with 20 seeds per replicate, totaling 100 plants. To determine the physiological quality of the seeds, the following measurements were made: dry mass of the aerial part (g per plant), height of the aerial part (cm), stem diameter (cm), dry root mass (g per plant), germination percentage (%), seedling emergence (%), speed of emergence (index), abnormal seedlings (%) and non-viable seeds (%). The variable values were subjected to analysis of variance with the application of theF-test at the 5% probability level. The cultivars influence the dry mass of the root, emergence percentage, and emergence speed index. The results obtained from the generations show negative effects on various variables, mainly on unviable and abnormal seeds, due to the attack of phytopathogenic fungi. The Gold Mine cultivar presents seeds of better physiological quality and are more vigorous

    Compostos bioativos e atividade antioxidante de genótipos de açaí (Euterpe oleracea).

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    O estresse oxidativo gerado pelo excesso de espécies reativas no organismo ou por uma produção inadequada de antioxidantes está associado com o desenvolvimento de doenças crônicas não transmissíveis (DCNTs) e esta condição pode ser minimizada por antioxidantes exógenos da dieta. Neste contexto, o açaí é uma opção para obter antioxidantes (polifenóis e carotenoides) e seu consumo está associado com efeitos benéficos contra as DCNTs. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar seis genótipos de açaí do programa de melhoramento genético desenvolvido pela Embrapa-Amazônia Oriental em relação ao conteúdo de compostos bioativos e atividade antioxidante pelo método ABTS. Os resultados mostram um aumento na atividade antioxidante dos frutos melhorados associado ao incremento no teor de antocianinas e carotenóides. Tal resultado indica genótipos promissores à continuidade do programa de melhoramento do açaí, resultando em frutos com uma maior quantidade de antioxidantes para o consumidor

    Avaliação da citotoxicidade de extratos hidroetanólicos de genótipos de açaí (Euterpe oleracea) em células SH-SY5Y.

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    Danos oxidativos induzidos pelo desequilíbrio entre a geração de espécies reativas de oxigênio (EROs) e sistemas antioxidantes estão associados a diversas doenças, entre as quais as doenças neurodegenerativas. O sistema nervoso é particularmente suscetível a danos oxidativos devido ao alto consumo de oxigênio e baixo nível de antioxidantes. Assim, a inserção na dieta de alimentos que possuam compostos antioxidantes podem ser uma alternativa para a contenção de danos oxidativos aos tecidos biológicos, entre estes, o tecido nervoso. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a toxicidade de seis diferentes genótipos de açaí (Euterpe oleracea) do programa de melhoramento genético desenvolvido pela Embrapa Amazônia Oriental em células SH-SY5Y. Os resultados demonstram que, em geral, os genótipos não induziram citotoxicidade podendo ser uma alternativa para fins nutricionais

    A seismic array on Mt. Vesuvius

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    In November 1997 a seismic antenna (array) of short period seismometers was installed on the south-western flank of Mt. Vesuvius; aim of the experiment was to test the use of non-conventional devices for the seismic monitoring of this volcano. In 7 months local seismicity, regional earthquakes and samples of seismic noise were recorded by the array and organised in a data base. Local earthquakes and seismic noise have been analysed with array techniques to investigate the spectral, kinematic and polarization properties of the wavefield. Preliminary results show that the backazimuth of local earthquakes is oriented in the direction of the crater area. For some events, the source location has been constrained using a simplified back propagation in a 2-D velocity structure. The noise wavefield is characterized by the predominance of a sustained low frequency component (< 1Hz) whose source is located S-SE of the array. This low frequency signal has been interpreted as associated to the sea-loading in the gulf of Naples.Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Osservatorio VesuvianoPublished1.4. TTC - Sorveglianza sismologica delle aree vulcaniche attiveope