22 research outputs found

    Conjunctivitis Bakterial Treatment in Kota Karang Village

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    Conjunctivitis is an eye disease that can occur in adults and children. The incident of conjungtivitis in Indonesia currently occupies the second place of 10 major eye disease. In the treatment of disease, the approach in medical care not only focuses on the biological aspect (disease) but also influence by phisicosocial aspect. Because of the interaction between social communities and families with the help of the community environment is helpful not only in solving clinical problem but also phisycosocial issues. Ny. H 41 y.o experienced left eye red, watery, and itchy. Neighbors and the patient\u27s mother also experienced the same thing. The diagnosis of bakterial conjunctivitis based on some recent research, treatment and education provided is oksitetracyclin family of good hygiene practices and healthy and extension about conjunctivitis. Maintain hygiene and behavior change is essential in improving public health

    Pembuktian Sumpah Di Peradilan Agama

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    Verification is a process in the court proceedings , both criminal and civil procedure . Verification is a critical phase in the proceedings in court , the person who proves not necessarily win but those who can not prove for sure lose . In the event legal religious court also found the evidence in the proceedings in the court , where the proof is the same as in the civil law . In the most important evidence is a tool - a tool that is used or presented evidence at trial to prove the process . Any of that evidence is evidence oath , which is also known in the religious court oath about the evidence . Oath is an utterance of the truth about a matter that the person who swore the oath directly responsible to the Almighty God who is responsible for the judicial means Allah SWT . Oath itself is no different - varying in religious courts where there are also unknown oath in civil court for example li'in oath . With this oath evidence expected in the process of proving faster in finding a bright spot who is right and who is wrong , rather than to be mocked just to earn the victory . So with this oath in a court case is expected to trade quickly resolved in the interests - fair .Therefore , in this paper we will describe and discuss the evidence sworn in court proceedings in accordance with the religion of al quran , al Hadith and regulations - regulations that relate to the oath of proof so that it can provide benefits for the settlement of disputes in religious courts in in particula

    Catalytic co-pyrolysis of oil palm trunk and polypropylene with Niā€“Mo/TiO2 and Ni/Al2O3: Oil composition and mechanism

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    Pyrolysis oil from oil palm biomass can be a sustainable alternative to fossil fuels and the precursor for synthesizing petrochemical products due to its carbon-neutral properties and low sulfur and nitrogen content. This work investigated the effect of applying mesoporous acidic catalysts, Niā€“Mo/TiO2 and Ni/Al2O3, in a catalytic co-pyrolysis of oil palm trunk (OPT) and polypropylene (PP) from 500 to 700 Ā°C. The obtained oil yields varied between 12.67 and 19.50 wt.% and 12.33ā€“17.17 wt.% for Niā€“Mo/TiO2 and Ni/Al2O3, respectively. The hydrocarbon content in oil significantly increased up to 54.07ā€“58.18% and 37.28ā€“68.77% after adding Niā€“Mo/TiO2 and Ni/Al2O3, respectively. The phenolic compounds content was substantially reduced to 8.46ā€“20.16% for Niā€“Mo/TiO2 and 2.93ā€“14.56% for Ni/Al2O3. Minor reduction in oxygenated compounds was noticed from catalytic co-pyrolysis, though the parametric effects of temperature and catalyst type remain unclear. The enhanced deoxygenation and cracking of phenolic and oxygenated compounds and the PP decomposition resulted in increased hydrocarbon production in oil during catalytic co-pyrolysis. Catalyst addition also promoted the isomerization and oligomerization reactions, enhancing the formation of cyclic relative to aliphatic hydrocarbon


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    Abstrak: Madu kelulut merupakan salah satu komoditas yang berkembang pesat di desa Tajur. Namun, masih belum banyak orang yang memahami manfaat dari mengonsumsi madu kelulut sehingga usaha ini hanya dijadikan sebagai usaha sampingan saja bagi sebagian masyarakat Desa Tajur. Sehingga diperlukan suatu sarana pengenalan madu kelulut secara khusus kepada masyarakat melalui kegiatan pendampingan pembuatan video profil dan video potensi madu kelulut. Tujuan dari diadakannya kegiatan ini adalah membantu memperkenalkan manfaat serta kegunaan dari madu kelulut kepada masyarakat luas melalui video sekaligus membantu pembudidaya madu kelulut dalam strategi mempromosikan dagangan madu kelulut. Metode pelaksanaan kegiatan yaitu pendampingan kepada anggota Kelompok Tani Hutan secara luring dan bertahap. Jumlah peserta pendampingan dalam kegiatan ini sebanyak 23 orang yang merupakan anggota Kelompok Tani Hutan. Hasil yang dicapai yaitu hampir 70% peserta mendapatkan peningkatan pemahaman tentang cara membuat video profil usaha mereka melalui tes praktik yang dilakukan setelah demonstrasi.Abstract: Madu Kelulut is one of the commodities that is growing rapidly in Tajur. However, there are still not many people who understand the benefits of consuming kelulut honey so this business is only used as a side business for some people in Tajur. So that a means of introducing kelulut honey specifically to the community is needed through mentoring activities to make profile videos and videos of the potential of kelulut honey. The purpose of holding this activity is to help introduce the benefits and uses of kelulut honey to the wider community through video as well as helping kelulut honey cultivators in strategies to promote the trade of kelulut honey. The method of implementing activities is assistance to members of the Forest Farmer Group offline and in stages. The number of mentoring participants in this activity was 23 people who were members of the Forest Farmers Group. The result was that almost 70% of participants gained an increased understanding of how to make a video of their business profile through a practical test conducted after the demonstration