17 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Keselamatan Dan Kesehatan Kerja Terhadap Kepuasan Kerja Karyawan (Studi Pada Karyawan PT. Pln (Persero) Area Kediri)

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    This study aims to describe how the implementation of the Occupational Health Safety and Employee Satisfaction, and explain the effect of simultaneous partial and Occupational Health Safety and Employee Satisfaction. Based on the analysis proves that safety significant effect on employee job satisfaction, evidenced by the significant value of 0.001 t smaller than a = 0.05 (0.001 <0.05) with a regression coefficient of 0.372. Health significant effect on job satisfaction, evidenced by the significant value of 0.002 t smaller than a = 0.05 (0.002 <0.05) with a regression coefficient of 0.314. Occupational safety and health are jointly significant effect on employee job satisfaction, evidenced by the significant F value of 0.000 is smaller than a = 0.05 (0.000 <0.05) and was able to contribute 53.6% of the variables and 46.4% is influenced by other variables outside the model in this study


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    Diversion is the granting of the authority of law enforcers to transfer the settlement of Child cases from the criminal justice process to the criminal justice process, with the aim of achieving peace between the victim and the child who commits a crime. This research is to find out about: how to apply diversion to cases of sexual violence against children, and whether diversion penal mediation can be applied to cases of sexual violence to realize the protection of children victims of sexual violence. Based on research in Central Java, barriers to the application of diversion system are from legislative factors, structural factors as well as community legal cultural factors. Along with the application of reasoning mediation diversion, these obstacles can be avoided. The application of the diversion penal mediation as a means to protect children of perpetrators and children of victims of child sexual violence. In the future there needs to be a willingness and courage for child law enforcers, to apply the diversion penal mediation to cases of child sexual violence  Keyword: diversion, penal mediation, sexual violenc

    Aplikasi Image Retrieval Menggunakan Kombinasi Metode Color Moment Dan Gabor Texture

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    Pencarian gambarmenggunakan keyword berupa teks telah dirasakan kurang efektif. Hal inidisebabkan karena adanya batasan kemampuan teks dalam mewakili keseluruhan isidari gambar, terutama pada basisdata gambar yang besar. Keterbatasan tersebutmeliputi penilaian yang subjektif dalam mengartikan gambar dan pemberian namaberkas gambar yang belum tentu dapat mendeskripsikan isi gambar sepenuhnya.Pendekatan lain yang dilakukan dalam pencarian gambar adalah berdasarkan isidari gambar (content based imageretrieval). Penelitian ini membangun sebuah aplikasi untuk mencari gambarmelalui pendekatan content based imageretrieval dengan menggunakan kombinasi fitur warna dan tekstur. Fitur warnadiperoleh dengan menggunakan algoritma colormoment berdasarkan distribusi warna, yaitu nilai mean, variance dan skewness. Terdapat dua cara untukmendapatkan fitur warna yaitu secara global (whole) dan berdasarkan region.Fitur tekstur diperoleh dengan menggunakan algoritma Gabor texture. Fitur warna dan tekstur juga dikombinasikan untukmengetahui kemampuannya dalam proses pencarian gambar. Proses pengukurankemiripan gambar dihitung dengan menggunakan Conberra Distance. Hasil evaluasi diperoleh dengan membandingkannilai presisi dan recall pada saat proses pencarian gambar pada dataset. Hasileksperimen menunjukkan bahwa kombinasi colormoment region dan gabor texturedapat menampilkan hasil pencarian gambar yang lebih relevan yang ditunjukkandengan nilai presisi dan recall yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan kombinasilainny

    Orbital Subperiosteal Hematoma in the Newborn Causing Unilateral Proptosis: Ultrasound as First-Line Imaging Modality

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    This journal is published under the Creative Commons license CC BY-NC-ND (Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives)Proptosis in the neonatal period is relatively infrequent and has diverse underlying etiologies. One of the more common causes appears to be orbital subperiosteal hematoma. Early detection, differentiation from other causes, and regular follow-up are essential as loss of vision can occur. We describe two cases of neonatal proptosis caused by orbital subperiosteal hematoma highlighting different diagnostic and management approaches, and provide a summary of previously reported cases. Spontaneous resolution occurs in most cases; however, emergent surgical evacuation is warranted in cases of optic nerve compression. This is the first report to provide orbital ultrasound images of uncomplicated neonatal orbital subperiosteal hematoma. Orbital ultrasound followed by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a valid nonradiation approach for assessing neonatal proptosis due to subperiosteal orbital hematoma

    Perlindungan Hukum terhadap Tersangka dalam Penyidikan dari Kekerasan Penyidik di Kepolisian Resort Banyumas

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    The state has failed to ensure legal protection for investigated suspects from violence committed by the police. Perpetrators of violence in Banyumas Police Resort were left untouched by law. This human rights violations continue to take place because they enjoy protection from their direct supervisors and police institutions.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa negara telah gagal memberi perlindungan hukum kepada tersangka dalam penyidikan dari kekerasan yang dilakukan oleh polisi. Pelaku kekerasan (penyidik) selama ini di Polres Banyumas tidak tersentuh hukum. Pelanggaran HAM ini terus berlangsung karena adanya pemberian perlindungan kepada mereka, baik dari atasan langsung maupun institusi Polri

    Akses Keadilan Bagi Rakyat Miskin (Dilema dalam Pemberian Bantuan Hukum oleh Advokat)

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    Legal aid for the poor people is a right, but in practice it is hard to do. There is a contradiction between law No. 16 of 2011 which gives obligation of the granting of legal aid is located at LAO which have been accredited, and the provisions of Article 22 (1) of law No. 18 of 2003 which gives obligation to the advocate as an individual. In the realm of practice, the granting of legal aid is not running properly because many advocate/LAO who still wear rate/fee, shifting ideology advocates from officium nobile to the commercialization, and the convoluted Government disbursements. Bantuan hukum bagi rakyat miskin merupakan hak yang dijamin oleh konstitusi, tetapi praktiknya terasa sulit. Metode penelitian hukum normatif dan empiris digunakan untuk mengungkap persoalan tersebut. Terdapat kontradiksi antara UU No. 16 Tahun 2011 dengan UU No. 18 Tahun 2003. Berdasar UU No. 16 Tahun 2011, kewajiban pemberian bantuan hukum terletak pada OBH yang telah terakreditasi, bukan pada advokat sebagai individu sebagaimana ketentuan Pasal 22 ayat (1) UU No. 18 Tahun 2003. Pada ranah praktik, pemberian bantuan hukum ini tak berjalan semestinya karena banyak advokat/OBH yang mengenakan tarif/bayaran kepada orang yang dibelanya, pergeseran ideologi advokat dari officium nobile ke komersialisasi perkara, dan pencairan dana pemerintah yang berbelit-belit


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    Legal aid for the poor people is a right, but in practice it is hard to do. There is a contradiction between law No. 16 of 2011 which gives obligation of the granting of legal aid is located at LAO which have been accredited, and the provisions of Article 22 (1) of law No. 18 of 2003 which gives obligation to the advocate as an individual. In the realm of practice, the granting of legal aid is not running properly because many advocate/LAO who still wear rate/fee, shifting ideology advocates from officium nobile to the commercialization, and the convoluted Government disbursements. Bantuan hukum bagi rakyat miskin merupakan hak yang dijamin oleh konstitusi, tetapi praktiknya terasa sulit. Metode penelitian hukum normatif dan empiris digunakan untuk mengungkap persoalan tersebut. Terdapat kontradiksi antara UU No. 16 Tahun 2011 dengan UU No. 18 Tahun 2003. Berdasar UU No. 16 Tahun 2011, kewajiban pemberian bantuan hukum terletak pada OBH yang telah terakreditasi, bukan pada advokat sebagai individu sebagaimana ketentuan Pasal 22 ayat (1) UU No. 18 Tahun 2003. Pada ranah praktik, pemberian bantuan hukum ini tak berjalan semestinya karena banyak advokat/OBH yang mengenakan tarif/bayaran kepada orang yang dibelanya, pergeseran ideologi advokat dari officium nobile ke komersialisasi perkara, dan pencairan dana pemerintah yang berbelit-belit