405 research outputs found

    Analisa Kadar Kromium VI [Cr (VI)] Air di Kecamatan Tanggulangin, Sidoarjo

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    Tanggulangin is one of the sub-districts in Sidoarjo district affected by Lapindo mudflow caused by oil drilling system error located in the area of Siring, Porong. Therefore it had impacted the water quality in around Lapindo mudflow area. The aim of this research was to analysis the levels of water Cr (VI) Tanggulangin district. Water sample was analyzed by spectrophotometer with wavelength of 540 nm and done using two (2) steps ,which were(1) establishment of standard curve and (2) determination of Cr (VI) in water. Ten (10) water samples were taken from various villages in the subdistrict Tanggulangin. Based on the results on level of water chromium VI [Cr (VI)] analyze showed 4 of 10 samples had levels of water Cr (VI)higher than standard 0,05 mg/L (PP No.82 tahun 2001), those sample were 1, 3,4 and 10

    Analisis Pemasaran Kerajinan Tangan Sampah Organik dan Anorganik pada Unit Bisnis SMKN 8 Pontianak

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    This study aims to determine the marketing crafts organic and inorganic waste at the business unit SMKN 8 Pontianak. Form of research is a case study. Informant\u27s business unit managers and 5 students who are members of the business unit SMKN 8 Pontianak. The method used is descriptive method with the aim to describe objectively about the marketing of handicrafts. Data collection tool is a list of checks and interview guides. Processing data using analysis. The study states that the business unit has been doing 4 marketing mix of product, price, promotion, and distribution. The resulting product is of interest, towels, bags, pots, pencil, and others. Price starts from Rp 2.000 – Rp 250.000, which is considered in determining the price is the level of dificulty, while making, and creativity. Promotions are made in marketing handicraft products is by the spread of cards, participate in the exhibition and promotion through facebook. Distribution channels used are short distribution channels

    Reduksi Si dan Al pada Mineral Ilmenit dengan Metode Dekomposisi Basa Natrium Hidroksida

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    Ilmenit merupakan salah satu mineral oksida yang belum optimal pengolahannya. Indonesia memiliki cadangan ilmenit cukup besar 40 juta ton diantaranya di Kalimantan Selatan. Pengolahan ilmenit menjadi titanium dioksida menjadi sangat penting karena titanium oksida memiliki banyak aplikasi antara lain sebagai katalis dapat mendegradasi polutan organik dalam air. Proses dekomposisi basa ilmenit menggunakan natrium hidroksida bertujuan untuk menghilangkan pengotor seperti Al dan Si. Metode dekomposisi basa dilakukan dengan mencampurkan ilmenit dan natrium hidroksida pad rasio berat 1 : 1,2 dilanjutkan roasting variasi temperatur 500°C, 600°C, 700°C, 800°C, dan 900°C selama 2 jam. Hasil roasting natrium aluminat dan natrium silikat dapat larut melalui melalui leaching air sehingga dapat dipisahkan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan reduksi Al paling optimum pada roasting 500°C dihasilkan % ekstraksi 45,195% sedangkan reduksi Si optimum pada 900°C dengan % ekstraksi 98%. Kandungan titanium meningkat dari 42,35% menjadi 49,61%

    Sikap Terhadap Perilaku Seks Maya Berdasarkan Jenis Kelamin Pada Dewasa Awal

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    The aim of this research is to measure the attitude difference on cybersex based on gender onyoung adult. The participants of the research are 100 Gunadarma University college students.This research is using questionairre for the data collecting. This research is using t test forthe data analysis with t score around 8.296 (p < 0.01). This result shows the attitudedifference on cybersex based on gender on young adult. The empiric mean shows the lowerscore from the hipotetic score. It shows that women and men are having attitude of cybersexnegatively. It can be happened because factors such as culture, social intention, educationalinstitution and religion

    Model Dinamis Investasi Di Indonesia Periode Tahun 2004-2007

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    This research aims to detect national income variable influence, credit rate of interest level and domestic investment previous period towards domestic investment with detects which variable that has influence dominantest towards domestic investment. Method which is used in this researcd is double linear regression PArtisl Adjustement Model used for perceiving short-range and long-range responsivenees from dependent variable to one changed unit of independent variable value. After conducted by t-test known that national income and previous period of the domestic investment individually having influence significantly to the level domestic investment. But credit rate of interest level individually not having influence significantly to the level domestic investment. The influence variable to the level of domestic investment is the level of previous period domestic investment model because analysis model that used is adjustment of partial model. Outside independent variable, in the reality variabel that influencing to the level of domestic investment is national income. Keywords: domestic investment, dynamic mode
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