53 research outputs found

    Characterizaton of Thermochemical Conversion Processes in a Technical-Scale Fixed-Bed Reactor: Pyrolysis and Gasification

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    Consolidated industrial application of biomass thermochemical conversion processes, such as pyrolysis and gasification, requires the development and application of control and optimization techniques. To this end, on-line process characterization, regarding mainly product distribution and composition under similar conditions as the ones encountered in industrial applications is needed. In the present study, slow pyrolysis and updraft gasification of thermally thick particles in a technical scale fixed-bed reactor are carried out under several process conditions. Different raw materials are used: pine wood chips, beech-wood spheres and cellulose. In pyrolysis, the increasing influence of transport phenomena in the conversion process due to the use of a technical-scale reactor and thermally thick wood particles is analysed through the temperature distribution inside the bed during the process together with the char properties characterization taken from four different positions inside the bed. The influence of process conditions, such as the N2 flow rate, on the products composition and distribution is also analysed. In gasification, the influence of the air to fuel ratio on the product gas composition is characterized, as well as the qualitative evolution of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) representative species in the volatiles vapours by applying laser-induced fluorescence (LIF)

    Study of the effects of thermally thin and thermally thick particle approaches on the Eulerian modeling of a biomass combustor operating with wood chips

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    Two particle treatments, thermally thin and thick, are applied to Eulerian combustion modeling for biomass packed beds and tested through the simulation of an experimental plant. The paper shows the efficiency of the Eulerian approach for large packed beds and tests the behavior of both particle treatments, tested with in-bed and flame temperatures and released volatiles measurements at different locations, which is not common in the literature for a full size boiler. Both approaches are implemented in a model with a comprehensive framework that includes several submodels for the thermal conversion kinetics, bed motion, heat and mass transfer with the gas phase, and gas flow and reaction. Two experiments are performed with wood chips fuels with different moisture contents. The simulations of the two cases result in reasonably good predictions for both particle treatments. The results are similar for higher moisture content and, for the low-moisture test, the bed temperature distribution and reaction fronts are slightly different due to the different predictions of the drying and devolatilization fronts. The volatile measurements show that the T. Thin model results in slightly more accurate predictions than the T. Thick, possibly because the wood chips have a more thermally thin behaviorMinisterio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades | Ref. PID2021-126569OB-I00Universidade de Vigo/CISU

    Pyrolysis of medium-density fiberboard: optimized search for kinetics scheme and parameters via a genetic algorithm driven by Kissinger's method

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    The pyrolysis kinetics of charring materials plays an important role in understanding material combustions especially for construction materials with complex degradation chemistry. Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) is frequently used to study the heterogeneous kinetics of solid fuels; however, there is no agreed method to determine the pyrolysis scheme and kinetic parameters for charring polymers with multiple components and competing reaction pathways. This study develops a new technique to estimate the possible numbers of species and sub-reactions in pyrolysis by analyzing the second derivatives of thermogravimetry (DDTG) curves. The pyrolysis of a medium-density fiberboard (MDF) in nitrogen is studied in detail, and the DDTG curves are used to locate the temperature of the peak mass-loss rate for each sub-reaction. Then, on the basis of the TG data under multiple heating rates, Kissinger’s method is used to quickly find the possible range of values of the kinetic parameters (<i>A</i> and <i>E</i>). These ranges are used to accelerate the optimization of the inverse problem using a genetic algorithm (GA) for the kinetic and stoichiometric parameters. The proposed method and kinetic scheme found are shown to match the experimental data and are able to predict accurately results at different heating rates better than Kissinger’s method. Moreover, the search method (K–K method) is highly efficient, faster than the regular GA search alone. Modeling results show that, as the TG data available increase, the interdependence among kinetic parameters becomes weak and the accuracy of the first-order model declines. Furthermore, conducting TG experiment under multiple heating rates is found to be crucial in obtaining good kinetic parameters

    Understanding the primary and secondary slow pyrolysis mechanisms of holocellulose, lignin and wood with laser-induced fluorescence

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    To understand the complex reaction mechanisms involved in biomass pyrolysis, volatile products are characterized on-line by laser-induced fluorescence (LIF), together with on-line measurements of permanent gases by GC-TCD (Gas Chromatograph-Thermal Conductivity Detector) and temperature evolutions in the bed. The focus is to determine the components that emit fluorescence and reactions involved in producing them from wood and from its two main macromolecular components, holocellulose and lignin. A technical-scale fixed-bed reactor is used to identify primary and secondary reactions involved in pyrolysis. The excitation wavelength used for the LIF measurements is 266 nm and the detected species are aromatic compounds (including one-ring phenolics and two-, three-or four-ring polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs)) and species containing carbonyl groups. Holocellulose volatiles show fluorescence that is attributed to the formation of carbonyl compounds and two-ring PAHs during heterogeneous secondary char-forming reactions, which also enhance the production of CO2. Volatiles from lignin show first fluorescence typical of one-ring phenolics and small (two-three rings) PAHs. Then, due to the enhancement of heterogeneous secondary reactions, fluorescence signal typical of bigger PAHs (three-four rings) is detected. These aromatic species are produced in parallel to gas species like CH4. The fluorescence that can be observed in pyrolysis of wood comes mainly from the lignin fraction, undergoing also heterogeneous secondary reactions resulting in the formation of bigger PAHs, although a contribution from cellulose is also present

    Experimental Study of the Combustion of a Single Biomass Particle

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    Applicability of the SOFC technology for coupling with biomass-gasifier systems: Short- and long-term experimental study on SOFC performance and degradation behaviour

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    Coupling biomass gasification with high temperature Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFCs) is a promising solution to increase the share of renewables and reduce emissions. The quality of the producer gas used can, however, significantly impact the SOFC durability and reliability. The great challenge is to ensure undisturbed operation of such system and to find a trade-off between optimal SOFC operating temperature and system thermal integration, which may limit the overall efficiency. Thus, this study focuses on experimental investigation of commercial SOFC single cells of industrial size fueled with different representative producer gas compositions of industrial relevance at two relevant operating temperatures. The extensive experimental and numerical analyses performed showed that feeding SOFC with a producer gas from a downdraft gasifier, with hot gas cleaning, at an operating temperature of 750 degrees C represents the most favorable setting, considering system integration and the highest fuel utilization. Additionally, a 120 h long-term test was carried out, showing that a long-term operation is possible under stated operating conditions. Local degradation took place, which can be detected at an early stage using appropriate online-monitoring tools

    Investigation of SOFC operation with steam gasifier product gasesas a basis for enhancing ist performance

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    Solid oxide fuel cells (SOFC) represent a promising technology to increase the electrical efficiency of biomass-based combined-heat-power systems in comparison to state-of-the-art gas engines, additionally providing high temperature heat. To identify favorable gas compositions and operating conditions for an efficient coupling with gasifiers at low degradation risk is of major importance to ensure stability, reliability and durability of the systems used. Therefore, this study presents a comprehensive analysis on the influence of main gas components on the performance of an industrial-size SOFC relevant for the use with product gases from biomass gasification. Recommendations for concentrations of H2O, CO, CH4 and CO2 in a H2+N2 gas mixture for enhancing cell performance are presented. Moreover, the degradation stability of a loaded cell fueled with a modeled steam-gasifier product gas is investigated showing no performance- or substrate degradation.10111212Austrian Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology (bmvit