195 research outputs found

    The Transport Properties of Cation Exchange Membranes in Bi-Ionic Forms

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    3D Hydrodynamic Model Development and Verification

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    A three-dimensional numerical model was developed to simulate hydrodynamic, temperature, and water quality distributions in rivers and lakes. In an attempt to get rid of the extra approximation and complexity, no coordinate transformation has been done and z-coordinate system has been employed. The governing equations are the continuity equation, free surface equation, momentum equations, and conservation equations of temperature and water quality. The model employs the time splitting technique which allows splitting the directions in which we end with two-dimensional governing equations and eventually the solution ends with a tri-diagonal matrix, which is easily solved by Thomas algorithm. The first step after developing a numerical model and before adding more features or applying the model to a real case, the model should be verified. The verification of the model was done by implementing the model to known solutions test cases in additional to evaluating whether the code preserves fluid mass. A series of test cases is performed by comparing the model results with the analytical solutions as proposed by many modelers. The model showed good agreement between the analytical and the numerical solution

    Impact of Climate Changes on the Hydrochemistry of Razaza Lake and Rahaliya – Shithatha Springs – Central Iraq

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    The climate parameters, rainfall, temperature data for more than forty years for three Iraqi meteorological stations (Baghdad, Basra, and Mosul) were studied .The results show good evidence of climate change indicated by the remarkable decrease of the average means annual rainfall in the studied stations, with the remarkable increase of the average minimum annual temperature. The impact of the climatic change on the hydrochemistry of Razaza lake and Rahaliya – Shithatha springs was obvious in increasing the water salinity as studied for years 1995 and 2013. The average mean annual rainfall for ten years intervals indicate that there were a remarkable decrease in amount of rainfall from 90 mm for the period 1992-2001 to about 71 mm for the period 2002- 2013.  The Razzaza lake water has indicated that chloride group and one major family (Chloride-sodium family) is the dominant for years 1995 and 2013 with increase of Mg ions during 2013. The Rahaliya – Shithatha springs’ water has showed that the sulphate and chloride groups are dominant for years 1995 and 2013, with increase of sulphate group to 80% during 2013. Keywords: Climatic changes, hydrochemistry, Razaza lake and Rahaliya – Shithatha springs, Iraq

    A Unique Volume Balance Approach for Verifying the Three-Dimensional Hydrodynamic Numerical Models in Surface Waterbody Simulation

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    The hydrodynamic numerical modeling is increasingly becoming a widely used tool for simulating the surface waterbodies including rivers, lakes, and reservoirs. A challenging step in any model development is the verification tests, especially at the early stage of development. In this study, a unique approach was developed by implementing the volume balance principle in order to verify the three-dimensional hydrodynamic models for surface waterbody simulation. A developed and verified three-dimensional hydrodynamic and water quality model, called W3, was employed by setting a case study model to be verified using the volume balance technique. The model was qualified by calculating the error in the accumulated water volume within the domain every time step. Results showed that the volume balance reached a constant error over the simulation period, indicating a robust model setup

    Air Pollution Levels by Re-suspended and Airborne Dust Due to Traffic Movement at the Main High Traffic Crossroads of Hilla City, Iraq

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    يتضمن هذا البحث عمليه مراقبه وتقييم لمستويات تلوث الهواء الناتج عن الغبار المتصاعد والمحمول بالهواء بسبب حركه المرور في تقاطعات الطرق الأكثر ازدحاما في مدينه ألحله وهي تقاطع نادر وتقاطع ألثوره. إن الغبار المتصاعد هو واحد من أكثر مصادر تلوث الهواء المساهم في التلوث الجوي الكلي وخصوصا عندما تكون الطرق غير مبلطه أو تحت الصيانة وبحمل مروري عالي مثل مايحصل ألان في تقاطع نادر الذي هو تقاطع رئيسي غير مبلط حاليا كونه تحت عمليه صيانة لأقامه مجسر عليه. تم إيجاد تراكير الدقائق العالقة الكلية للموقعين بواسطة جهاز اخذ العينات المحمول خلال ساعة الازدحام المروري وفي جو مشمس ومعتدل ولأربعه شهور( كانون الأول 2011, شباط 2012, نيسان 2012, أيار 2012 ). قد أكدت النتائج مساهمه الطرق غير ألمبلطه في تلوث الهواء. بينت النتائج أن معدل مستويات الدقائق العالقة في تقاطع نادر أعلى من معدلاتها في تقاطع ألثوره طوال فتره الدراسة حيث كان اقل مستوى للدقائق العالقة في تقاطع نادر(5676,67 مايكرو غرام\م3 ) هو أعلى من أعلى مستوى للدقائق العالقة في تقاطع ألثوره (4096,41 مايكرو غرام\م3 ). كما بينت النتائج أن تركيز الغبار المتصاعد ألمقاسه في هذه الدراسة (426.06-9348.95) مايكرو غرام\م3 هي أعلى بكثير من الحدود المسموحه في المواصفات ألقياسيه لوكالة حماية البيئة الامريكيه.This research includes a monitoring and an evaluation of the air pollution levels generated by the re-suspended and airborne dust due to traffic movement at the main busy crossroads of Hilla City, Nader Crossroad and Al-Thowra Crossroad, Iraq. The re-suspended dust is one of the most important contributors towards overall atmospheric pollution, especially when the roads are unpaved or under maintenance with high traffic load such as Nader Crossroad, which was under maintenance to construct a bridge on it. The concentrations of the total suspended particulate matters were determined at the two locations using portable air sampler during traffic rush hour on sunny moderated weekdays for four months, December 2011, February 2012, April 2012, and May 2012. The results have confirmed the contribution of the unpaved roads in air pollution. The results showed that the average TSP levels at Nader Crossroad was higher than the average TSP levels at Al-Thowra Crossroad during the total period of the study in which the minimum TSP level at Nader Crossroad was 5676.67 μg/m3, which was higher than the maximum TSP level at Al-Thowra Crossroad, 4096.41 μg/m3. In addition, the re-suspended dust concentrations that were measured in this study and ranged from 426.06 to 9348.95 μg/m3 are much higher than the American Environmental Protection Agency acceptable limits of national ambient air quality standards for the particulate matter. &nbsp

    Preface Sections in English and Arabic Linguistics Books: A Rhetorico-Cultural Analysis

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    The present paper is a genre analysis of linguistics books prefaces in English and Arabic. Following Swales' (1990) genre framework, this study is a small scale-based generic analysis of 80 preface texts, equally divided into 40 texts from English and Arabic. The corpus analysis revealed that to perform its communicative function, the genre of the preface sections has nine component moves with some variation between the two languages.  As to move type and frequency, the rhetorical structure of preface genre varies to some extent in the two different languages under investigation. In addition, the socio-cultural practices and assumptions of the book writers of the two languages are embedded in the language of preface genre. Due to the limitation of the present study, further research is required to examine this genre in depth.Keywords: Preface sections, Genre analysis, Socio-cultural patterns, Rhetorical structure, Mov

    Some Properties of Li-Yorke Chaos

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    In this paper we study Li-Yorke chaos in linear operator on Banach space, in addition to  establishing some basic properties of Li-Yorke chaos and explanation when the operator be Li-Yorke chaos or not. We also prove...............

    Detection of AFM1 in Milk and Some Dairy Products in Iraq using different techniques

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    The 130 samples of milk and some dairy products were randomly collected from Baghdad markets from September 2014 to June 2015 and distributes into imported and local samples include: liquid and powder milk, white and soft cheese in addition to yoghurt. The samples were analyzed to qualitative and quantitative detection of aflatoxin M1 (AFM1) using different techniques {Thin layer chromatography- TLC (qualitative), High performance liquid chromatography- HPLC and Enzyme Linked Immune Sorbent Assay- ELISA (quantitative}. The positive results (contaminated with AFM1),  showed  as 50 (38.5%), 65 (50 %) and 70 (53.8%) respectively,  furthermore,  yogurt and cheese showed more contamination with AFM1 than other products and the highest concentration of AFM1 in the local cheese reached 300.7ng/L and 939.67ng/L when detected with HPLC and ELISA techniques respectively. We concluded that ELISA technique was found to be most advisable for detection of low-level AFM1 contamination in milk and dairy products . On other side the local products were contaminated with AFM1 than imported products , in addition to  yogurt and cheese were more contaminated with AFM1 than other samples. Key words: Detection, AFM1, TLC, HPLC , ELISA, Milk, Dairy Products, Ira

    Evaluation the Non-Thermal Plasma Application Activity in AFB1 Detoxification

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    Contamination raw agricultural materials has been a food safety concern for human and animals. A non thermal plasma or cold plasma  is a novel antimicrobial intervention, that can be reduce the level of aflatoxin B1(AFB1) in complete cow's feed samples .AFB1 are carcinogenic compound produce primarily by two certain strain of Aspergillus include A. flavus and A. parasiticus , the  contamination of feed is arise for  animals health. Fifty samples from complete cow's feed were designated into imported 15 samples and local 35 samples , obtained randomly from different region in Baghdad from March 2014 to February 2015. Samples were tested for AFB1 by ELISA and HPLC technique and exposure to application cold plasma protocol to treatment of AFB1 contamination the samples in different time (5, 10 and 15) seconds at 3.5 cm between the plasma source and samples then tested by ELISA and HPLC. There are appears the best time successful in reducing levels of toxin at 10 sec. in local samples 3.12, 0.05 ng / g imported samples 1.21, 6.19 ng / g in HPLC and ELISA. In local and imported samples at 10 sec and that was 15 sec less time periods ability to reduce toxin level in local and imported samples, that indicated the length of exposure to NTP application is not necessary to reduce toxin level. According to the study we observed that the results from ELISA method were more sensitive, accuracy and simplicity when compared with results from HPLC technique. Keyword: Cold plasma, decontamination,AFB1, HPLC, ELISA