55 research outputs found

    The Level of Psychological Anxiety of the Coronavirus Pandemic among Omani, Bahraini and Residents Families and their Relationship to some Demographic Variables

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    هدفت الدراسة الحالية إلى تحديد مستوى القلق النفسي تجاه فيروس كورونا (COVID-19) لدى الأسر العُمانية والأسر البحرينية والمقيمين، وتحديد فروق مستوى القلق تجاه فيروس كورونا تعزى للجنس والمؤهل العلمي والعمر وطبيعة العمل. وتكونت عينة الدراسة من 2107 مستجيبًا تم اختيارهم بالطريقة العشوائية. وتم استخدام استبانة للقلق من إعداد الباحثات. وقد أظهرت النتائج أن مستوى القلق جاء متوسطًا، كما أظهرت النتائج عدم وجود فروق في مستوى القلق بين الأسر العمانية والبحرينية، بينما كان مستوى القلق مرتفعًا لدى المقيمين مقارنة بالمواطنين في كلا الدولتين. وأظهرت النتائج أن الإناث هن الأكثر قلقًا من الذكور. وحسب العمر فقد كان الذين أعمارهم أكثر من 40 سنة أقل قلقًا من غيرهم. وقد اتضح أن أصحاب المؤهل العلمي المتدنِ (الثانوي وأقل) أكثر قلقًا من ذوي المؤهلات التعليمية العليا. وحسب طبيعة العمل فقد اتضح أن العاطلين عن العمل أكثر قلقًا من العاملين والمتقاعدين. وقدمت الدراسة مجموعة من التوصيات.This study aimed to identify the level of psychological anxiety about the Corona Virus (COVID-19) among Omani, Bahraini and Residents families, and to identify if there are differences in the level of anxiety due to gender, qualification, age, and job title. The study sample consisted of 2107 respondents, which were selected randomly. An anxiety questionnaire that was developed by the researchers was used as the main research tool. The results showed that the level of anxiety was moderate. The study also showed no differences in the level of anxiety between Omani and Bahraini families, while the level of anxiety was high among residents compared to citizens in both countries. The results indicated that females a have higher level of anxiety than males do. In addition, respondents who were above 40 years have lower anxiety than others. As for qualification, the study showed that respondents who have a secondary level qualification (or less) are feeling anxious more than those with higher qualifications. Finally, the unemployed respondents were found to be more anxious than those who have jobs and the retirees. This study suggested a number of recommendations

    ICONA: Inter Cluster ONOS Network Application

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    Several Network Operating Systems (NOS) have been proposed in the last few years for Software Defined Networks; however, a few of them are currently offering the resiliency, scalability and high availability required for production environments. Open Networking Operating System (ONOS) is an open source NOS, designed to be reliable and to scale up to thousands of managed devices. It supports multiple concurrent instances (a cluster of controllers) with distributed data stores. A tight requirement of ONOS is that all instances must be close enough to have negligible communication delays, which means they are typically installed within a single datacenter or a LAN network. However in certain wide area network scenarios, this constraint may limit the speed of responsiveness of the controller toward network events like failures or congested links, an important requirement from the point of view of a Service Provider. This paper presents ICONA, a tool developed on top of ONOS and designed in order to extend ONOS capability in network scenarios where there are stringent requirements in term of control plane responsiveness. In particular the paper describes the architecture behind ICONA and provides some initial evaluation obtained on a preliminary version of the tool.Comment: Paper submitted to a conferenc

    An experimental investigation of the effect of defect shape and orientation on the burst pressure of pressurised pipes

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    The burst pressure of commonly used ductile steel pipes in oil and gas industries, i.e. X52 and X60, is measured under internal pressure loading. The pipes were machined with circular and boxed defects at different orientations to simulate actual metal loss defects. Defect shapes and orientations were investigated in detail to study how they affect the failure behaviour of interacting defects. The experimental burst pressure results were compared with those obtained using existing analytical methods from Design Codes. Comparison of the results showed conservatism in the existing analytical methods which may potentially lead to unnecessary plant shutdowns and pipe repairs. The outcome of the experimental tests revealed that the shapes of the defects have very small influence on the defect interaction behaviour. The burst tests interestingly showed that the defect orientation has an important effect on defect interaction. Defects oriented in the hoop and diagonal directions showed no defect interaction even when spaced by a distance of one wall thickness, while defects oriented in the longitudinal directions showed that defects interact even when the spacing is up to six wall thickness but the interaction fades away for defects spaced at longer distances

    Treating symptomatic uterine fibroids with myomectomy: current practice and views of UK consultants

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    Background: The demand for uterus-sparing treatments is increasing as more women postpone childbirth to their 30–40s, when fibroids are more symptomatic. With an increasing choice of treatment options and changing care-provider profiles, now is an opportune time to survey current practices and opinions. Using a 25-stem questionnaire, a web-based survey was used to capture the practices and opinions of UK consultant gynecologists on the treatment of symptomatic fibroids, including the types of procedure most frequently used, methods used to reduce blood loss, and awareness and acceptability of treatment options, and to assess the impact of gender and experience of the treating gynecologist. Results: The response rate was 22%. Laparascopic myomectomy is used least frequently, with 80% of the respondents using GnRHa preoperatively to minimize blood loss and correct anemia, while vasopressin is most frequently used to reduce intraoperative blood loss. Female consultants operate significantly less frequently than males. Those with more than 10 years consultant experience are more likely to perform an open myomectomy compared to those with less than 10 years experience. Conclusions: Compared to a similar survey performed 10 years ago, surgical methods remain to be the most common treatments, but use of less invasive treatments such as UAE has increased. Consultants’ attitudes appear to be responding to the patient demand for less radical treatments. However, it is yet to be seen if the changing consultant demographics will keep up with this demand. The low response rate warrants cautious interpretation of the results, but they provide an interesting snapshot of current views and practices

    Genomic and Expression Analyses Define MUC17 and PCNX1 as Predictors of Chemotherapy Response in Breast Cancer

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    The ATLAS Trigger/DAQ Authorlist, version 3.0

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    This is the ATLAS Trigger/DAQ Authorlist, version 3.0, 11 September 200

    The ATLAS Trigger/DAQ Authorlist, version 2.0

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    This is the ATLAS Trigger/DAQ Authorlist, version 2.0, 31 July 200

    The ATLAS Trigger/DAQ Authorlist, version 1.0

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    This is a reference document giving the ATLAS Trigger/DAQ author list, version 1.0 of 20 Nov 2008

    The ATLAS Trigger/DAQ Authorlist, version 3.1

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    This is the ATLAS Trigger/DAQ Authorlist, version 3.1, 17 September 200