692 research outputs found

    Joint venture healthcare system as common practice in developing countries : game changing on assessing health services

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    To explore the essence of game changing on applying joint venture (JV) approach for healthcare system improvement in developing countries. This is cross-sectional study exploring the factors influencing the successful implementation of JV for the healthcare services in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). The study included: Qatar Statistical Authority, CIA fact book, Ministry of Health Annual Report, Hamad Medical Corporation Annual Report, Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development information, and Qatar's healthcare system history. The research indicated that the LMIC healthcare system would benefit from affiliation with leading technology partner for healthcare reform. The findings support the view of LMIC healthcare systems' needs to incorporate joint venture approach in implementing JV concept for process improvement and knowledge transfer to contribute in country economic growth, development, and stability. Current study explored evidence supporting decision maker and management control of JV trends in different ways in comparison with developed countries. JV can also help the organization to share the risk and cost of large capital investment. The present study supports observations on expending the use of JVs as approach for improvement in LMIC healthcare system. The current study confirmed the advantages of JV which include helping businesses grow faster, increasing productivity, and generating greater profits, both parties sharing the risks and costs, accessing new markets and distribution networks. [Abstract copyright: Copyright: © 2020 International Journal of Preventive Medicine.

    The Influence of Service Quality Toward Customer Loyalty: a Case Study at Alfamart Abdurahman Saleh Bandung

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    The research objectives were to determine the correlation between service quality and customer loyalty, and also to analyze the influence of service quality on customer loyalty at Alfamart Abdurahman Saleh Bandung. Respondents of this research were 70 respondents with nonprobability sampling technique done by incidental sampling. The method used is descriptive and associative, which tested the connection using the Spearman rank correlation analysis, to test the hypothesis by t-test, and to determine the accuracy of measurement using the validity and reliability test. Results of the validity and reliability test of variables X and Y are valid and reliable. Calculations were performed using SPSS software ver. 19. The results of this research show that service quality is in the category of good and customer loyalty is also in the category of good. Results show that the correlation of service quality with customer loyalty at Alfamart Abdurahman Saleh Bandung is in the strong relation based on the interpretation of r value correlation coefficient. The hypothesis is proved that there is the influence of service quality on customer loyalty at Alfamart Abdurahman Saleh Bandung significantly

    Novel Marine Compounds: Anticancer or Genotoxic?

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    In the past several decades, marine organisms have generously gifted to the pharmaceutical industries numerous naturally bioactive compounds with antiviral, antibacterial, antimalarial, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and anticancer potentials. But till date only few anticancer drugs (cytarabine, vidarabine) have been commercially developed from marine compounds while several others are currently in different clinical trials. Majority of these compounds were tested in the tumor xenograft models, however, lack of anticancer potential data in the chemical- and/or oncogene-induced pre-initiation animal carcinogenesis models might have cost some of the marine anticancer compounds an early exit from the clinical trials. This review critically discusses importance of preclinical evaluation, failure of human clinical trials with certain potential anticancer agents, the screening tests used, and choice of biomarkers

    Kemampuan Pemecahan Masalah Siswa pada Topik Suhu dan Kalor melalui Pembelajaran Cognitive Apprenticeship

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    Problem solving ability is one of the necessary abilities of students in studying physics. Therefore, these capabilities need to be taught to students in a variety of topics. This study aims to explore the students' problem solving ability on heat and temperature through cognitive apprenticeship learning. Subjects in this study were 19 students of class C2 XMIPA SMAN 9 Malang academic year 2015/2016. The research method used was embedded mixed-method experimental models. The results showed: (1) The students' problem solving ability has increased significantly with the average N-Gain score of 0.53 (medium category), and the value of the effect size was -2.57 (very strong category); (2) The students' problem solving ability in general have a positive change in phase useful description, physics approach, mathematical procedures, and logical progression.Kemampuan pemecahan masalah merupakan salah satu kemampuan yang diperlukan siswa dalam mempelajari fisika. Oleh karena itu, kemampuan tersebut perlu diajarkan kepada siswa dalam berbagai topik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi kemampuan pemecahan masalah siswa pada topik suhu dan kalor melalui pembelajaran cognitive Apprenticeship. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah 19 siswa kelas XMIPA C2 SMAN 9 Malang tahun akademik 2015/2016. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah mixed method embedded experimental design. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan (1) kemampuan pemecahan masalah siswa mengalami peningkatan signifikan dengan N-Gain skor rata-rata sebesar 0,53 (kategori sedang), dan nilai effect size sebesar -2.57 (kategori sangat kuat); (2) Kemampuan pemecahan masalah siswa mengalami Perubahan positif pada tahap useful description, physics approach, mathematical procedure, maupun logical progression

    Bayesian, Maximum Parsimony and UPGMA Models for Inferring the Phylogenies of Antelopes Using Mitochondrial Markers

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    This investigation was aimed to compare the inference of antelope phylogenies resulting from the 16S rRNA, cytochrome-b (cyt-b) and d-loop segments of mitochondrial DNA using three different computational models including Bayesian (BA), maximum parsimony (MP) and unweighted pair group method with arithmetic mean (UPGMA). The respective nucleotide sequences of three Oryx species (Oryx leucoryx, Oryx dammah and Oryx gazella) and an out-group (Addax nasomaculatus) were aligned and subjected to BA, MP and UPGMA models for comparing the topologies of respective phylogenetic trees. The 16S rRNA region possessed the highest frequency of conserved sequences (97.65%) followed by cyt-b (94.22%) and d-loop (87.29%). There were few transitions (2.35%) and none transversions in 16S rRNA as compared to cyt-b (5.61% transitions and 0.17% transversions) and d-loop (11.57% transitions and 1.14% transversions) while comparing the four taxa. All the three mitochondrial segments clearly differentiated the genus Addax from Oryx using the BA or UPGMA models. The topologies of all the gamma-corrected Bayesian trees were identical irrespective of the marker type. The UPGMA trees resulting from 16S rRNA and d-loop sequences were also identical (Oryx dammah grouped with Oryx leucoryx) to Bayesian trees except that the UPGMA tree based on cyt-b showed a slightly different phylogeny (Oryx dammah grouped with Oryx gazella) with a low bootstrap support. However, the MP model failed to differentiate the genus Addax from Oryx. These findings demonstrate the efficiency and robustness of BA and UPGMA methods for phylogenetic analysis of antelopes using mitochondrial markers

    Diversity and distribution of dipterous flies of medical and veternary importance in Tayma, Saudi Arabia

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    The present study aims to investigate the distribution and diversity of dipterous flies in Tayma (Saudi Arabia) during the spring of 2018. A total of 12 dipterous species were collected from three different sites located in Tayma (Tabuk, Saudi Arabia) located in the Northern part of Saudi Arabia. The taxa of flies were dominated by Musca domestica and Musca sorbens. No significant difference were observed between the total number of flies collected using different traps (t-test, P0.05) and among the studied sites (ANOVA, P0.05). The highest number of flies was recorded from Site 3 (a cattle farm). However, lower number of flies was reported from the dates palm farms. In conlusion, the species Musca domestica were found to be the most abundant species in all locations with remarkable high abundance in animal facilities (slaughter house and animal farm). The pheromone traps were found to be the most effective trap catching high number of individuls and high number of fly species.

    Desain dan Purwarupa Fuzzy Logic Control untuk Pengendalian Suhu Ruangan

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    Fuzzy Logic Control (FLC) merupakan salah satu metode pengendalian sistem yang saat ini banyak digunakan di beberapa disiplin ilmu, khususnya di bidang sistem kendali. Dalam perancangan FLC tidak diperlukan model matematis dari sistem yang akan dikendalikan. Hal ini menjadi salah satu keunggulan FLC sehingga perancangan pengendali lebih mudah dilakukan dengan hanya mengandalkan aturan logika. Pada makalah ini, akan dirancang FLC untuk sistem pendingin ruangan dan direalisasikan dalam bentuk prototype untuk kesederhanaan perancangan. Sistem ini memiliki masukan suhu ruangan dan banyaknya orang di ruangan, sedangkan keluarannya adalah tingkat pendinginan ruangan tersebut. Pengujian sistem ini dilakukan dengan membandingkan hasil keluaran pengendali melalui simulasi Fuzzy Logic Toolbox yang tersedia pada MATLAB. Dua unit purwarupa dirancang dengan sensor masukan yang berbeda sebagai perbandingan. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa purwarupa sistem pertama dan kedua mampu mengendalikan suhu ruangan dengan rata-rata kesalahan berturut-turut 1,31% dan 4,06% jika dibandingkan dengan simulasi MATLAB

    Topp–Leone Family of Distributions: Some Properties and Application

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    In this paper we have proposed a new family of distributions; the Topp–Leone family of distributions. We have given general expression for density and distribution function of the new family. Expression for moments and hazard rate has also been given. We have also given an example of the proposed family