669 research outputs found

    Ukraine country report: Where are we marching to?

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    Cинтагматические способы терминообразования в «Кратком терминологическом словаре якутского языка» П. П. Барашкова

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    The article deals with syntagmatic ways of term formation in the dictionary of P.P. Barashkov “Short terminological dictionary of the Yakut language”. The author focuses on the varieties of Yakut terminological syntagmatics: complex and compound terms, as well as terms-phrases consisting of three or more components. Briefly describes the language policy of 40-80 years in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). The correct translation of terms is quite a difficult problem, despite the fact that terms have much more semantic certainty and independence than words of everyday vocabulary. Keywords: Yakut language, term, term formation, complex term, compound term, phrase, dictionary. В статье рассматриваются синтагматические способы  терминообразования в словаре П.П. Барашкова «Краткий  терминологический словарь якутского языка». Основное внимание автор акцентирует на разновидностях якутской терминологической синтагматики: сложных и составных терминов, а также терминам-словосочетаниям, состоящих из трёх и более компонентов. Вкратце описывается языковая политика 40-80 гг. в Республике Саха (Якутия). Правильный перевод терминов является довольно сложной проблемой, несмотря на то, что термины обладают значительно большей семантической определенностью и самостоятельностью, чем слова обиходной лексики. Ключевые слова: якутский язык, термин, терминообразование, сложный термин, составной термин, словосочетание, словарь.

    Дискурс кохання у тематиці класичних цзацюй та розмовної драми ХХ ст. (Discourse of love in the subject of classical drama and drama of twentieth century)

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    У статті висвітлена концепція кохання у класичних драмах Ван Шифу «Західний флігель», та розмовних драмах Цая Юя, визначені особливості розуміння автором традиційного конфлікту «кохання-обов’язок», а також новаторство драматургів у зображенні почуттів та емоцій закоханих героїв. (Objective: In the article highlights the concept of love in classical dramas Wang Shifu «West wing» and spoken drama Tsao Yu, the features of author understanding of traditional conflict «love-duty» and innovation playwrights in the image enamored feelings and emotions of the characters. Problem. The twentieth century has turned to large Chinese drama number of changes, the destruction of established laws and principles. Contributing socio-political situation in the country. One of the biggest themed classical drama groups up plays on the history of love. It is important to note that the theme of love was well developed pre-literary tradition. Not for the first time this issue was raised back in «Shi tzin» – ancient poetry monument, which presents a variety of song lyrics. Thus, we can draw the following, the theory of drama in China traditionally focuses on harmonization not the internal content while stressing the formal characteristics tragic comic or action, unlike western theater, where the principle imitation brings focus on the harmonization of external form. Therefore, according to Chinese researchers, genre differentiation for Chinese Theatre was not as important as for the European, although instructive role this art was generally recognized equally in the West and in China. And in which any drama or western-style or oriental theme of love is not except, we see the rapid development of the subject.

    Specialized Web Portal for Solving Problems on Multiprocessor Computing Systems

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    A system for remote calculations called “Specialized web portal for solving problems on multiprocessor computing systems” has been developed and installed at the Department of Ill-Posed Problems of Analysis and Applications of the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics UrB RAS. The parallel algorithms have been incorporated into this system to solve the inverse gravity problem of lateral density reconstruction, the structural inverse gravity and magnetic problem of the contact surfaces reconstruction, and solving SLAEs with block-tridiagonal matrices in geoelectrics problems

    The Problem of Scheduling for the Linear Section of a Single-Track Railway with Independent Edges Orientations

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    The paper is devoted to the problem of scheduling for the linear section of a single-track railway: how to organize the ow in both directions in the most efficient way. In this paper, the authors propose an algorithm for scheduling with independent edges orientations, examine the properties of this algorithm and perform the computational experiments