31 research outputs found

    A Framework of Legal Factors for Human Resource Management

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    Legislative body and judicial ruling enrols the law for human resource management, this law is generally refereed as legal context.  It is quite comprehensive and complex context. It is applicable for handling the discrimination of employment and labours. This paper presents the detail of legal context of administration of law in the Jordan country . It also studies and compare law system with other countries. This research concentrates on the validity standards and laws which are used in legal context. Features of ethics and privacy related to the human resource management is discussed. Impact of Tax regulation and law are reviewed. Emergency issues which includes applicant and employee relations were studied. Ethics which deals with employee compensation is  then discussed. Finally the influence of legal system on  policies and practices of human resource management is analysed

    Reviewing the Framework of Risk Management: Policy and Hedging

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    Purpose: The main purpose of this study is to evaluate different policies for managing the business risks in an effective manner.   Theoretical framework: In order to identify the hazards within the organization and evaluate several risk factors, risk management is necessary. This is a method of “analysing and evaluating” the risks, which are associated with the hazard. After making identification the risks need to analyse properly. Evaluation of the risks is based on the position and activities of the firms. Hazard identification is a process of finding out the hazards, then making a list of those hazards and after that characterizing.   Design/methodology/approach: The deductive approach is the best approach to understand the structure of the study. The deductive approach focuses on the evaluation of different theoretical views for finding out the pattern related to the generic views of a particular research topic.   Findings: It is identified that the risk management is one of the major parts of business companies, which creating specific policies. The usage of hedging can lead to an effective risk management process.   Research, Practical & Social implications: Businesses can benefit more from a strong foundation for managing risks. Risk assessment is applicable to all industries and is not just related to businesses or companies.   Originality/value: This study is different from the previous studies because it examined the risk management framework (policy and hedging) in detailed way

    Modeling the Variability of Labor Productivity in Masonry Construction

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    This paper proposes a methodology to model the variability of masonry labor productivity. The theoretical basis of baseline productivity relied upon the analysis of 14 projects sharing similar exogenous conditions and being similar in scope, size of components, specifications, quality requirements and design features. The data were collected using standardized data collection procedures that focused on task-level labor productivity; specifically, the measurement of work accomplished by a single crew in a single shift. Analysis showed that when daily productivity values fall between the control limits, loss of productivity is within normal variation while daily productivity values falling above the upper control limit imply a loss of productivity that is due to the work environment factors as within the normal variation, and in particular to certain significant influential factors that can be cited during that day. These results could have significant implications for construction managers seeking to improve overall project performance

    The Impact of the Green Supply Chain Management on Environmental – Based Marketing Performance: Case study Nuqul Group Companies in Jordan

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    This study aims to investigate “The impact of  the Green Supply Chain Management” (GSCM)  on Environmental – Based Marketing Performance. In order to achieve the objectives of the study, the researchers deployed the descriptive analytical approach due to its relevance to this kind of research. The sample used in this study is the stratified convenience sampling, where the study targeted the top and middle managerial levels from the population, and the targeted managerial levels was made up of (167) employees in the five companies. 125 questionnaires  were distributed for the five companies with  (25) questionnaires for each company. The accepted questionnaire was (96).  The results of the research showed that the elements of the Green Supply Chain Management "Internal Environmental Management, Green Purchasing, Green Information Systems, Cooperation with Customers, Eco-Design and Packaging, and Investment Recovery" practices affect the environmental – based marketing performance. The results showed the most element with significant impact on the environmental – based marketing performance was internal environmental management. Keywords: Green Supply Chain Management, Marketing Performance, Nuqul Group Companies, Jordan

    E-Integrated Marketing Communication and its impact on Customers' Attitudes

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    This study aims to investigate the impact of E-integrated marketing communication (E-IMC) on customers' attitudes toward electronic products. In order to achieve the objectives of the study, the researchers deployed the descriptive analytical approach due to its relevance to this kind of research. The sample was purposive random sample of online customers who are exposed to E-IMC in the context of electronic products in Jordan; 547 questionnaires were distributed, 498 questionnaires were collected back and 455 questionnaires were accepted. The research included two main variables with sub dimensions; E-IMC as the independent variable, customers' attitudes toward electronic products representing the dependent variable.. E-IMC sub dimensions were online advertising (OD), online public relations (OPR) and online sales promotion (OSP. Results revealed that there is a statistically significant relationship between E-integrated marketing communication (E-IMC) and customers' attitudes toward electronic products. In the light of the results, possible managerial implications are discussed  and future research subjects are recommended. Keywords: E-Integrated Marketing Communication (E-IMC), Customers' Attitudes,  Electronic Companies, Jordan

    The Impact of the Organizational Justice on the Development of the Organizational Citizenship Behavior in Jordanian Press Organizations

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    This study aimed to explore the impact of the organizational justice on the development of organizational citizenship behavior in the Jordanian press organizations. The population for the present study consists of all workers in Jordanian press organizations. This population includes 1835 employees. They are working across four press organizations, which are Jordan Press Foundation, the company of Jordan Press and Publishing, the Arab Printers Company, and the company of Jordan United Press and Publishing. 204 questionnaires were distributed to collect the necessary data and to test hypotheses of this study. The empirical results revealed that there was a significant statistical impact of the organizational justice (equity of distributions, fairness of procedures and fairness of transactions) on the organizational citizenship. The study recommended that the development of organizational citizenship strongly depended on the deploying of the organizational justice through: (a)the fairness of tasks and duties distribution through across organization, (b) commensurate these tasks and duties with employees’ abilities, (c) distribution of incentives depending on the merits of employees, (d) participation in decision making process supported the organizational citizenship and developed justice practices, (e) transparency through providing sufficient information and discussing work-related decisions found for the organizational justice and then deployed the organizational citizenship. Key words: organizational justice, organizational citizenship behavior, Jordan Press Organizations

    The Impact of Knowledge Management Success Factors on Electronic Business in Jordanian Telecom Companies

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    Abstract: The study aimed to identify the impact of knowledge management success factors represented (organizational culture, administrative leadership, organizational structure, information technology infrastructure, standards) on electronic business (electronic information, electronic communications, electronic work flow), and the study community included all employees in Jordanian telecom companies, where the three telecommunications companies (Umniah, Zain, Orange) agreed to participate in the study, and (240) questionnaires were distributed to employees in those companies, and (191) questionnaires were retrieved, of which (188) were valid questionnaires for analysis with an actual response amount of (78.3%), which is similar to the final study sample. The study used the descriptive analytical method, and assumed a positive impact of the factors of success of knowledge management on electronic business in Jordanian telecom companies. The results showed that there is an awareness of the factors of success of knowledge management among employees in Jordanian telecom companies, where the arithmetic averages for the organizational culture variables, information technology infrastructure and knowledge measures came within the level of high importance, and the variable of administrative leadership and the organizational structure variable came within the level of intermediate importance in the current study, as well all averages of e-business dimensions came within the high level of importance, as well as the overall e-business variable, in addition to that, the results indicated a positive impact of the factors of success of knowledge management on e-business in Jordanian telecom companies; as the variable of knowledge management success factors explained (65.7%) of the variance in e-business, and the results also indicated that the variable of information technology infrastructure was the most influencing electronic information, and the second ranked in the impact of organizational culture, while the variables of administrative leadership do not affect the organizational structure and measures of knowledge on electronic information, and the results also showed that the variable of the information technology infrastructure ranked first in the impact on electronic communications, followed by the effect of the variable of organizational culture, and then the organizational structure variable, while the administrative leadership and knowledge standards variables do not affect, finally it showed the results indicated that the variable of the IT infrastructure was the most influential in the electronic work flow, and came second in the organizational structure, and the organizational culture ranked third, and the fourth came the variable of administrative leadership, while the electronic work flow variable was not affected by knowledge measures. Based on the results, the study recommended the need to pay attention to the employees awareness of the importance of success factors Knowledge Management, given its impact on e-business, by maintaining the level of organizational culture, and constantly enhancing it, raising the level of awareness of managers and decision makers about the importance of knowledge management success factors and their impact on e-business, developing the capabilities of employees, and creating a special administrative unit, concerned with knowledge management and organization Its operations, in addition to adopting successful organizational structures that increase the level of knowledge, as well as the need to develop and promote electronic business in Jordanian telecom companies, by paying attention to the communication infrastructure, and providing modern electronic workflow systems, the study also recommended researchers to conduct other studies on management success factors Knowledge and e-business in other study societies and other organizational outputs

    Impact of E-Government Applications on Reducing Administrative Burden in Delivering Public Service

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    The aims of this study is to look into the impact of e-government on reducing administrative burden in providing public services to citizens in the Department of Lands and Survey. The descriptive analytical research method was selected to attain the research objectives due of its utility in conducting social, business, and humanitarian studies. Employees from various employment positions made up the study sample, which included (600) male and female employees. Data was gathered from secondary sources by referring to prior studies, while primary data was gathered by using a questionnaire. The findings revealed that e-government applications have a significant role in improving the delivery of public services to citizens who visit the Department of Land and Survey, including (valid, reliable, transparent and fast public service delivery). It is recommended that the Department of Lands and Survey work continuously to update the e-government applications to keep up with changes in the business environment in providing public services, as well as provide training courses to employees to keep them informed of advancements in e-government applications. It is also recommended to give employees autonomy and the ability to participate in policymaking and decision making in order to lessen administrative hassles they face while doing their duties

    Monitoring of Dead Sea water surface variation using multi-temporal satellite data and GIS.

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    Remote sensing (RS) and geographic information systems (GIS) are very useful for environmental-related studies, particularly in the field of surface water studies such as monitoring of lakes. The Dead Sea is exposed to very high evaporating process with considerable scarcity of water sources, thus leading to a remarkable shrinkage in its water surface area. The lake suffers from dry out due to the negative balance of water cycle during the previous four decades. This paper discusses the application of RS, GIS, and Global Positioning System to estimate the lowering and the shrinkage of Dead Sea water surface over the period 1810–2005. A set of multi-temporal remote sensing images were collected and processed to show the lakes aerial extend shrinkage from 1973 up to 2004. Remote sensing data were used to extract spatial information and to compute the surface areas for Dead Sea for various years. The current study aims at estimating the fluctuation of Dead Sea level over the study period with special emphasis on the environmental impact assessment that includes the degradation level of the Dead Sea. The results indicated that there is a decrease of 20 m in the level of the Dead Sea that has occurred during the study period. Further, the results showed that the water surface area of the Dead Sea has shrunk from 934.26 km2 in 1973 to 640.62 km2 in 2004

    Skin Deformation Methods for Interactive Character Animation

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    Character animation is a vital component of contemporary computer games, animated feature films and virtual reality applications. The problem of creating appealing character animation can best be described by the title of the animation bible: “The Illusion of Life”. The focus is not on completing a given motion task, but more importantly on how this motion task is performed by the character. This does not necessarily require realistic behavior, but behavior that is believable. This of course includes the skin deformations when the character is moving. In this paper, we focus on the existing research in the area of skin deformation, ranging from skeleton-based deformation and volume preserving techniques to physically based skinning methods. We also summarize the recent contributions in deformable and soft body simulations for articulated characters, and discuss various geometric and example-based approaches