226 research outputs found

    Serangan Nematoda Sista Kuning (Globodera Rostochiensis) Pada Tanaman Kentang Di Kabupaten Banjarnegara Attacks of Golden Cyst Nematode (Globodera Rostochiensis) on Potato at Banjarnegera Regency

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    Golden cyst nematode (Globodera rostochiensis) is the main nematode on potato. In recent years, the nematode has been reported at several potato production centers in Indonesia. This research aimed at knowing distribution of the nematode attacks on potato at Banjarnegara Regency and factors supporting its attack. Survey was conducted by using purposive random sampling as a sampling method. Results of the research showed that G. rostochiensis was found at three districts, i.e., Batur, Pejawaran, and Wanayasa, but its populations were still -1 concentrated at Karangtengah Village, Batur District, namely 37.28 cysts 200 ml -1 soil and 10.76 cysts plant . The nematode presumably entered Banjarnegara Regency through imported potato seedlings, available potato host, and appropriate environment temperature supporting the nematode growth and development

    Ulama and Fatwa (Pros and cons of the Circular Letter of the Aceh Governor and MPU Decree)

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    This study critically discusses the pros and cons of the circular letter (surat edaran) of the Aceh governor and Ulama Consultative Council (MPU) Decree No. 2 of 2020 related to responses and public evaluation of the prohibition of the religious learning forums (pengajian) other than Ahlussunnah Waljama’ah. This research is a qualitative research with three data collection techniques: meticulous observation, in-depth interviews, and documentation. The result of the study showed that there were pros and cons related to the circular letter and decision on the prohibition of conducting pengajian that contradicts the I’tiqat of Ahlussunnah Waljama’ah which is based on Syafi’i School of Law. Among them, according to the Aceh government and the MPU, the circular letter is intended to prevent greater abuses in the form of disunity in the Acehnese community due to differences in understanding in matters of worship. Meanwhile, others failed to understand the circular letter and MPU decrees because they consider them weak and were greatly influenced by certain conservative Islamic figures in Aceh, appearing to some people as political activity and power

    Subcritical and supercritical fluid extraction a critical review of its analytical usefulness

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    Subcritical R134a is suggested as a low-pressure alternative to supercritical CO2 in the supercritical fluid extraction technology in particular of palm oil application. Therefore, a measurement of solubility of palm oil in subcritical Rl34a will be carried out at temperatures of 40, 60, 70 and 80°C and pressures up to 300 bar. The solubility of carotene are also will be measured using UV Spectrophotometer. Results obtained from this study will be compared with the previous work and for the first time, simulation for the SFE process of palm oil will be performed using Artificial Neural Network (ANN) and it will be implemented in comparisons as well when the operating conditions of the previous findings are different from this study. It is expected that the solubility of the palm oil in subcritical Rl34a is much higher than SC-C02, and it is expected that R134a could be a viable alternative solvent to supercritical carbon dioxide as R134a could be perform well at a lower pressure used whereas can achieved a higher solubility compared to SC-C0

    Pemeriksaan Viral Nervous Necrosis (VNN) Pada Ikan Dengan Metode Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) [Viral Nervous Necrosis (VNN) Examination at Fish by Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) Method]

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    Fish production annually has increased. Trading activities of Fishery in Indonesia both exports and imports will continue to increase every year. Control and monitoring of fisheries products was transported in Indonesia aims to reduce the risk of entry and spread of pests and diseases of fish in Indonesia. The purpose of Study is to know examination techniques of virus Viral Nervous Necrosis (VNN) at fish by Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) method. This Study was held in the Quarantine Fish Quality Control and Safety of Fishery Products (BBKIPM-KHP) Soekarno Hatta Tangerang, Banten on January 12th to February 12th, 2015. The methods of data fetching consisted of primary and secondary data. The data fetching was performed with active participation, observation, interviews, and literature. Examination methods Viral Nervous Necrosis (VNN) by Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR). Stages of virus examination by PCR method includes necropsy samples, RNA extraction, amplification, electrophoresis, and the diagnosis results using UV transluminator. Fish samples were examined VNN virus consisting of a live fish and frozen fish both commodity exports, imports, or domestic. The results showed that all fish samples are negative infected with the virus VNN

    Pakan Alternatif Dari Limbah Sayuran Untuk Ikan Nila Hitam (Oreochromis Niloticus) [ Alternative Feed From Vegetable Waste for Black Tilapia (Oreochromis Niloticus)]

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    Tilapia (Oreochromis sp) is the one commodity that very popular in the public. Besides low cost, good taste, protein content is also high. Feed is an element that is very supportive in an aquaculture operations. The main raw material in the artificial feed is fish meal and soy flour because it has a high protein content but is relatively expensive so it needs an alternative feed material. The purpose of this study is improve knowledge and skilled about feeding alternative production of vegetable waste and its effect on the growth of black tilapia. Study was conducted in Freshwater Aquaculture Management Unit which located in Kepanjen District, Malang Regency, Province of East Java started from January 20th until February 14th 2014. Work method which used was descriptive method by collecting primary data and secondary data. The data was collected by active participation, observation, interviewing, and study paper. The process of making feed alternative vegetable waste composed by several stage is preparation tools and materials, counting materials, production additives, blending, mixing, fermentation, and storage. The results of the evaluation of growth black tilapia feeding vegetable wastes little slow because of the low protein conten

    Analisis Kondisi Kualitas Air Pada Budidaya Ikan Kerapu Tikus (Cromileptes Altivelis) Di Situbondo [Analysis of Water Quality Conditions on Humpback Grouper Culture (Cromileptes Altivelis) in Situbondo]

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    The humpback grouper (Cromileptes altivelis) is one of the fishery commodities with high economic value in both local and International markets. The price of humpback grouper can reach Rp. 200,000 - Rp. 400,000 / kilogram in the local market. The humpback grouper is potentially to be developed in most coastal areas of Indonesia. The conditions of water quality have a very important role for the success of fish culture of humpback grouper. To that end, monitoring and management of water quality are necessary in fish culture. The purpose of this case study is to determine the water quality conditions on humpback grouper culture in BBAP, Situbondo. The study was conducted on 16 January until 16 February 2012. The study method use descriptive method. From the results of water quality analysis, the water in humpback grouper broodstock ponds (I1 and I2) is no smell, no colour water, temperature 26.1-30 oC, salinity 27-35 ppt, dissolved oxygen 3.3-3.9 ppm, ammonia levels <0.001-0.22 ppm, nitrite levels 0.0075-0.085 ppm, alkalinity 110-120 ppm and pH 7.94-8.18. The water in humpback grouper hatchery ponds (B1 and B2) is no smell, green colour water, temperature 26.7-29.3 oC, salinity 27-34 ppt, dissolved oxygen 2.7-3.7 ppm, ammonia levels 0.0781-0.28 ppm, nitrite levels 0.0225-3.3305 ppm, alkalinity 94-126 ppm, and pH 7.14-7.81

    Aplikasi Larva Black Soldier Fly (Hermatia Illucens) Sebagai Pakan Alami Dan Pakan Buatan (Pelet) Untuk Ikan Rainbow Kurumoi (Melanotaenia Parva) [Application of Black Soldier Fly Larval (Hermetia Illucens) as Feed and Artificial Feed (Pellets) for Rainbow Kurumoi Fish (Melanotaenia Parva) ]

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    Fish flour is raw materials of main protein source for fish feed, however because of its existence day by day gets expensive so that the other alternative feed material needed as the alternate of fish flour that is maggot which is the larva of insects kind of fly which contains crude protein about 42%. This Study was held in Research and Aquaculture Cultivation Center of Ornamental Fish Depok, West Java in January 14th until February 14th 2013. The goal of this Study is to know the aplication of black soldier fly larval (Hermetia illucens) as the feed of rainbow kurumoi fish (Melanotaenia parva). Maggot culture was undertaken by mixing PKM and water with the comparison of 1:2 then fermented in fiber basin. Then interspersed with wire and above it there was a dry banana leaf to lay the eggs and covered by wire again, and then eggs harvesting was undertaken which was moved to the egg hatching basin which contain PKM which had been fermented. After 2 weeks maggot was ready to be harvested from the hatching basin. Maggot and maggot pellets could fulfill the need of nutrition for rainbow kurumoi fish, this case could be seen by the existence of weight increase and length increase of the fish
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