1,146 research outputs found

    Determinants of Dietary Adequacy Among School Age Children in Guraghe Zone, Southern Ethiopia

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    Dietary diversity (DD) is a validated proxy indicator of micronutrient adequacy among different age groups including infants, children and women. This study assessed level of dietary adequacy and its associated factors among school age children in Guraghe Zone, Ethiopia. Survey was conducted among 769 children aged 6 to 12 years of with their care givers using multistage sampling method. Data were collected by using structured questionnaire containing the ten food groups for minimum dietary diversity for women and other parts. Adequate dietary diversity was categorized those children who consume at least five food groups. Bivariate and multivariable binary logistic regression with odds ratios (95% CI) was computed. Overall 769 children were included in the study, with a mean age of 8 years. The mean dietary diversity score was 4.9 (±1.42). About 444 (58.3%) had an inadequate dietary diversity. Those children from extended family size had 1.3 times to have inadequate DD level (AOR=1.3). Children from female headed households, did not attend formal education had 1.3 and 1.4 times higher odds of having an inadequate DD level (AOR=1.3 and 1.4). Similarly, children living with uneducated caregiver had six fold more likely to have an adequate DD level (AOR=6.7). The dietary diversity of children in the study area was below average. Household head, caregiver\u27s educational status, occupation of the household head, father/female headed household and family size were found to be associated with DD score. There should be awareness creation through existing Health extension platform and back yard vegetation should be improved

    Determinants of Food Safety Practices Among Food Handlers in Selected Food Establishments

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    Despite great efforts against foodborne diseases, the occurrence of these problems remains a significant health issue in both developed and developing countries. This study was to assess determinants of food safety practice among food handlers in selected food establishments in Dire Dawa City administration, in 2017. Cross sectional survey was conducted among 356 food handlers from the selected food establishments in different categories. The CODEX food safety questionnaire was used to assess food safety knowledge (23 questions), attitude (six questions) and practice using interview and observation checklists (15 points). Satisfactory practice was defined as those who practice 70% of food safety measures correctly. Frequency, percentage, mean, binary logistic regression with a crude odds ratio and adjusted odds ratio (AOR) at 95% confidence interval were calculated. Out of the total study subjects, 354 food handlers participated in this study with 99.4% response rate. A total of 191 food handlers, 54.0% were female with overall mean age of 29.5 years. About 129 (36.4%), 194 (54.8%) and 106 (29.9%) had adequate knowledge, positive attitude and satisfactory food safety practice. Having food safety training (AOR= 2.0), with adequate knowledge (AOR = 2.83), positive attitude (AOR= 2.09), presence of food safety guideline (AOR = 2.23) and supervision (AOR= 2.07) were significant predictors of satisfactory food safety practices. In general food safety/hygienic practices of food handlers was found to be low. Having adequate knowledge, positive attitude, presence of food safety guideline and formal food safety training were significant predictors of food safety practices among food handlers

    Nurses' Knowledge Towards Severe Acute Malnutrition Management Protocol and Its Associated Factors

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    For appropriate management of severe acute malnutrition skilled, knowledgeable and concerned health professionals are critical for child survival. Thus assessing the knowledge of nurses towards management protocol of severe acute malnutrition is crucial step for targeted interventions. This study aimed to assess Knowledge towards Severe Acute Malnutrition Management Protocol and its Associated Factors among Nurses working in Hiwot Fana Specialized University Hospital, 2018. Cross-sectional study was conducted among eligible 132 nurses. Data were collected using self-administered questionnaire prepared from the national SAM management guideline of Ethiopia. SPSS version 20.0 software using frequency, tables, graphs, percentages and mean was used. Student t test and analysis of variance with F statistics and P value was computed. Overall, 65 (49.2%) of nurses had poor knowledge on SAM management. More than half, 100 (75.8%) of the nurses had experience in SAM management previously. Males were more likely to be knowledgeable (AOR=1.27) as compared to females. Nurses with the previous experience of managing malnourished child had 1.70) times more likely to be knowledgeable as compared to their counterparts. Having SAM training was associated with having higher knowledge score (AOR=1.56). Having SAM training was found to have significantly higher knowledge score (p=0.034). Knowledge level of nurses towards SAM management is not satisfactory. Those who ever involved in SAM management, having recent malnutrition training and gender were predictors of high knowledge score. There should be regular capacity building schemes for nurses especially for those who are involved in management of SAM at emergency or SAM unit

    Introducing the VRT gas turbine combustor

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    An innovative annular combustor configuration is being developed for aircraft and other gas turbine engines. This design has the potential of permitting higher turbine inlet temperatures by reducing the pattern factor and providing a major reduction in NO(x) emission. The design concept is based on a Variable Residence Time (VRT) technique which allows large fuel particles adequate time to completely burn in the circumferentially mixed primary zone. High durability of the combustor is achieved by dual function use of the incoming air. The feasibility of the concept was demonstrated by water analogue tests and 3-D computer modeling. The computer model predicted a 50 percent reduction in pattern factor when compared to a state of the art conventional combustor. The VRT combustor uses only half the number of fuel nozzles of the conventional configuration. The results of the chemical kinetics model require further investigation, as the NO(x) predictions did not correlate with the available experimental and analytical data base

    Bilgisayar Destekli Dil ÖğReniminden Mobil Destekli Dil ÖğRenimine: Teknolojinin İNgilizce ÖğRetimine Entegrasyonu

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    Bu çalışma İngilizce öğretiminin teknoloji ile bağdaştırılmasının farklı yönlerine ilişkin genel bir çerçeve çizmektedir. Çalışmada, CALL\u27 dan (Bilgisayar Destekli Dil Öğrenimi) başlayarak MALL (Mobil Destekli Dil Öğrenimi) ve ilgili unsurlar ekseninde, çeşitli yaygın teknolojik enstrümanlar, uygulama ve yaklaşımlar özetlenmektedir. Çalışma genel anlamıyla dil sınıflarını öğretmen merkezli ve kitap güdümlü olmaktan öğrenci merkezli ve daha etkileşimli bir ortama dönüştüren modern bilgi ve iletişim teknolojilerinin İngilizce öğretimini nasıl şekillendirdiğini gözler önüne sermektedir. Bütün bu gelişmelere rağmen, İngilizceyi ikinci ya da yabancı dil olarak öğrenmek için teknolojinin tek başına yeterli olmadığı bu çalışmada ifade edilmiştir. Teknolojinin yabancı dil pedagojisine entegrasyonu, görece sağlam bir kuramsal çerçeveden yoksundur, ve bu konuda kuram ve uygulamanın uyumlu bir şekilde işlemesini sağlamak gerekmektedir. Çalışmanın sonucunda, yenilikçi bir biçimde bilgi ve iletişim teknolojilerini uyarlamada ve eğitim durumlarına en uygun olan seçimleri yapmada asıl sorumluların pedagoglar olduğu ifade edilmiştir

    Production system dynamism and parasitic interaction of swine in and around Holetta, Ethiopia

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    A study was conducted in and around Holleta from October 2007 to April 2008 to assess the system of production and the prevalence of gastrointestinal and ectoparasites of swine. A total of 1470 swine on 50 farms, 667 swine under extensive management and 823 swine in semi-intensive management were considered on the study. Swine were kept along with other livestock in 24% of the farms. A total of 388 swine with different age and sex groups were subjected to parasitological examination to study the prevalence of parasites. The result of faecal sample and skin scraping test revealed three species of gastrointestinal and one ecto-parasite. The findings were Ascaris suum (13.9%), Eimeria species (5.6%), Oesophagostomum species (6.7%) and Sarcoptes scabiei (16.2%). Mixed infection was observed on 13 swine, among them 2% were positive for Ascaris suum and Eimeria species, where as 1.14% were positive for Ascaris suum and Oesophagostomum species. There was variation in the distribution of these parasitic infections in different areas but not statistically significant. There was no statistically significant difference (p>0.05) in the infection rate of gastrointestinal and ecto-parasites between male and female swine as well as among the age groups. The occurrence of Eimeria species and Oesophagostomum species was significantly different (

    Application of Kozeny-Carman Equation to Estimate Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity of an Alfisol at Samaru and a Cambisol at Kadawa, Nigeria

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    Kozeny-Carman equation was used to estimate field and laboratory determined saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ks) based on Pe values obtained from soils of two Northern Savanna ecological zones of Nigeria (Samaru and Kadawa). Total porosity was determined from measured dry bulk density (Db), particle density (Dp) and moisture content at –33kPa pressure potential. Effective porosity was calculated as the difference between total porosity and volumetric moisture at -33kpa. The Ks and Pe values were fitted into the Kozeny-Carman equation using the linear least square fitting. In Samaru, 91.7 and 61% variation of Ks were explained respectively from field (Kfs) and laboratory measurements (Kls) while 61% variation of Ks was explained from the average values of laboratory measurement for Kadawa. The proportionality constant (β) varied widely between 7.1 × 10-3 to 6918.30 while the fitting parameters (n) varied from values < 1 to 2.37. The Relative Effective Porosity (REP) was adapted to substitute Pe in the Kozeny-Carman equation. Only field measured data (r2 = 0.881) and laboratory measured data (r2 = 0.573) from Samaru fit into the model and the regression coefficients were not improved. The REP- Model did not perform well with the data presented in this study

    Structural Analysis of Cattle Market in Kano State, Nigeria

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    The study examined the structure of cattle market of some selected markets in Kano State. A multi stage sampling technique was employed for the study in which purposive sampling technique was used in the selection of 2 markets, based on the concentration of the cattle marketing activities. The second stage involved random selection of 123 cattle marketers. The data were collected using structured questionnaire supplemented with focus group discussion. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and Gini coefficient analysis. Result of descriptive statistics revealed a market structure based on the elements to have many buyers and sellers with cattle traded to be differentiated based on types and breeds of cattle. Entry and exit condition was free with buyers and sellers relatively informed about product and price of cattle. Forces of demand and supply determined the price of cattle. Result of Gini coefficient revealed a value of 0.70 implying a high market concentration and high level of inequality in size and distribution of marketers. The major constraints militating against the development of an efficient marketing system for cattle include inadequate credit, high cost of feeds, high road charges and poor pricing. Smooth access to credit facilities, provision of more infrastructural facilities, re activating of co-operative associations and provision of more grazing land were recommended. Keywords: Structural, Analysis, Cattle, Market, Coefficien