1,517 research outputs found

    Implikasi Nilai Dalam Proses Pendidikan Islam

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    Merit can be understood as the standard of how human being behaves in relation to others. Merit or moral value can be classified in some categories depending on the perspectives by which such merit is viewed. In general, merit is classified into two, namely formal and material. This writing is intended to discuss how such classification works within the context of Islamic education. It is believed that Islamic merit only remains as subject matter but it is not internalized into students\u27 way of life. Thus, even though students achieve high scores in their Islamic subject matter, their behaviour is not acceptable in the society

    Blind image separation based on exponentiated transmuted Weibull distribution

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    In recent years the processing of blind image separation has been investigated. As a result, a number of feature extraction algorithms for direct application of such image structures have been developed. For example, separation of mixed fingerprints found in any crime scene, in which a mixture of two or more fingerprints may be obtained, for identification, we have to separate them. In this paper, we have proposed a new technique for separating a multiple mixed images based on exponentiated transmuted Weibull distribution. To adaptively estimate the parameters of such score functions, an efficient method based on maximum likelihood and genetic algorithm will be used. We also calculate the accuracy of this proposed distribution and compare the algorithmic performance using the efficient approach with other previous generalized distributions. We find from the numerical results that the proposed distribution has flexibility and an efficient resultComment: 14 pages, 12 figures, 4 tables. International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security (IJCSIS),Vol. 14, No. 3, March 2016 (pp. 423-433

    St. Louis limestone, stratigraphy and petrography, near its type locality

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    The St. Louis Limestone of the Upper Meramecian Series, Mississippian System, is typically lithographic, light-to light-olive gray in color, dense, and fractures conchoidally. It is brecciated, especially in the lower part, and contains some chert nodules. Oolites are present close to the top of the formation. The Salem-St. Louis contact is placed at the base of the lowest breccia zone and the top of Salem is characterized by crystalline quartz and abundance of chert nodules. The appearance of typical Ste. Genevieve oolites with sand-size quartz grains indicates the St. Louis-Ste. Genevieve contact. The St. Louis Limestone is characterized by dominance of fine-grained texture (micritic) with fossil fragments and minor spar. Foraminifers and bryozoans are the main fossil constituents followed by algae, crinoid fragments and corals. Of the corals, Lithostrotionella and Lithostrotion are significant but of less obvious correlative value. Brachiopods and gastropods are present but to a lesser extent. The formation has about 3 to 5 percent insoluble residues (except close to the boundaries), consisting mostly of quartz. The degree of dolomitization is widely variable from one section to another. The St. Louis Limestone is high in CaD content except in the dolomitized zones. The explanation of the origin of brecciation in the St. Louis Limestone presents some difficulty. The St. Louis Limestone is tentatively subdivided into three units. The deposition of limestone was continuous from Salem through St. Louis time under quiet and shallow water environments. In the study area, the St. Louis Limestone is used for cement manufacture and road construction --Abstract, page ii

    Petrography, diagenesis and environment of deposition of the Gasconade Formation, Lower Ordovician, southern Missouri

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    The Gasconade Formation (Lower Ordovician) has been studied in the surface and subsurface in the Ozarks of Missouri and northeastern Oklahoma. The formation is mostly dolomite with a sandstone member at the base (Gunter) and frequent occurrences of chert bodies of different shapes particularly in the middle part. The dolomite crystals in the lower and upper parts are subhedral to euhedral of equicrystalline to two-size fabric and range in size from 300-600 microns, and subhedral to anhedral of variable fabric and smaller size in the middle part. A sequence of cloudy and clear areas, named zoning, characterizes the euhedral crystals. Three different types of zoning are recognized; type A, cloudy interior-clear rims; type B, clear interior-cloudy rims and type C, a combination of both or repetition of either, the latter being the most common. Pellets, oolites, intraclasts, fossils, and algal (cryptozoan) structures characterize the formation especially the middle part. The Gunter sandstone is bimodal to polymodal. Post-dolomitization solution affected the dolomite and sandstone of the formation causing stylolites, rim and center corrosion, secondary mineral growth and pyrite replacement in dolomite and quartz. Both the dolomite and chert in the Gasconade Formation have been formed by replacement. Dolomite replacement occurred in three phases, early, middle (main) and late. Over 90 percent of the original carbonate has been dolomitized during the main phase of dolomitization. Chert replacement occurred in two phases, early and late. The early phase of chertification either interrupted or occurred soon after the main phase of dolomitization. The Gasconade Formation was deposited in the intertidal zone of a shallow sea. During the deposition of the middle part of the formation, the sea was shallower than during the deposition of either the lower or the upper parts. The diagenesis of the formation follows the following sequence: early phase of dolomitization; middle (main) phase of dolomitization; early phase of chertification; late phase of chertification and late phase of dolomitization --Abstract, pages ii-iii

    An ultrafast 1 x M all-optical WDM packet-switched router based on the PPM header address

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    This paper presents an all-optical 1 x M WDM router architecture for packet routing at multiple wavelengths simultaneously, with no wavelength conversion modules. The packet header address adopted is based on the pulse position modulation (PPM) format, thus enabling the use of only a singlebitwise optical AND gate for fast header address correlation. It offers multicast as well as broadcast capabilities. It is shown that a high speed packet routing at 160 Gb/s can be achieved with a low channel crosstalk (CXT) of ~ -27 dB at a channel spacing of greater than 0.4 THz and a demultiplexer bandwidth of 500 GHz

    Acoustic Properties of Lanthanum-Samarium Phosphate Glasses

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    From measurements of changes in transit time of 10 MHz of ultrasonic waves as a function of temperature and hydrostatic pressure, the acoustic properties of (La203)x(Sm203)y(P20,,) (l-x-y) glasses with compositions near to that corresponding to the metaphosphate have been determined. For each glass, the second order elastic stiffness tensor components Cij ' (SOEC) continue to increase down to 10 Kin a manner consistent with phonon interactions with tVi'Qlevel systems. Measurements of the effects of hydrostatic pressure on the ultrasonic wave velocities have been used to determine the hydrostatic pressure derivatives (dCij/dP) T,P=O of the SOEC and (dBo'/ dP) T,P=O of the bulk modulus Bo at room temperature (293K). For these glasses, (dCll/dP), (dC44/dP), and (dBo / dP), are small but positive; the corresponding glasses stiffen under pressure. The elastic behaviour under pressure of these glasses lies intermediate between those of (Sm203)y(P20,,),(I_x) and (La20:1)y(P20,,) (I-x) glasses. Replacement of La3+ by Sm3+ in the temary phosphate glasses drives a slight acoustic mode softening. Possible. sources of the different effect of La:>+ and Sm3+ modifiers on the nonlinear acoustic properties of metaphosphate glasses are discussed

    Risk determinants of peripheral neuropathy in patients with Type II diabetes mellitus attending follow-Up clinics at University Kebangsaan Malaysia Medical Center (UKMMC): a cross sectional study

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    Peripheral neuropathy is highly associated with foot complications among diabetics. This study aimedto identify risk factors associated with the development of peripheral neuro­pathy in diabetic patients and their association with degree of severity of peri­pheral neu­ropathy. Across-sectional study was conducted in follow-up clinics at the Uni­versiti Ke­bangsaan Malaysia Medical Centre (UKMMC), Malaysia involving 72 diabetic patients and 19 controls. Exclusion criteria were those with amputated limbs, gross foot deformity and existing peripheral neuropathy. Controls were non diabetics who walked normally, had no history of foot problem and attended the clinic as sub­jects’ companion. Quantita­tive assessment of neuropathy was done using Semmes-Weinstein monofila­ment. Neu­ropathy Disability Score (NDS) were used to quantify se­verity of diabetic neu­ropathy. Spearman’s Rank test and Mann-Whitney test were used to determine correlation be­tween variables and their differences. Logistic regression analysis was used to deter­mine risk factors associated with peripheral neuropathy. The mean HbA1c among di­abetics was 8.6% + 4.1, and mean NDS was 7.0 + 6.0. A total of 79.1% demonstrated various level of neuropathy with presence of callus was asso­ciated with higher NDS scores. Older age (P=0.02), body weight (P=0.03), HbA1c (P=0.005) and duration of di­abetes (P <0.005) showed positive correlation with NDS. Proper foot care program for diabetics should include recognition of the callus, with special emphasis given to those with heavier weight and increasing age

    Penggunaan Model 4D dalam Pembuatan Video Tutorial Menggambar Alam Benda di SMP Negeri 1 Tonra

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    This research aims to describe the development of video tutorials for learning to draw natural objects for students of class VII SMPN 1 Tonra. This research is a type of research and development (R&D). Development models use 4D models consisting of Define (definition), Design (design), Develop (development), Dissemination (dissemination). But in this study it only reached the stage of Develop. From the results of assessments or validations conducted by material experts and media experts on the resulting video tutorial media, obtained a rating score of 95.15% from material experts, and 89.7% from media experts. Based on the results obtained, it can be concluded that the video tutorial media for learning to draw nature is worth using and developing, and is expected to help teachers and students in the learning process.Keywords: learning media, video tutorials, drawing natural objects. AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan pengembangan video tutorial untuk pembelajaran menggambar alam benda bagi peserta didik kelas VII SMPN 1 Tonra. Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian dan pengembangan atau Research and Development (R&D). Model pengembangan menggunakan model 4D yang terdiri dari Define (pendefinisian), Design (perancangan), Develop (pengembangan), Dissemination (penyebarluasan). Namun pada penelitian ini hanya sampai pada tahap Develop. Dari hasil penilaian atau validasi yang dilakukan oleh ahli materi dan ahli media terhadap media video tutorial yang dihasilkan, diperoleh skor penilaian sebesar 95,15% dari ahli materi, dan 89,7% dari ahli media. Berdasarkan hasil yang diperoleh, maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa media video tutorial untuk pembelajaran menggambar alam benda ini layak digunakan dan dikembangkan, serta diharapkan dapat membantu pendidik dan peserta didik dalam proses pembelajaran.Kata kunci : media pembelajaran, video tutorial, menggambar alam benda

    Determination of insecticides malathion and lambda-cyhalothrin residues in zucchini by gas chromatography

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    AbstractA sensitive gas chromatographic method has been developed for the determination of malathion and lambda-cyhalothrin (λ-cyhalothrin) insecticide residues in zucchini. The developed method consists of extraction with acetone, purification and partitioning with methylene chloride, column chromatographic clean-up, and finally capillary gas chromatographic determination of the insecticides. The recoveries of method were greater than 90% and limit of determination was 0.001ppm for both insecticides. The method was applied to determine residues and the rate of disappearance of malathion and λ-cyhalothrin from fruits of zucchini (open field treatment, 50cc of Malason/Cormandel 57% EC (emulsifiable concentrate) for 100L of water, 20cc of LAMBDA SUPER FOG 5% liquid for 100L of water). The insecticide incorporated into the plants decreased rapidly with a half-life time around 0.77day (18.5h) for malathion and 4days for λ-cyhalothrin. It is not recommended to use zucchini before 12h of malathion application. For λ-cyhalothrin, the preharvest interval is 5days. Four market samples were chosen from different regions from A.R.E. and all of them showed no residues of malathion or λ-cyhalothrin