2,630 research outputs found

    Prevalensi Sumbing Bibir dan Langit-langit di RSUD Dr. Saiful Anwar Malang (1980-1989)

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    A retrospective study was performed on 34 cases of live births with palato-gnatoschizis among 31,598 births or among 387 life births with congenital malformations in "Dr Saiful Anwar" General Hospital in Malang, East Java, between 1980-1989. The prevalence of palato-gnatoschizis was 1.07 in 1000 births, or 8.78% of all congenital malformations. Palato-gnatoschizis is a relatively common congenital malformation with a relative high life expectancy. The monitoring system of births with palato-gnatoschizis has still to be developped properly. This study can be helpful to future in depth epidemiological research programmes on palato-gnatoschizis in other areas where higher prevalences are suspected

    Nursing Intervention Through Family Pathnership Increases Behavior in Practice of Feeding Pattern on Infant of Age 6–24 Months for Nuclear and Extended Family

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    Introduction: Nursing intervention is nursing action with a supportive and educative approach done by nurses cooperating with families in overcoming the problems of nursing family. The aim of the research was to explain the effect of nursing intervention through family pathnership toward behavior in practice of feeding pattern on infant of age 6–24 months for nuclear and extended family, including the breastfeeding (ASI), PASI, soft food, family food, snacks, and way of feeding. Method: The design of the research was experimental. The sample of the research was ninety six (96) samples, which was chosen with simple random sampling.The sample was then divided into two parts of family in Kenjeran District and Bulak Surabaya, namely nuclear family and extended family. The variables measured were breastfeeding, PASI, soft food, family food, and a way of feeding through interviewing and observation. The data analysis used was Mann Whitney U. Result: Result showed that effect of nursing interventions on the style of feeding containing of giving PASI (p = 0.003), soft food (p = 0.005), family food (p = 0.00), snacks (p = 0.034), and way of feeding (p = 0.00). Those effects can be shown with the increasing of frequency and way of feeding before and after intervention. Discussion: The conclusion is nursing intervention through the supportive and educative approach as the form of actions on families with problems on the pattern of feeding has the influence on the practice of feeding pattern. The increasing of feeding frequency shows the cognitive and behavioral change on the practice of feeding pattern which can possibly improve the status of infants nutrient

    Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Matematika Materi Operasi Hitung Perkalian dengan Menggunakan Media Kelereng dan Gelas Plastik Siswa Kelas III Sdn Jatibanjar I Jombang

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    Pelaksanaan pendidikan matematika yang dilakukan oleh guru memiliki suatu tujuan pembelajaran yang ingin dicapai, yakni berupa hasil belajar yang baik dengan penguasaan materi konsep yang nantinya akan berdampak pada sikap kritis dan ilmiah. Hal tersebut tentunya memerlukan adanya suatu sumber serta pembelajaran atau media yang sesuai. Untuk itu penulis mengangkat topik penelitian “Apakah penggunaan media kelereng dan gelas plastik dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar matematika operasi hitung perkalian pada siswa kelas III SDN Jatibanjar I Jombang?”. Adapun teknik yang digunakan dalam mengumpulkan data adalah dengan menggunakan teknik observasi guru, teknik observasi siswa serta tes. Observasi guru digunakan untuk mengetahui efektivitas guru dalam kegiatan mengajarnya. Observasi siswa digunakan untuk mengetahui keaktivan dan antusias siswa dalam mengikuti kegiatan pembelajaran yang sedang berlangsung. Sedangkan tes digunakan oleh peneliti untuk mengetahui hasil belajar siswa setelah guru menggunakan media kelereng dan gelas plastik pada pembelajaran matematika. Dari hasil penelitian yang dilakuakn pada pembelajaran matematika menggunakan media kelreng dan gelas plastik, didapatkan hasil pembalajaran siklus I sebagai berkut: prsentase aktivitas guru mencapai 75%, prosentase aktvitas siswa mencapai 55,56% dan hasil tes siswa melalui ketuntasan klasikal mencapai 68,18% karena perolehan hasil belajar pada silkus I belum mencapai indikator ketercapaian sebesar ≥ 80% maka perlu diadakan perbaikan pada siklus II. Dan pada pembelajaran siklus II didapatkan asil sebagai berikut: prosentase aktivitas guru sebesar 83,33%, prosentase aktivitas siswa mencapai 88,89% dan prosentase hasil belajar siswa melalui ketuntasan klasikal yang mencapai 86,36% maka dapat peneliti simpulkan bahwa pembelajaran matematika materi operasi hitung perkalian dengan menggunakan media kelereng dan gelas plastik pada siswa kelas III dinyatakan berhasil. Kata kunci : Media kelereng dan gelas platik, peningkatan hasil belajar, matematika, operasi hitung perkalian

    Flood Assessment Study in the City of Tangerang, West Java

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    Tangerang city is a region which has a relatively flat and inclined contour-shaped basin so that in some areas when the rains come will experience flooding. The cause of the flooding is necessary to identify the field. From the results obtained that the identification of flood discharge for the region amounted to 29.91 m³ / s with 1.65 km².Dari watershed area of this discharge can only be accommodated by the existing drainage network is only 5 m³ / sec so that the excess is what makes this region flood. For excess of 24.91 m³ / s is done by creating a polder or ponds so that these advantages can be accommodated. Polder or ponds that can accommodate this excess area of 6.3 hectares with a depth of 4 meters. In addition to planning embung / Polder required also increase drainage infrastructure sehigga can flow smoothly
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