604 research outputs found

    English Proficiency of Students at Politeknik Negeri Balikpapan Based on TOEIC

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    English language proficiency is generally measured by English competency scores such as TOEFL and TOEIC. To be able to apply the right learning patterns for students of Politeknik Negeri Balikpapan (Poltekba) for the purpose of mastering the TOEIC, an analysis of their English proficiency is needed by measuring their TOEIC scores. This analysis can be used as a reference for English lecturers in providing relevant learning materials according to the needs of the students and the industrial world. The research method used is qualitative-quantitative because it focuses on analyzing the TOEIC scores of the students. The researchers conducted analysis on the TOEIC scores as the data and explained them descriptively. The data used in this analysis are TOEIC scores from 291 students. The scores were mapped into 6 levels of English proficiency. The results of this study describe the level of English proficiency and the comparison between mastering Listening and Reading Comprehensions by the students at Politeknik Negeri Balikpapan

    Finding of coefficients and oxidizable nitrogen from palm oil mill effluent (POME) for activated sludge models(ASMs)

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    Activated Sludge Models (ASMs) have been widely used as a basis for further model development in wastewater treatment processes. Values for parameters to be used are vital for the accuracy of the modeling approach. The objective of this study is to determine coefficients of the system, and oxidizable nitrogen of palm oil mill effluent (POME). A continuous stirred tank reactor (CSTR), with continuous flow for 20 hours, was used in this study. The DO profile for 11 days was monitored. The total, soluble, insoluble COD and soluble ammonia nitrogen were measured at the beginning and end of the experiment. Also, the coefficients and oxidizable nitrogen fractions are determined

    Relationship Electronic Word of Mouth with College Image

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    Globalization in higher education has a direct impact on competition among universities in Indonesiawhich becomes keener. The competition motivates each university to continuously improve its quality. The existence of the Internet creates electronic communications and this is the beginning of the term Electronic Word of Mouth (eWOM). Electronic word of mouth has become a phenomenon that is essential to the improvement of the image in a company / organization / institution. This study aims to identify and analyze the influence of someone's motivation who engaged in electronic word of mouth to enhance the image of the college. This research used quantitative method by analyzing the data using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). SEM is review the multivariate analysis of variables or using scale nominal / ratio. Research shows that people are motivated to do eWOM because positive self enhancement, to helping the company, and advice seeking. The findings suggest that eWOM positive and significant effect on the image of the college

    Penyakit Paru Obstruktif Kronik Eksaserbasi Akut Pada Laki-laki Lansia

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    Latar Belakang. Penyakit Paru Obstruksi Kronik (PPOK) merupakan masalah kesehatan yang besar di dunia luas dan ke-12 penyebab angka kesakitan di seluruh dunia. Di Amerika Serikat, PPOK mengenai lebih dari 16 juta orang, lebih dari 2,5 juta orang Italia, lebih dari 30 juta di seluruh dunia dan menyebabkan 2,74 juta kematian pada tahun 2000. Di Indonesia, PPOK menempati urutan kelima sebagai penyakit penyebab kematian, dan diperkirakan akan menduduki peringkat ke-3 pada tahun 2020 mendatang. Permasalahan dari PPOK kebanyakan diakibatkan sulitnya mendeteksi pasien dengan penyakit yang memilki onset lambat, biasanya di atas umur 50 tahun, diikuti dengan progresi yang lambat. Tujuan penulisan ini teridentifikasinya masalah-masalah pasien, serta penatalaksanaan pasien secara tepat. Metode. Penulisan laporan kasus dilakukan di Rumah Sakit Abdul Moloek pada tanggal 4 juni 2013 – 7 juni 2013 pada pasien Tn.A, 63 tahun, berdasarkan Evidence Based Medicine. Hasil. Tn. A, 63 tahun, TD 130/70 mmHg dengan keluhan sesak napas sejak 2 hari sebelum masuk rumah sakit. Sesak napas dirasakan sepanjang hari dan semakin memberat terutama ketika pasien melakukan aktivitas. Berdasarkan gejala klinis berupa adanya sesak, batuk, riwayat merokok, riwayat PPOK, serta pemeriksaan dapat disimpulkan bahwa pasien ini merupakan pasien dengan penyakit paru obstruktif kronis eksaserbasi akut. Kemudian dilakukan terapi dengan oksigen 2-3 L/menit, selanjutnya diberikan ipatropium bromida dan salbutamol sulfat, ambroxol,dan seftriaxone. Simpulan. Dari hasil anamnesa, pemeriksaan fisik, dan pemeriksaan penunjang pasien didiagnosa dengan penyakit paru obstruksi kronik eksaserbasi akut. Tatalaksana dengan pengobatan simptomatis, suportif, dan pola hidup sehat. [Medula.2013;1:100-106

    Electronic Cigarette Using in Surabaya\u27s Personal Vaporizer Community

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    Electronic cigarette is devices capable of delivering nicotine in an aerosolized form. The number of electronic cigarette users is increasing. Data showed an Indonesia electronic cigarette user in 2010 to 2011 is 0,5%. This research was observasional decriptive study and used cross sectional design. This research was conducted to 31 Surabaya\u27s Personal Vaporizer members. The dependent variable in this study was electronic cigarette using, while independent variable were the knowledge, accessibility and family factor. Data were analyzed by prevalens ratio. The result showed that using of electronic cigarette mostly suffered by respondent age 26 to 35 years old was equal to 54,8%, male (96,8%) and educational level was senior high school to university (100%), occupation was employee (71%), had a smoking history (93,6%), and using electronic cigarette for smoking cessation (80,6%). The analyzed with prevalens ratio showed that right knowlegde about electronic cigarette was a protective factor to being using electronic cigarette (PR=0,89), accessibility ≤ Rp 100.000 was a risk to being using electronic cigarette, and family was a protective factor to being using electronic cigarette (PR=0,95). From all variable which were studied, only accessibility that a risk factor with electronic cigarette using. Therefore, education about electronic cigarette haved to do and controlling toward electronic cigarette user needed to do. Keywords : electronic cigarette, accessibility, community, knowledge, behavio

    Sharia Compliance on Mortgage Product With Ijarah Muntahiya Bittamlik Contract in Islamic Permata Bank

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    One of the differences indicator between conventional bank and Islamic bank is sharia compliance. As a financial institution based on Islamic values, the activity must be accordance with Islamic rules. The purpose of this research to determine how the implementation of sharia compliance on ijarah muntahiya bittamlik contract in Islamic Permata Bank. This research used primary data through interviews and questionnaire with a population of 100 respondents. For the sampling used purposive sampling technique to become 80 respondents, because the sample in this research only the mortgage customer with ijarah muntahiya bittamlik contract in Islamic Permata Bank. The method of this research used descriptive quantitative approach to describe the characteristics of respondents and interpretation of the answers from respondents about implementation of sharia compliance on ijarah muntahiya bittamlik contract.     Keywords: Sharia Compliance, Ijarah Muntahiya Bittamlik, Mortgage, Islamic Permata Ban