122,126 research outputs found

    Kruse, Torben A

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    Mineral Mapping with AVIRIS and EO-1 Hyperion

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    Imaging Spectrometry data or Hyperspectral Imagery (HSI) acquired using airborne systems have been used in the geologic community since the early 1980 s and represent a mature technology (Goetz et al., 1985; Kruse et al., 1999). The solar spectral range, 0.4 to 2.5 m, provides abundant information about many important Earth-surface minerals (Clark et al., 1990). In particular, the 2.0 to 2.5 m (SWIR) spectral range covers spectral features of hydroxyl-bearing minerals, sulfates, and carbonates common to many geologic units and hydrothermal alteration assemblages. Previous research has proven the ability of airborne and spaceborne hyperspectral systems to uniquely identify and map these and other minerals, even in sub-pixel abundances (Kruse and Lefkoff, 1993; Boardman and Kruse, 1994; Boardman et al., 1995; Kruse, et al., 1999). This paper describes a case history for a site in northern Death Valley, California and Nevada along with selected SNR calculations/results for other sites around the world. Various hyperspectral mineral mapping results for this site have previously been presented and published (Kruse, 1988; Kruse et al., 1993, 1999, 2001, 2002, 2003), however, this paper presents a condensed summary of key details for hyperspectral data from 2000 and 2001 and the results of accuracy assessment for satellite hyperspectral data compared to airborne hyperspectral data used as ground truth

    The Effect of the Context on the Anisotropy of the Visual Field

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    The phenomenal (visual) field is not homogeneous (anisotropic). Clear examples of this are given by Bartlett’s “replication experiments” and Blum’s “firegrass model”. In 1991, Stadler, Kruse, Richter and Pfaff attempted to develop a vector field model of the visual field, and on this basis, Kruse, Luccio, Pfaff and Stadler (1996) demonstrated relevant context effects introducing different directionally oriented shapes in the field. In this paper, we propose some methodological modifications, aimed to improve the consistency of the results

    Purchasing power parity in OECD countries: nonlinear unit root tests revisited

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    The aim of this paper is to provide additional evidence on the purchasing power parity empirical fulfillment in a pool of OECD countries. We apply the Harvey et al. (2008) linearity test and the Kruse (2010) nonlinear unit root test. The results point to the fact that the purchasing power parity theory holds in a greater number of countries than has been reported in previous studies.Real exchange rates, purchasing power parity, nonlinearities, unit root tests

    Mapping hydrothermally altered rocks in the Northern Grapevine Mountains, Nevada and California with the airborne imaging spectrometer

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    Seven flightlines of Airborne Imaging Spectrometer (AIS) data were analyzed for an area of hydrothermally altered rocks. The data were reduced to reflectance relative to an average spectrum, and an automated procedure was used to produce a color coded image displaying absorption band information. Individual spectra were extracted from the AIS images to determine the detailed mineralogy. Two alteration types were mapped based upon mineralogy identified using the AIS data. The primary alteration type is quartz sericite pyrite alteration which occurs in northwest-trending zones in quartz monzonite porphyry. The AIS data allow identification of sericite (muscovite) based upon a strong absorption feature near 2.21 micron and weaker absorption features near 2.35 and 2.45 micron. The second alteration type occurs as a zone of argillic alteration associated with a granitic intrusion. Montmorillonite was identified based on a weak to moderate absorption feature near 2.2 micron and the absence of the two absorption features at longer wavelengths characteristic of sericite. Montmorillonite could be identified only where concentrations of sericite did not mask the montmorillonite spectrum

    Faculty Consensus Leads to Creative Solutions

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    The answers to many of the problems facing schools today are in the minds of the teachers. Half our solutions are in their minds but they have to come out through open dialogue, says Gary Kruse, principal of Evans Middle School in Ottumwa, Iowa. When faced with leading a middle school that had a history of low reading scores on the Iowa Test of Basic Skills (ITBS), Mr. Kruse turned to the people who knew the students and the school climate best--the teachers..

    The Mass of the White Dwarf Companion in the Self-Lensing Binary KOI-3278: Einstein vs. Newton

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    KOI-3278 is a self-lensing stellar binary consisting of a white-dwarf secondary orbiting a Sun-like primary star. Kruse and Agol (2014) noticed small periodic brightenings every 88.18 days in the Kepler photometry and interpreted these as the result of microlensing by a white dwarf with about 63%\% of the mass of the Sun. We obtained two sets of spectra for the primary that allowed us to derive three sets of spectroscopic estimates for its effective temperature, surface gravity, and metallicity for the first time. We used these values to update the Kruse and Agol (2014) Einsteinian microlensing model, resulting in a revised mass for the white dwarf of 0.5390.020+0.022M0.539^{+0.022}_{-0.020} \, M_{\odot}. The spectra also allowed us to determine radial velocities and derive orbital solutions, with good agreement between the two independent data sets. An independent Newtonian dynamical MCMC model of the combined velocities yielded a mass for the white dwarf of 0.51220.0058+0.0057M0.5122^{+0.0057}_{-0.0058} \, M_{\odot}. The nominal uncertainty for the Newtonian mass is about four times better than for the Einsteinian, ±1.1%\pm 1.1\% vs. ±4.1%\pm 4.1\% and the difference between the two mass determinations is 5.2%5.2 \%. We then present a joint Einsteinian microlensing and Newtonian radial velocity model for KOI-3278, which yielded a mass for the white dwarf of 0.52500.0089+0.0082M0.5250^{+0.0082}_{-0.0089} \, M_{\odot}. This joint model does not rely on any white dwarf evolutionary models or assumptions on the white dwarf mass-radius relation. We discuss the benefits of a joint model of self-lensing binaries, and how future studies of these systems can provide insight into the mass-radius relation of white dwarfs.Comment: ApJ Accepted; 22 Pages, 8 Figures, 6 Tables and 4 Supplementary Table

    Wheat-barley hybridization – the last forty years

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    Abstract Several useful alien gene transfers have been reported from related species into wheat (Triticum aestivum), but very few publications have dealt with the development of wheat/barley (Hordeum vulgare) introgression lines. An overview is given here of wheat 9 barley hybridization over the last forty years, including the development of wheat 9 barley hybrids, and of addition and translocation lines with various barley cultivars. A short summary is also given of the wheat 9 barley hybrids produced with other Hordeum species. The meiotic pairing behaviour of wheat 9 barley hybrids is presented, with special regard to the detection of wheat– barley homoeologous pairing using the molecular cytogenetic technique GISH. The effect of in vitro multiplication on the genome composition of intergeneric hybrids is discussed, and the production and characterization of the latest wheat/barley translocation lines are presented. An overview of the agronomical traits (b-glucan content, earliness, salt tolerance, sprouting resistance, etc.) of the newly developed introgression lines is given. The exploitation and possible use of wheat/barley introgression lines for the most up-to-date molecular genetic studies (transcriptome analysis, sequencing of flow-sorted chromosomes) are also discussed