6 research outputs found

    Short-Term Effects of Three Types of Hamstring Stretching on Length, Neurodynamic Response, and Perceived Sense of Effort—A Randomised Cross-Over Trial

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    Background: Stretching techniques for hamstring muscles have been described both to increase muscle length and to evaluate nerve mechanosensitivity. Aim: We sought to evaluate the short-term effects of three types of hamstring stretching on hamstring length and report the type of response (neural or muscular) produced by ankle dorsiflexion and perceived sense of effort in asymptomatic subjects. Methods: A randomised cross-over clinical trial was conducted. A total of 35 subjects were recruited (15 women, 20 men; mean age 24.60 ± 6.49 years). Straight leg raises (SLR), passive knee extensions (PKE), and maximal hip flexion (MHF) were performed on dominant and non-dominant limbs. In addition, the intensity of the applied force, the type and location of the response to structural differentiation, and the perceived sensation of effort were assessed. Results: All stretching techniques increased hamstring length with no differences between limbs in the time*stretch interaction (p < 0.05). The perceived sensation of effort was similar between all types of stretching except MHF between limbs (p = 0.047). The type of response was mostly musculoskeletal for MHF and the area of more neural response was the posterior knee with SLR stretch. Conclusions: All stretching techniques increased hamstring length. The highest percentage of neural responses was observed in the SLR stretching, which produced a greater increase in overall flexibility

    Salivary cardiac-enriched FHL2-interacting protein is associated with higher diastolic-to-systolic-blood pressure ratio, sedentary time and center of pressure displacement in healthy 7-9 years old school-children

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    IntroductionCardiac-enriched FHL2-interacting protein (CEFIP) is a recently identified protein, first found in the z-disc of striated muscles, and related to cardiovascular diseases. Our objectives are: 1) to quantify CEFIP in saliva in healthy 7-9 years old school-children; and 2) to assess the associations of salivary CEFIP concentration and blood pressure, physical (in)activity and physical fitness in these children.MethodsA total of 72 children (7.6 ± 0.3 years) were included in the study, recruited in primary schools in Girona (Spain). A sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay was used (abx506878; Abbexa, United Kingdom) to quantify CEFIP in saliva. Anthropometric evaluation was performed [body mass, height and body mass index (BMI)]. Systolic and diastolic blood pressure were measured by means of an electronic oscillometer and the diastolic-to-systolic blood pressure ratio (D/S BP ratio) was calculated. Physical (in)activity [sedentary time and time spent in physical activity (PA)] were assessed by means of a triaxial Actigraph GT3X accelerometer (Actigraph, Pensacola, FL, USA) that children were instructed to wear for 24h during 7 conssecutive days. Finally, physical fitness (speed and agility, explosive power of legs, handgrip strength, flexibility and balance) were assessed through validated and standardized testing batteries.ResultsCEFIP was easily detected and measured in all saliva samples (mean concentration: 0.6 ± 0.2 pg/ml). Salivary CEFIP was positively associated with D/S BP ratio (r=0.305, p=0.010) and sedentary time (r=0.317, p=0.012), but negatively associated with PA in 7-9 years old school-children (r=-0.350, p=0.002). Furthermore, salivary CEFIP was related to lower level of balance i.e., higher center of pressure (CoP) displacement in these children (r=0.411, p<0.001). The associations of salivary CEFIP with D/S BP ratio (Beta=0.349, p=0.004), sedentary time (Beta=0.354, p=0.009) and CoP displacement (Beta=0.401, p=0.001), were maintained significant after adjustment for potential confounding variables such as age, gender and BMI in linear regression analyses.ConclusionCEFIP can be easily assessed in saliva as a promising biomarker associated with cardiovascular health in 7-9 years old school-children. Interestingly, higher salivary CEFIP concentration was related to higher D/S BP ratio, more sedentary time and higher CoP displacement i.e., lower level of balance in these children

    Efectes de la fibròlisi diacutània en la resposta neuromuscular i la mecanosensibilitat sobre els músculs de la cadena posterior de l’extremitat inferior en esportistes amb escurçament isquiosural.

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    La fibrólisis diacutánea es una técnica de movilización de tejido blando que se utiliza para tratar alteraciones del sistema músculo-esquelético, mediante unos ganchos que acaban con una espátula biselada. Diferentes estudios han demostrado que esta técnica es efectiva para tratar varios síntomas en distintos contextos clínicos. La técnica mejoraría el deslizamiento entre los tabiques musculares, como consecuencia de la rotura de las posibles aderencias entre el tejido. Se ha hipotetizado que el equilibrio de las tensiones miofasciales podría repercutir sobre la respuesta neuromuscular, generando cambios en las propiedades viscoelásticas y contráctiles del músculo, lo que explicaría las mejoras clínicas observadas. Por su parte, las acciones excéntricas se han relacionado con daños estructurales y pérdida de fuerza muscular. La musculatura isquiosural presenta una elevada tasa lesiva en deportes que requieren cambios de dirección repentinos, saltos o esprints, que le hacen actuar de forma excéntrica con altos niveles de activación. Además, la falta de longitud de este grupo muscular y su rigidez basal también se han considerado factores de riesgo de lesión. Objetivos. Revisar la evidencia existente sobre la efectividad de la fibrólisis diacutánea en la disminución de los síntomas relacionados con los desórdenes músculo-esqueléticos. Conocer cuáles son los parámetros de respuesta neuromuscular que presentan los cambios más relevantes después de una sola aplicación de la fibrólisis diacutánea. Evaluar los efectos inmediatos (T1) y al cabo de 30 minutos (T2) de una sola sesión de fibrólisis diacutánea sobre la respuesta neuromuscular y la mecanosensibilidad de musculatura isquiosural y del glúteo mayor, en deportistas con acortamiento isquiosural. Métodos. Se han realizado tres estudios: 1) Revisión sistemática y metanálisis sobre la efectividad de la fibrólisis diacutánea para mejorar el dolor, el rango de movimiento (ROM) y la función en desórdenes musculoesqueléticos, en comparación con el tratamiento de fisioterapia convencional, 2) Ensayo clínico aleatorizado (n=66) para evaluar las propiedades viscoelásticas (miotonometría), propiedades contráctiles (tensiomiografía) y mecanosensibilidad (algometría), 3) Ensayo clínico aleatorizado (n=66) para evaluar la longitud isquiosural (test de extensión pasiva de la rodilla) y flexibilidad (Modified-back-saver-sit-and-reach-test), la fuerza isométrica (dinamometría) y la actividad eléctrica del músculo (electromiografía de superficie) durante el salto en contramovimiento (My Jump 2). Se incluyeron deportistas con acortamiento isquiosural (test de extensión pasiva de rodilla<160). En los estudios 2 y 3 se aleatorizaron las extremidades en dos grupos. El grupo experimental recibió una sesión de fibrólisis diacutánea mientras que el grupo control no recibió tratamiento. Resultados. Estudio 1. Se evaluaron un total de 6 estudios (k=0.85). La calidad metodológica fue alta (9.3 escala PEDro) y el riesgo de sesgo, bajo. En la síntesis cuantitativa, la variable dolor obtuvo una diferencia de medias estandardizada (DMS) agrupada de -0.58 (95%IC, -1.12, -0.04) a corto plazo y una DMS agrupada de -0.63 (95%IC, -1.21, -0.05) a largo plazo. La variable función una DMS de –1.02 (95%IC, –1.67, –0.36) a corto plazo y una DMS de –0.84 (95%IC, –1.54, –0.14) a largo plazo. No se pudo realizar la síntesis cuantitativa para la variable ROM. Estudio 2. Se obtuvieron disminuciones estadísticamente significativas (p<0.05) de la rigidez del glúteo mayor y del tono y la rigidez del bíceps femoral a favor del grupo experimental en el T1. En el T2 aumentó la relajación del bíceps femoral del grupo experimental en comparación con el control (p<0.05). No hubo diferencias entre grupos para las propiedades contráctiles ni la mecanosensibilidad. Estudio 3. Se encontró un aumento de la longitud del bíceps femoral en el T2 y de la fuerza del glúteo en el T1 y en el T2 a favor del grupo experimental (p<0.05). No hubo cambios en la flexibilidad, la fuerza isquiosural o la actividad eléctrica durante el salto en contramovimiento entre ambos grupos. Conclusiones. La fibrólisis diacutánea combinada con el tratamiento convencional de fisioterapia es una técnica efectiva para la disminución del dolor y la mejora de la función, inmediatamente después de su aplicación y al seguimiento a largo plazo, para los desórdenes músculo-esqueléticos incluidos en la revisión. Una sola sesión de fibrólisis diacutánea de acuerdo con el protocolo aplicado genera cambios sobre las propiedades viscoelásticas musculares (rigidez del glúteo mayor y tono y rigidez bíceps femoral), la longitud isquiosural y la fuerza del glúteo mayor en deportistas con acortamiento isquiosural

    Study on Balance and Postural Control According to the Stabilometry in Indoor Skydivers: A Cross-Sectional Study

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    Background: The wind tunnel is a compression cabin through which a stream of air rises homogeneously, generated by fans. To perform different acrobatics, indoor skydivers have to change their body position by turning their body and orientation in reference to the space. Thus, the vestibular, visual and somatosensory systems are subjected to multiple disturbances. Postural control could be affected by altering the visual, vestibular and somatosensory systems during indoor skydiving in the wind tunnel. The aim of this study is to describe the influence of a standard wind tunnel training session on postural control in a normal gravitational situation in indoor skydiving. Methods: Ten indoor skydivers registered with the Royal Spanish Aeronautical Federation, who had participated in national or international competitions one year ago, were recruited. A single 30 min training session was performed. Postural control was assessed through posturographic analysis using a stabilometric platform immediately before and after the training session. The variables studied were related to the relative position and length of the centre of pressure. Results: No statistically significant changes were found between the initial and final assessment for the posturographic variables studied. Conclusions: No differences in postural control were found after a standard wind tunnel training session in indoor competition skydivers

    Immediate effects of diacutaneous fibrolysis in athletes with hamstring shortening. A randomized within-participant clinical trial.

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    BackgroundDiacutaneous fibrolysis is a non-invasive instrumental physiotherapeutic technique, used to treat mechanical or inflammatory pain and normalize function in the musculoskeletal system. Different studies have reported positive effects on range of motion, strength or function in musculoskeletal disorders, mainly in the upper extremity. The incidence and recurrence rates of hamstring injuries are high in many sports. However, there are no studies assessing these parameters in the hamstring and gluteus maximus in athletes. Objective. To evaluate the immediate and 30 minutes post-treatment effects of a single diacutaneous fibrolysis session on hamstring length, flexibility, muscle strength, myoelectrical activity and lower limb performance in athletes with hamstring shortening.MethodsA randomized within-participant clinical trial. Sixty-six athletes with hamstring shortening were recruited. A single session of diacutaneous fibrolysis was applied following the cetripetal protocol to the gluteus maximus, biceps femoris and semitendinosus of for the experimental lower limb, whereas the control limb was not treated. Hamstring length (Passive knee extension test), hamstring and low back flexibility (Modified back saver sit and reach test), hamstring and gluteus maximus strength and electrical activity (dynamometry and surface electromyography, respectively) and lower limb performance (Countermovement Jump) were tested before treatment (T0), after treatment (T1), and 30 minutes post-treatment (T2).ResultsWe only found a statistically significant difference between T0-T2 for the hamstring length favouring the experimental limbs (p0.05).ConclusionsA single session of diacutaneous fibrolysis in athletes with hamstring shortening, following the centripetal protocol for the posterior part of the thigh, produces improvements in hamstring length 30 minutes after, and in gluteus maximus strength immediately and 30 minutes after the treatment. It seems to have no effects on the overall hamstring and lower back flexibility or myoelectric activity. Importantly, the lower limb performance was not impaired after the treatment

    Image_1_Salivary cardiac-enriched FHL2-interacting protein is associated with higher diastolic-to-systolic-blood pressure ratio, sedentary time and center of pressure displacement in healthy 7-9 years old school-children.tif

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    IntroductionCardiac-enriched FHL2-interacting protein (CEFIP) is a recently identified protein, first found in the z-disc of striated muscles, and related to cardiovascular diseases. Our objectives are: 1) to quantify CEFIP in saliva in healthy 7-9 years old school-children; and 2) to assess the associations of salivary CEFIP concentration and blood pressure, physical (in)activity and physical fitness in these children.MethodsA total of 72 children (7.6 ± 0.3 years) were included in the study, recruited in primary schools in Girona (Spain). A sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay was used (abx506878; Abbexa, United Kingdom) to quantify CEFIP in saliva. Anthropometric evaluation was performed [body mass, height and body mass index (BMI)]. Systolic and diastolic blood pressure were measured by means of an electronic oscillometer and the diastolic-to-systolic blood pressure ratio (D/S BP ratio) was calculated. Physical (in)activity [sedentary time and time spent in physical activity (PA)] were assessed by means of a triaxial Actigraph GT3X accelerometer (Actigraph, Pensacola, FL, USA) that children were instructed to wear for 24h during 7 conssecutive days. Finally, physical fitness (speed and agility, explosive power of legs, handgrip strength, flexibility and balance) were assessed through validated and standardized testing batteries.ResultsCEFIP was easily detected and measured in all saliva samples (mean concentration: 0.6 ± 0.2 pg/ml). Salivary CEFIP was positively associated with D/S BP ratio (r=0.305, p=0.010) and sedentary time (r=0.317, p=0.012), but negatively associated with PA in 7-9 years old school-children (r=-0.350, p=0.002). Furthermore, salivary CEFIP was related to lower level of balance i.e., higher center of pressure (CoP) displacement in these children (r=0.411, pConclusionCEFIP can be easily assessed in saliva as a promising biomarker associated with cardiovascular health in 7-9 years old school-children. Interestingly, higher salivary CEFIP concentration was related to higher D/S BP ratio, more sedentary time and higher CoP displacement i.e., lower level of balance in these children.</p