1,658 research outputs found

    Fenomena Komunikasi Vidgram pada Komunitas @Pkuvidgram

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    The phenomenon of vidgram was present at a time when a group of young Indonesians who were literate with technology, using Instagram as a new means of entertainment for the Indonesian people. This study aims to determine the motives, meaning and communication experience of community members @pkuvidgram in uploading vidgram in Instagram.A method of this research is qualitative methods with the presentation of data analysis descriptively and using phenomenology theory Alfred Schutz. The subject of research is determined by purposive technique consisting of 6 informants from community member @ pkuvidgram. Data collection techniques include observation, interviews and documentation. Data analysis techniques using interactive data models Miles and Huberman. While the technique of examining the validity of data include triangulation and reference adequacy.The results of this study indicate that the past motives of informants in uploading vidgram is a hobby watching comedy and interest in multimedia. The future motive of the informant is to entertain others, want to convey messages, want to add followers, want to get lots of friends and want to get endorse. The meaning of vidgram upload activity for informants is vidgram as a medium to entertain, vidgram as a medium of self expression, and vidgram as additional income. The pleasant communication experience experienced by the informant is in the form of winning the race, gaining popularity, earning many endorse, following community event, and reposted back by @indovidgram account. While the unpleasant experience of being considered weird by friends, getting negative comments, expelled by security guards, ideas taken by others, and error devices

    Kajian Bisnis dan Ekonomis dalam Mengimplementasikan Information Security di Perusahaan

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kajian bisnis dan ekonomis dalam mengimplementasikan information security di Perusahaan. Penelitian ini mengguankan metode penelitian pustaka (library research). Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan mengkaji kondisi lingkungan keamanan sistem informasi dalam sudut pandang ekonomi. Terjadi Perubahan mendasar dalam menjalankan organisasi dari kegiatan tradisional ke organisasi yang terhubung dengan internet (e-business), sehingga asset Perusahaan yang berupa informasi harus tetap terjaga dan terpelihara terhadap segala Perubahan tersebut. Pemeliharaan informasi tak terbatas terhadap gangguan yang dilakukan dari pihak luar, tetapi juga harus mempertimbangkan gangguan yang dilakukan oleh pegawai Perusahaan dan pengendalian arus data di dalam jaringan Perusahaan. Pengamanan terhadap gangguan keamanan sistem informasi harus secara proaktif dilakukan baik oleh CISO maupun kebijakan Perusahaan, jika tidak mau kehilangan kapitalisasi pasar akibat pemberitaan publik

    Efektivitas Penerapan Disiplin Pegawai dalam Meningkatkan Kinerja Pelayanan Publik

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    : Public service performance that effective, guided, integrated and bring comfort to the local people when accompanied by the discipline of officers to improve thats performance, so in publik service the officers are not the work, hope that with the effective implementation of discipline officers will be well in implementede. Types of the research qualitative descriptive study, are using secondary data and primary data, in this case by thecnical-depth interviews with data collection, observation and dokumentation, while thecniques determining informers are use snowball sampling thecniques and analysis of data to reduces, presentation, and verification. From this research, public service performance in Batuputih Sub-district office have increased far from before, and public service at the office have been guidlines to adapt to guide administrative service integrated sub district, within discipline context the officers have been applicated appropiate the sules of sub-district instance, to create a better performance for maximum officers discipline to success as a barometer sub-district in public service, discipline officials implemented in disciplines officers work, all the officers of Batuputih sub-district are open ceremony every started work, and then after finish the work they have too. It use to grow high integrity officers organizations in sub-district, although some officers ignore the rules, but in the principle public service performance in the sub-district is still give prosperity to the local people. Keyword: Effectiveness, Discipline, Service Performanc

    Copper Zinc Tin Sulphide (Cu2ZnSnS4) Nanoparticle Ink Solar Cells

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    Cu2ZnSnS4 (CZTS) quaternary semiconductor compound has potential properties for low cost thin film solar cells. It is composed of abundant elements and non-toxic material, with desirable properties for thin film photovoltaic (PV) applications such as high absorption coefficient close to 10-4 cm-1 and a band gap close to 1.5 eV. CZTS has been successfully fabricated by non-vacuum hot injection methods with a pure sulphur source. High concentrations of CZTS nanoparticle inks were deposited onto clean glass by spin coating techniques to study the CZTS nanoparticle ink quality. This thesis reports the study of the influence of fabrication conditions for CZTS including temperature and time on structure and optical properties. This reveals that these temperature conditions 185, 205, 225, 245 and 265 oC with reaction times of 0.5, 1.0, 1.5 and 2.0 hours have strong effects on CZTS properties. The nanoparticles were deposited onto glass by the spin coating method. We report measurements made by UV-VIS spectrophotometer, Scanning electron microscopy, TEM, X-ray diffraction, energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy and Raman spectroscopy. The results confirm energy band gaps decreases with increasing reaction temperatures. For increasing reaction times from 0.5 to 2.0 h the energy band gap increases with increasing reaction time. X-ray diffraction and Raman spectroscopy were used to study the structure of CZTS nanoparticles and show the crystal structure improves with increasing reaction temperature and times. It is also observed from SEM and TEM measurements that the size of particles increases with increasing reaction conditions. CZTS nanoparticles of differing composition (stoichiometric, Cu-poor/rich and Zn-poor/rich) are prepared to investigate the impact of composition on the properties of the thin films. Films are characterised using X-ray diffraction, electron microscopy, Raman spectroscopy and photoluminescence spectroscopy. Cu-rich sample has Cu2S secondary phases identified by a Raman peak at 475 cm-1. The result confirmed that the band gaps depend on the copper and zinc content as well as the particle size. The implications for PV devices are discussed. The results confirm that the optimum conditions for synthesising high quality nanoparticles are 225 oC for 1.0 h. this results in nanoparticles of dimension 35 nm with band gap of 1.5 eV, which are Cu-poor and Zn-rich. The effect of thin film annealing parameters including temperature, time, ramping rate and atmosphere on the structure and optical properties are studied. XRD, Raman Spectroscopy, SEM and EDX are used to analyse films and demonstrate that the crystallinity of CZTS and homogeneity of elements improves with annealing conditions. This is an important factor for CZTS thin-film solar cells. The crystallinity, structure and chemical composition of CZTS thin film increased and improved under H2S+N2 atmosphere. It is concluded that annealing at 500 oC for 1 h with 10 oC/min under H2S (20%) +N2 (80%) atmosphere is a suitable condition for CZTS thin films used in solar cell devices. CZTS solar cell devices which consist of substrate, back contact layer, followed by the main layer in this project; absorber layer, buffer layer, window layer, transparent oxide layer and grid layer were deposited as Mo foil/CZTS/ CdS/ i-ZnO/ ITO/ Al. Different thicknesses of CZTS layers were to study optical and electrical properties using Photoluminescence (PL) and I-V measurements. For PL measurements, the main peaks may correspond to CZTS in the range 1.35-1.55 eV. This study focused on the first four peaks, P1, P2, P3, and P4 at energies 1.38, 1.45, 1.55 and 1.63 eV for all samples. The most intense PL peak found at 1.55 eV is thought to be due to recombination of CZTS. The results confirm that all peaks have k-values less than 1. The values of k are in the range 0.75-0.92 ±0.02 which are related with radiative transition involving defect states. The PL peak energy has a blue shift to higher energy with increasing excitation power. However, a small peak shifts in the range between 1.0 and 4.0 meV/decade is seen in all samples. PL results confirm radiative transitions from defect states with electronic levels which are influenced by fluctuating potentials. This limits solar device performance. SEM images of devices show some unexpected features at the interface between CZTS and other layers: CdS and ZnO. This is shown to impact I-V characteristics. Damage in the device layers leads to loss of current collection and more investigations identified the source of the damage. Cross section images show uniform CZTS layers in the majority of devices. EBSD cross sections are used to identify the quality of crystal and phase orientation in the layer

    Portable Multi-Peripheral Telemedicine Kits to Expand Clinical Services of Relief Organizations in Contexts Of Disaster

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    Objectives: This study explored the practical aspects of multi-peripheral portable telemedicine kits that make them specifically ideal for expanding and improving the medical services provided by disaster relief organisations. It also attempted to compile a list of proposed criteria and components of a standard disaster portable telemedicine kit. Methodology: Descriptive study extracting data by review of published research articles and manufacturer documentations, and reports of some humanitarian organisations.Results: The study revealed that portable telemedicine kits help delivering timely, high-quality, and safe general and specialty medical service in disaster situations. Moreover they increase the capacity to serve greater numbers of affected people. A list of criteria was compiled from reviewed data to suggest a standard disaster portable telemedicine kit. Conclusion: Portable telemedicine kits expand the capacity of the delivered healthcare service of a relief organisation qualitatively and quantitatively. Portable telemedicine kits with disaster- specific criteria are recommended for relief organisations

    Preparación, caracterización y evaluación de resina polimérica (AHMET) a partir de la reacción de anhídrido maleico con PET reciclado como inhibidor de corrosión para acero-C en HCl

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    Introduction: The plastic soft drink bottle from polyethylene terephthalate (PET) was introduced to consumers in 1970s. Because PET have ester group its chemical recycling is preferred. To control and reducethe environmental pollution recycling and reusing of PET has turned into an imperative procedure from the ecological perspective and it has given business opportunity because of far reaching use and accessibilityof PET polymer. Also another source of pollution to the environment was the corrosion of materials. Corrosion is the deterioration and loss of a material and its critical properties due to chemical, electrochemical and other reactions of the exposed material surface with the surrounding environment. Understanding corrosion mechanisms allow to use corrosion-resistant materials and altering designs. Organic inhibitors are very efficient to protect the metals from corrosion in all chemicals (acidic, basic and salt) media. There were many types of corrosion inhibitors and the organic inhibitor are being applied widely to protect metals from corrosion in many aggressive media. The aim of this study is to utilize waste PET-bottles will be depolarized by 2,2-dithioethanol to produce (Bis(2-((2-hydroxyethyl) thio) ethyl) terephthalate (BHTE), then by reacting of (BHTE) with maleic anhydride to produce Bis (2-((6-Mono malic acid –hydroxyethyl ester) sulfanyl) ethyl terephthalate(BHMET). The prepared (BHMET) will be used as corrosion inhibitor andits efficiency to protect the carbon steel in acidic will be assessed. Materials and Methods: Depolymerization of PET waste done with 2,2-dithioethanol. The weight proportion of PET to 2,2-dithioethanol 1:8 (wt%) and zinc acetate (0.5 wt% based on PET) was added as catalyst. Temperature of the reaction mixture was between 160-180 oC for 12 h, then the reaction mixture was kept at 140 oC for 3 h, then allowed to cool to room temperature. With vigorous agitation distilled water in excess to the reaction mixture to allow the black liquid viscous compound oligomer of Bis(2-((2-hydroxyethyl) thio) ethyl terephthalate (BHET) to precipitate. In a three neck round bottom (250 ml) attached with mechanical stirrer and thermometer (5.7gm) of (BHET) compound was added and heated for (15 min.) at (60 OC). Then (2.5gm) of malic anhydride and (1%) sulfuric acid was added. By the mechanical stirrer the mixture was mixed for (50 min.) at temperature (80OC). After the reaction the mixture was washed with distilled water to avoid the acid residue. Scheme (1) shows the mechanism for the prepared (BHMET) corrosion inhibitor