3,057 research outputs found

    Genetic and Molecular Factors in Drug-Induced Liver Injury: A Review

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    The diagnosis of drug-induced liver injury (DILI) is challenging and based on complex diagnostic criteria. DILI falls into two main categories i) intrinsic 'dose-dependent' Type A reactions ii) 'idiosyncratic' or Type B reactions (which are usually not predictable). Idiosyncratic reactions can be immunoallergic (hypersensitivity), or metabolic, although overlap between categories can occur. The aim of this review is to summarise the general view of underlying mechanisms in DILI and to highlight individual risk factors for developing hepatotoxicity. Polymorphisms of bioactivation/ toxification pathways through CYP450 enzymes (Phase I), detoxification reactions (Phase II) and excretion/transport (Phase III) are explored together with immunological factors that might determine DILI. The importance of establishing a multidisciplinary and multi-centric network to promote the understanding and research in hepatotoxicity is underlined. Challenges such as genetic analyses for association studies and whole genome studies, pharmacogenetic testing and future approaches to study DILI are considered. Knowledge regarding these operational mechanisms could provide further insight for the prospective identification of susceptible patients at risk of developing drug-induced hepatotoxicity.

    Tunable diffusion of magnetic particles in a quasi-one-dimensional channel

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    The diffusion of a system of ferromagnetic dipoles confined in a quasi-one-dimensional parabolic trap is studied using Brownian dynamics simulations. We show that the dynamics of the system is tunable by an in-plane external homogeneous magnetic field. For a strong applied magnetic field, we find that the mobility of the system, the exponent of diffusion and the crossover time among different diffusion regimes can be tuned by the orientation of the magnetic field. For weak magnetic fields, the exponent of diffusion in the subdiffusive regime is independent of the orientation of the external field.Comment: 9 pages, 13 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev. E (2013

    Molecular modeling of -endotoxins from Bacillus thuringiensis.

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    Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) is a Gram-positive entomotoxic bacterium widely used to control crop pests and disease vectors. Since the introduction of transgenic plants expressing Bt genes, it has been demonstrated that Bt-crops constitute an important tool in the increase of productivity and in the decrease of the use of chemical pesticides. Its success comes from the production of the ?-endotoxins (Cry). These toxins share a molecular mechanism of similar action or, at least, some common aspects

    Observations of OJ 287 from the Geodetic VLBI Archive of the Washington Correlator

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    We present 27 geodetic VLBI maps of OJ 287 obtained from the archive of the Washington correlator. The observations presented here were made between 1990 October and 1996 December. During this period a sequence of six superluminal components has been identified. We measured the proper motion of these components to be approximately 0.5 mas/yr, which is about twice as high as that seen in previous VLBI observations. These results imply a higher component ejection rate than previously observed, in good agreement with the observed occurrences of radio outbursts. We have examined a possible connection between VLBI components and optical flares in the framework of a binary black hole system.Comment: 9 pages, 5 included figures, emulateapj.sty, accepted to The Astrophysical Journa

    Experiences in teaching Hydrogen Technologies in the framework of the International Campus of Excellence Andalucia TECH

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    The increasing importance of hydrogen technologies is demanding prepared professionals in the numerous topics related to this energy vector. Apart from some basic and advanced courses given by actual experts in these topics, universities must play an important role in the general formation of future professionals. In this way, the International Campus of Excellence (ICE) Andalucía TECH has created several degrees taught jointly by its participating universities of Seville (US) and Málaga (UMA). Among those degrees, Energy Engineering is the best suited to the field of this conference because this degree provide future engineers with specialized training in energy generation, transformation and management. In relation to hydrogen technologies this degree includes a cross sectional optional unit named Hydrogen Based Systems (4.5 ECTS/112.5 h), which is placed in the last term of the fourth year and sharing space with work placement and mobility courses. This paper will present some author’s experiences as teachers of that unit during its short history of only three years. In spite of being a joint degree, which is coordinated between both universities (US and UMA) trying to give similar contents, it is interesting to highlight the differential experiences coming from the teachers of both universities in relation to the teaching methodologies and academic results.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Invasion Percolation Between two Sites

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    We investigate the process of invasion percolation between two sites (injection and extraction sites) separated by a distance r in two-dimensional lattices of size L. Our results for the non-trapping invasion percolation model indicate that the statistics of the mass of invaded clusters is significantly dependent on the local occupation probability (pressure) Pe at the extraction site. For Pe=0, we show that the mass distribution of invaded clusters P(M) follows a power-law P(M) ~ M^{-\alpha} for intermediate values of the mass M, with an exponent \alpha=1.39. When the local pressure is set to Pe=Pc, where Pc corresponds to the site percolation threshold of the lattice topology, the distribution P(M) still displays a scaling region, but with an exponent \alpha=1.02. This last behavior is consistent with previous results for the cluster statistics in standard percolation. In spite of these discrepancies, the results of our simulations indicate that the fractal dimension of the invaded cluster does not depends significantly on the local pressure Pe and it is consistent with the fractal dimension values reported for standard invasion percolation. Finally, we perform extensive numerical simulations to determine the effect of the lattice borders on the statistics of the invaded clusters and also to characterize the self-organized critical behavior of the invasion percolation process.Comment: 7 pages, 11 figures, submited for PR

    Transition from single-file to two-dimensional diffusion of interacting particles in a quasi-one-dimensional channel

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    Diffusive properties of a monodisperse system of interacting particles confined to a \textit{quasi}-one-dimensional (Q1D) channel are studied using molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. We calculate numerically the mean-squared displacement (MSD) and investigate the influence of the width of the channel (or the strength of the confinement potential) on diffusion in finite-size channels of different shapes (i.e., straight and circular). The transition from single-file diffusion (SFD) to the two-dimensional diffusion regime is investigated. This transition (regarding the calculation of the scaling exponent (α\alpha) of the MSD ∝tα\propto t^{\alpha}) as a function of the width of the channel, is shown to change depending on the channel's confinement profile. In particular the transition can be either smooth (i.e., for a parabolic confinement potential) or rather sharp/stepwise (i.e., for a hard-wall potential), as distinct from infinite channels where this transition is abrupt. This result can be explained by qualitatively different distributions of the particle density for the different confinement potentials.Comment: 13 pages, 11 figure

    Principais aspectos da biologia da mosca do sorgo, Contarinia sorghicola (Coquillett, 1898) (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae).

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    O mosca do sorgo, Contarinia sorghicola (Coquillet, 1898) (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) constitui um dos serios problemas para o cultivo do sorgo no Brasil. A sua biologia foi estudada no Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench em ambiente de laboratorio, para as condicoes de Sete Lagoas, MG, sendo repetida em 5 epocas com intervalo de 20 dias. Observou-se o florescimento das paniculas e o controle de oviposicao de mosca. As plantas foram levadas para o laboratorio e mantidas em provetas com agua. Suas espiguetas foram examinadas diariamente para identificacao das fases do inseto. O periodo medio de incubacao foi de 3,00 +/- 0,00 dias, o larval de 8,20 +/- 0,08 dias e o pupal de 3,77 +/- 0,09 dias. A menor mortalidade deu-se na fase de ovo e a maior na fase de larva
