46 research outputs found

    Alzheimer’s And Parkinson’s Disease Classification Using Deep Learning Based On MRI: A Review

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    Neurodegenerative disorders present a current challenge for accurate diagnosis and for providing precise prognostic information. Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and Parkinson's disease (PD), may take several years to obtain a definitive diagnosis. Due to the increased aging population in developed countries, neurodegenerative diseases such as AD and PD have become more prevalent and thus new technologies and more accurate tests are needed to improve and accelerate the diagnostic procedure in the early stages of these diseases. Deep learning has shown significant promise in computer-assisted AD and PD diagnosis based on MRI with the widespread use of artificial intelligence in the medical domain. This article analyses and evaluates the effectiveness of existing Deep learning (DL)-based approaches to identify neurological illnesses using MRI data obtained using various modalities, including functional and structural MRI. Several current research issues are identified toward the conclusion, along with several potential future study directions

    Prompt emission polarimetry of Gamma Ray Bursts with ASTROSAT CZT-Imager

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    X-ray and Gamma-ray polarization measurements of the prompt emission of Gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) are believed to be extremely important for testing various models of GRBs. So far, the available measurements of hard X-ray polarization of GRB prompt emission have not significantly constrained the GRB models, particularly because of the difficulty of measuring polarization in these bands. The CZT Imager (CZTI) onboard {\em AstroSat} is primarily an X-ray spectroscopic instrument that also works as a wide angle GRB monitor due to the transparency of its support structure above 100 keV. It also has experimentally verified polarization measurement capability in the 100 - 300 keV energy range and thus provides a unique opportunity to attempt spectro-polarimetric studies of GRBs. Here we present the polarization data for the brightest 11 GRBs detected by CZTI during its first year of operation. Among these, 5 GRBs show polarization signatures with \gtrapprox3σ\sigma, and 1 GRB shows \>2σ\sigma detection significance. We place upper limits for the remaining 5 GRBs. We provide details of the various tests performed to validate our polarization measurements. While it is difficult yet to discriminate between various emission models with the current sample alone, the large number of polarization measurements CZTI expects to gather in its minimum lifetime of five years should help to significantly improve our understanding of the prompt emission.Comment: Accepted for Publication in ApJ ; a figure has been update

    Analytical Study of Base Isolation- A Review

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    Now a days the rate of happening of seismic events increasing and due to that so many structures got collapsed or damaged. In order to reduce the damage to structures during earthquakes, now a days the base isolation system is widely adopted and used over the world. This paper makes a wide review on the various base isolation techniques adopted and used. Different types of isolating bearings and materials used in it are reviewed. Here the review is done for the isolation system in normal R.C buildings (regular and irregular in plan) and also for bridges. The effect of base isolation system on some historic structures is also reviewed. The various advantages and disadvantages of different isolating bearings are reviewed. Here the effect of temperature on some isolating devices are also reviewed

    Hard X-Ray Polarization Catalog for a Five-year Sample of Gamma-Ray Bursts Using AstroSat CZT Imager

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    The Cadmium Zinc Telluride Imager (CZTI) on board AstroSat has been regularly detecting gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) since its launch in 2015. Its sensitivity to polarization measurements at energies above 100 keV allows CZTI to attempt spectropolarimetric studies of GRBs. Here, we present the first catalog of GRB polarization measurements made by CZTI during its first five years of operation. This includes the time-integrated polarization measurements of the prompt emission of 20 GRBs in the energy range 100-600 keV. The sample includes the bright GRBs that were detected within an angle range of 0 degrees-60 degrees and 120 degrees-180 degrees where the instrument has useful polarization sensitivity and is less prone to systematics. We implement a few new modifications in the analysis to enhance the polarimetric sensitivity of the instrument. The majority of the GRBs in the sample are found to possess less/null polarization across the total bursts' duration in contrast to a small fraction of five GRBs that exhibit high polarization. The low polarization across the bursts might be due either to the burst being intrinsically weakly polarized or to a varying polarization angle within the burst even when it is highly polarized. In comparison to POLAR measurements, CZTI has detected a larger number of cases with high polarization. This may be a consequence of the higher energy window of CZTI observations, which results in the sampling of a shorter duration of burst emissions than POLAR, thereby probing emissions with less temporal variation in polarization properties

    Time-varying polarized gamma-rays from GRB 160821A: evidence for ordered magnetic fields

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    GRB 160821A is the third most energetic gamma-ray burst observed by the Fermi gamma-ray space telescope. Based on the observations made by the Cadmium Zinc Telluride Imager on board AstroSat, here we report the most conclusive evidence to date of (i) high linear polarization ( detection), and (ii) variation of polarization angle with time, occurring twice during the rise and decay phase of the burst at 3.5σ and 3.1σ detections, respectively. All confidence levels are reported for two parameters of interest. These observations strongly suggest synchrotron radiation produced in magnetic field lines that are highly ordered on angular scales of 1/Γ, where Γ is the Lorentz factor of the outflow

    A Tale of Two Transients: GW 170104 and GRB 170105A

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    We present multi-wavelength follow-up campaigns by the AstroSat CZTI and GROWTH collaborations in search of an electromagnetic counterpart to the gravitational wave event GW 170104. At the time of the GW 170104 trigger, the AstroSat CZTI field of view covered 50.3% of the sky localization. We do not detect any hard X-ray (>100 keV) signal at this time, and place an upper limit of 4.5×107ergcm2s1\approx 4.5\times {10}^{-7}\,\mathrm{erg}\,{\mathrm{cm}}^{-2}\,{{\rm{s}}}^{-1}, for a 1 s timescale. Separately, the ATLAS survey reported a rapidly fading optical source dubbed ATLAS17aeu in the error circle of GW 170104. Our panchromatic investigation of ATLAS17aeu shows that it is the afterglow of an unrelated long, soft GRB 170105A, with only a fortuitous spatial coincidence with GW 170104. We then discuss the properties of this transient in the context of standard long GRB afterglow models


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     Objective: This review article deals with the effect that various cell disruption techniques have on the efficiency of lipid extraction. We have reviewed existing algal cell disruption techniques that aid the biodiesel production process.Methods: Current rise in demand for energy has led the researcher to focus on the production of sustainable fuels, among which biodiesel has received greater attention. This is due to its larger lipid content, higher growth rate, larger biomass production, and lower land use. Extraction of lipid from algae (micro and macro) for the production of biodiesel involves numerous downstream processing steps, of which cell wall disruption is a crucial step. Bead milling, high-pressure homogenization, ultra-sonication, freeze-drying, acid treatment, and enzymatic lysis are some methods of cell disruption. The cell disruption technique needs to be optimized based on the structure and biochemical composition of algae.Result: The lipid extraction efficiency varies depending on the algal species and the cell disruption technique used.Conclusion: In-depth research and development of new techniques are required to further enhance the cell disruption of the algal cell wall for the enhanced recovery of lipids. In addition, the operating costs and energy consumption should also be optimized for the cost-effective recovery

    Hypopituitarism as unusual sequelae to central nervous system tuberculosis

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    Neurological tuberculosis can very rarely involve the hypophysis cerebri. We report a case of an eighteen year old female who presented with five months duration of generalised apathy, secondary amenorrhea and weight gain. She was on irregular treatment for tuberculosis of the central nervous system for the last five months. Neuroimaging revealed sellar and suprasellar tuberculomas and communicating hydrocephalus requiring emergency decompression. Endocrinological investigation showed hypopituitarism manifesting as pituitary hypothyroidism, hypocortisolism, hypogonadotropic hypogonadism, and hyperprolactinemia. Restarting anti-tuberculosis treatment, hormone replacement therapy, and a ventriculo-peritoneal shunt surgery led to remarkable improvement in the general condition of the patient