485 research outputs found


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    Aprovats per la Comissió de Govern de 30-12-2017Correcció d'errades aprovades per la Comissió de Govern de 28-12-2017Regulació general general dels preus públics municipals, així com els preus públics per a l 'any 2018 i successius pels següents serveis:1r. De l'Àrea de Drets Socials: Residències, habitatges tutelats i centres de dia per gent gran; Serveis d 'atenció domiciliària; Serveis d' àpats en companyia per a la gent gran; Cessió de terrenys d' acampada de la Granja Escola Can Girona; Serveis dels centres oberts municipals per infants, adolescents i famílies; Cessió d' ús temporal de sales del Centre d informació i atenció per a joves; Serveis del Centre de Recursos i Associacions Juvenils (CRAJ); Serveis del Centre d 'Allotjament Familiar Navas; Servei del projecte Temps de barri, temps per a tu .2n. De l'Àrea de Seguretat i Prevenció: Serveis de la Unitat Muntada, la Secció Canina i la Galeria de Tir de la Guàrdia Urbana; Cursos de formació policial i de seguretat realitzats per la Guàrdia Urbana, i Cursos de formació realitzats pel Servei de Prevenció i Extinció d' Incendis i Salvament.3r: De l'Àrea d 'Ecologia, Urbanisme i Mobilitat: Serveis de recollida de residus comercials industrials assimilables a municipals i de prestació de serveis especials de neteja i recollida de residus municipals; Activitats d' educació ambiental de l' Àrea de Medi Ambient i altres prestacions de serveis i cessions d 'espais del sector de medi ambient, i Serveis culturals i lloguer d espais del Pavelló Mies van der Rohe.4t. De l'Àrea de Recursos: Activitats culturals de cursos, seminaris i congressos prestades per l 'Arxiu municipal contemporani, els arxius municipals dels districtes i els arxius centrals dels sectors, i pels serveis de reproducció i comunicació de documents, sense caràcter d'expedient administratiu, produïts per l'Ajuntament de Barcelona i prestats per l 'Arxiu municipal contemporani, els arxius municipals dels districtes i els arxius centrals dels sectors

    Hip fracture incidence in the elderly in Austria: An epidemiological study covering the years 1994 to 2006

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    Mann E, Icks A, Haastert B, Meyer G. Hip fracture incidence in the elderly in Austria: an epidemiological study covering the years 1994 to 2006. BMC Geriatrics. 2008;8(1): 35.Background: Hip fractures in the elderly are a major public health burden. Data concerning secular trends of hip fracture incidence show divergent results for age, sex and regions. In Austria, the hip fracture incidence in the elderly population and trends have not been analysed yet. Methods: Hip fractures in the population of 50 years and above were identified from 1994 to 2006 using the national hospital discharge register. Crude incidences (IR) per 100,000 person years and standardised incidences related to the European population 2006 were analysed. Estimate of age-sex-adjusted changes was determined using Poisson regression (incidence rate ratios, IRRs). Results: The number of hospital admissions due to hip fracture increased from a total number of 11,694 in 1994 to 15,987 in 2006. Crude incidences rates (IR) per 100.000 for men increased from 244.3 (95% confidence interval (CI) 234.8 to 253.7) in 1994 to IR 330.8 (95% CI 320.8 to 340.9) in 2006 and for women from 637.3 (95% CI 624.2 to 650.4) in 1994 to IR 758.7 (95% CI 745.0 to 772.4) in 2006. After adjustment for age and sex the annual hip fracture incidence increase was only small but statistically significant (IRR per year 1.01, 95% CI 1.01 to 1.01, p < 0.01). Change of IRR over the 12 years study period was 13%. It was significantly higher for men (IRR over 12 years 1.21, 95% CI 1.16 to 1.27) than for women (IRR over 12 years 1.10, 95% CI 1.06 to 1.14) (interaction: p = 0.03). Conclusion: In contrast to findings in other countries there is no levelling-off or downward trend of hip fracture incidence from 1994 to 2006 in the Austrian elderly population. Further investigations should aim to evaluate the underlying causes in order to plan effective hip fracture reduction programmes

    Use of biologics for the management of Crohn's disease: IG-IBD clinical guidelines based on the GRADE methodology

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    A cure for Crohn's disease (CD), a chronic inflammatory disease of the gastrointestinal tract of unknown etiology, is not available, so patients require lifelong management to keep inflammation under control. The therapeutic armamentarium has expanded with approval of several biological drugs, including in-fliximab, adalimumab, vedolizumab and ustekinumab - monoclonal antibodies that target different in-flammatory pathways - and darvadstrocel, a suspension of expanded human allogeneic, adipose-derived, mesenchymal stromal cells for the treatment of refractory complex perianal fistula. Notwithstanding ex-isting practice guidelines on medical therapy for CD, the Italian Group for the Study of Inflammatory Bowel Disease felt the need to issue new guidelines focused on the use of biologics for managing the intestinal manifestations of CD and based on the GRADE methodology. This document presents recom-mendations regarding six clinical settings, from the induction to the maintenance of clinical remission, and from optimization and de-escalation of treatments to dealing with perianal CD and post-operative recurrence. The 19 evidence-based statements are supported by information on the quality of the evi-dence, agreement rate among panel members, and panel comments mainly based on evidence from real world studies

    The Electronics and Data Acquisition System of the DarkSide Dark Matter Search

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    It is generally inferred from astronomical measurements that Dark Matter (DM) comprises approximately 27\% of the energy-density of the universe. If DM is a subatomic particle, a possible candidate is a Weakly Interacting Massive Particle (WIMP), and the DarkSide-50 (DS) experiment is a direct search for evidence of WIMP-nuclear collisions. DS is located underground at the Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso (LNGS) in Italy, and consists of three active, embedded components; an outer water veto (CTF), a liquid scintillator veto (LSV), and a liquid argon (LAr) time projection chamber (TPC). This paper describes the data acquisition and electronic systems of the DS detectors, designed to detect the residual ionization from such collisions