153 research outputs found

    James B. Wood.

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    36-1ClaimsReport : Petition of J. Wood. [1067] Indian depredations in New Mexico.1860-6

    Annual Report of the American Historical Association for the year 1891

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    52-1Annual Report of the American Historical Association for 1891. [2907] Early Indian of Texas, the Indian service, Indian attack on Deerfield, Massachusetts, and other research touching on the American Indian.1892-20


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    vi ABSTRAK Membaca merupakan suatu aktifita s alternatif untuk menangkap ide, gaga - san, da n pikiran dalam mengekspresikan diri dari pen garang . Bagi sebagaian orang , membaca menjadi suatu rutinitas yang menye nangkan, karena apa yang di - baca da pat menambah wawasan yang luas . Oleh karena itu , penulis tertarik mela - kukan penelitian yang b erjud ul “Pembelajaran Mengevaluasi Tek s Berita dengan Menggunakan Model Inquiry pada Sis wa Kelas X II SM A Negeri 1 Luragung ”. Permasalahan Penelitian dalam hal ini sebagai berikut . (1) Mampukah pe - nulis melaksan ak an pembelajaran mengevaluasi teks berita pada siswa kelas XII SMA Neger 1 Luragung dengan menggunakan model inquiry ? (2) Mampuhkah siswa kelas X I I SMA Negeri 1 Luragung me ngi k uti pembelajaran mengevaluasi teks berita dengan menggunakan m ode l inquiry pada s is wa kelas X II SM A Negeri 1 Luragung ? (3) Tepatkah model inquiry digun ak an unt uk pembelajaran menge - valuasi teks berita pada siswa kelas X I I SMA Negeri 1 Luragung ? Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kemampuan penulis, kema mpuan siswa dan ketepatan m odel inquiry dalam pembelajaran me ngevaluasi teks berita pada siswa kelas X II SM A Negeri 1 Luragung . Hipotesis yang penulis rumuskan sebagai berikut. (1) Penulis mampu me - laksana kan pembelajaran mengevaluasi teks berita dengan menggunakan m odel inquiry pada s is wa Kelas X II SM A Negeri 1 Luragung . (2) Siswa k elas XII SMA negeri 1 Luragung mampu mengevaluasi teks berita dengan menggunakan model inquiry . (3) M odel inquiry tepat digun ak an dalam pembelajajaran mengevaluasi teks berita pada siswa kelas XII SMA Negeri 1 Luragung . Berdasarkan pengolahan data penelitian yang telah penulis lakukan, penu - lis mengambil kesimpulan sebagai berikut. 1. Penulis mampu me laksanakan pembelajaran mengevaluasi teks berita dengan menggunakan m odel inquiry pada s is wa kelas X II SM A Negeri 1 Luragung . Hal ini dibuktikan dengan hasil yang diperoleh penulis dalam persiapan pem - belajaran mendapatka nila i 3,5 7 dengan kategori sangat baik. 2. Siswa kelas X II SM A Negeri 1 Luragung mampu mengevaluasi teks berita de - ngan menggunakan m odel inquiry . Hal ini terbukti dari hasil nilai rata - rata pretes sebesar 1,28 dan nilai rata - rata postes 2 , 6 5 . Peningkatannya sebesar 1,37 . Ja di, selisish nilai rata - rata pr et es dan nilai rata - rata postes yaitu 1,37 . 3. M odel inquiry tepat digu nakan da l am pembelajaran mengevauasi teks beri ta . Hal ini dibuktikan dari hasil perhitungan statistik dengan hasil t hitung sebesar 15,2 , t tabel sebesar 2,02 pada tingkat kepercayaan 95%, taraf signif ikan 5% dan derajat kebebasan 35 . Dengan demikian, penulis menyimpulkan pembelajaran mengevaluasi teks berita dengan menggunakan m odel inquiry menunju k kan keberhasilan. Kata Kunci : Pembelajaran , mengevaluasi , teks berita, model inquiry vii ABSTRACT Reading is an alternative activity for expressing ide as, concept, and tho - ughts . For some , reading i s a routine and fun activity , because what people think can i ncluded to the script . Therefore, the author is interested in condu cting research entitled “Learning Of Report Text Evaluation by Using Inquiry ’s Model Class X II students of SM A Neger i 1 Luragung ". The research problem s in this case are fol lows . (1) C an the author conduct the learning of repo r t text evaluation at X II stu dents of SMA Negeri 1 Luragung by using a model of inquiry ? (2) C an the XII of SMA Negeri 1 Padala - rang learning of report text evaluation by u sing inquiry ’s model ? (3) I s inquiry ’s model accurate in learning of report text evaluation at XII stu dents of SMA Negeri 1 Luragung ? This research aimed to determine the ability of the author, the ability of students, and the accurate of the inquiry ’s model on a learning of report text evaluation at class X II student of SM A Negeri 1 Luragung . Hypothesis that the writer fo rmulated are follows. (1) Writer is able to car ry out t he learning of report text evaluation by using the inquiry ’s model at XII stu dents of SMA Negeri 1 Luragung . (2) XII stu dents of SMA Negeri 1 Luragung are able to evaluate report of text b y using inquiry ’s model . (3) inquiry’s is accura te in learning of report text evaluation . Based on the data processing research that has been done, the authors conclude as follows. 1. Writer is able to car ry ou t the learning of report text evaluation by using the inquiry ’s model at XII stu dents of SMA Negeri 1 Luragung . This is proved by the results obtained by the authors in the preparation of the learning gain score of 3.7 with a very good category. 2. XII st udents of SMA Negeri 1 Luragung are able to learning of report text evaluation by u sing inquiry’s model . This is proved by the re sults of t he average value of prete st and posttest mean score of 1 . 28. Increase by 2,6 5 . Thus, the average difference of va lue pretest and posttest av erage score is 2,6 5 . 3. inquiry ’s model is accurate in learning of report text evaluation . It is proved by the results of calculations with the results of t statistic of 15 . 2, ttable of 2.02 at 95% confidence le vel, 5% significance level and 3 5 degrees of freedom. Accordingly, the authors concluded evaluate text of report using inquiry’s model . The author offers suggestions for teachers and their students and education contribute to the building of subjects Indonesian language and literature in order to better develop. Key Word : Learning, Text Of Report Evaluation , Inquiry ’s Metho

    Julia A. Chambers.

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    46-3Invalid PensionsReport : Petition of J. Chambers. [1982] Wounded in Indian battle.1881-3

    John Monroe

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    27-2ClaimsReport : Petition of J. Monroe. [407] Indian depredations of 1839 in Florida.1842-2

    Exotic Baryons and Monopole Excitations in a Chiral Soliton Model

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    We compute the spectra of exotic pentaquarks and monopole excitations of the low--lying 1/2+{1/2}^+ and 3/2+{3/2}^+ baryons in a chiral soliton model. Once the low--lying baryon properties are fit, the other states are predicted without any more adjustable parameters. This approach naturally leads to a scenario in which the mass spectrum of the next to lowest--lying Jπ=1/2+J^\pi={1/2}^+ states is fairly well approximated by the ideal mixing pattern of the 8⊕10ˉ\mathbf{8}\oplus\bar{\mathbf{10}} representation of flavor SU(3). We compare our results to predictions obtained in other pictures for pentaquarks and speculate about the spin--parity assignment for Ξ(1690)\Xi(1690) and Ξ(1950)\Xi(1950)Comment: 16 pages, 2 figures, 6 table

    Samuel Perry

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    28-2ClaimsReport : Petition of J. McClure and Company. [468] Loss of supplies for the Indians on the Mississippi River.1845-4

    Proyectos ambientales escolares: Una alternativa para formar pensamiento crĂ­tico desde la educaciĂłn.

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    El propósito de este ensayo es analizar y discutir las ventajas que otorga la elaboración de un Proyecto Ambiental Escolar, en el cual se propone como tema central, una problemática social, que al lado de la pobreza, la violencia y el desplazamiento forzoso, es quizás una de las que mayor preocupación ha generado y sigue generando en la sociedad colombiana, el consumo de sustancias psicoactivas o drogadicción.

    [Obras ]

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    Copia digital : Junta de Castilla y León. Consejería de Cultura y Turismo, 2014Sign.: []6, **4, A-T8, V3La h. de lám grab. cal. retrato de la autora

    Analysis of the Lambda p Final State Interaction in the Reaction p+p->K^+(Lambda p)

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    The missing mass spectrum measured in high resolution studies of the reaction pp -> K^+X is analyzed with respect to the strong final state interaction near the Lambda p production threshold. The observed spectrum can be described by factorizing the reaction amplitude in terms of a production amplitude and a final state scattering amplitude. Parametrizing the Lambda p final state interaction in terms of the inverse Jost function allows a direct extraction of the low-energy phase-equivalent potential parameters. Constraints on the singlet and triplet scattering lengths and effective ranges are deduced in a simultaneous fit of the Lambda p invariant mass spectrum and the total cross section data of the free Lambda p scattering using the effective range approximation.Comment: 9 pages,6 figures, 2 table
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