249 research outputs found


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    i ABSTRAK Membaca merupakan suatu aktiv ita s alternatif untuk menangkap ide, ga - gasan, da n pikiran dalam mengekspresikan diri dari pen garang . Bagi sebagaian o - rang , membaca menjadi suatu rutinitas yang menye nangkan, karena apa yang di - baca da pat menambah wawasan yang luas . Oleh karena itu , penulis tertarik mela - kukan penelitian yang b erjudul “Pembelajaran Mengidentifikasi Tek s Eksposis i dengan Menggunakan M etode Analisis Wacana Kritis pada Sis wa Kelas V II MTs Al - Amanah Bandung Tahun Pelajaran 2015/2016 ”. Permasalahan Penelitian dalam hal ini sebagai berikut . (1) Mampukah pe - nulis merencanakan, melaksan akan , dan menilai pembelajaran mengidentifikasi teks e ksposisi dengan m eng - gunakan m etode analisis wacana kritis pada Sis wa Kelas VII MTs Al - Amanah Bandung (2) Mampuhkah siswa kelas VI I MTs Al - Amanah Bandung mengidentifikasi tek eksposi si dengan mengg u nakan struktur, ciri kebahasaan, dan kaidah penulisan yang tepat ? (3) Efektifkah metode analisis wacana kritis digun akan untuk pembelajaran mengidentifikasi te ks e ksposisi pada Sis wa Kelas VII MTs Al - Amanah Bandung ? Hipotesis yang penulis rumuskan sebagai berikut. (1) Penulis mampu me - rencanakan, melaksana kan , dan menilai pembelajaran mengidentifikasi teks eksposisi dengan menggunakan metode analisis wacana kritis pada Sis wa Kelas VII MTs Al - Amanah Bandung . (2) s iswa kelas V II MTs Al - Amanah Bandung mampu men gidentifikasi teks eksposisi de ngan menggunakan tema, struktur teks, ciri kebahasaaan, dan kaidah penulisan yang tepat . (3) M etode analisis wacana kritis efektif digun ak an dalam pembelajaran mengidenifikasi teks eksposisi pada siswa kelas V II MTs Al - Amanah Bandung . Berdasarkan pengolahan data penelitian yang telah penulis lakukan, penu - lis mengambil kesimpulan sebagai berikut. 1. Penulis mampu merencanakan, me laksanakan , dan menilai pembelajaran mengidentifikasi teks eksposisi dengan menggunakan metode analisis wacana kritis pada s is wa kelas VII MTs Al - Amanah Bandung . Hal ini dibuktikan dengan hasil yang diperoleh penulis dalam persiapan pembelajaran mendapat ka nila i 3,5 6 dengan kategori sangat baik. 2. Siswa kelas V II MTs Al - Amanah Bandung mampu mengidentifikasi tek s eksposi si dengan menggunakan tema, struktur teks, ciri kebahasaan, dan kaidah penulisan yang tepat . Hal ini terbukti dari hasil nilai rata - rata pretes sebesar 31 dan nilai rata - rata postes 57,16 . Peningkatannya sebesar 26,1 6 . Ja di, seli s i h nilai rata - rata pr et es dan nilai rata - rata postes yaitu 26,1 6 . 3. M etode analisis wacana kritis efektif digu nak an dalam pembelajaran mengidentifi kasi teks eksposisi . Hal ini dibuktikan dari hasil per hitungan statistik dengan hasil t hitung ≥ t tabel yaitu 10,94 ≥ 2,06 pada tingkat kepercayaan 95%, taraf signif ikan 5% dan derajat kebebasan 24 . Dengan demikian, penulis menyimpulkan pembelajaran mengidentifikasi teks eksposi si dengan menggunakan metode analisis wacana kritis menunju k - kan keberhasilan. Kata Kunci : Pembelajaran, mengidentifikasi, teks e ksposisi, metode analisis wacana kritis ii ABSTRACT Reading is an alternative activity for expressing ide as, concept, and tho - ughts . For some , reading i s a routine and fun activity , because what people think can i ncluded to the script . Therefore, the author is interested in condu ctin g rese - arch entitled "Identifying Expotition Text by Critical Analitic Of Dscourse Method Class V II MTs Al - Amanah Bandung ". The research problem s in this case are fol lows . (1) C an the author plane, implement, and evaluate the learning of identifying expot ition text at VII s tudents of MTs Al - Amanah Bandung using a criticl analitic of discourse method ? (2) C an the VII s tudents of MTs Al - Amanah Bandung identifying expotition text by criticl analitic of discourse method ? (3) I s effective the criticl analitic o f discourse method accurate in learning to identifying expo tition text at the seven grade s tudents of MTs Al - Amanah Bandung ? This research aimed to determine the ability of the author, the ability of students, and the accurate of criticl analitic of discourse method on a identifying of the text teaching reading class VII student of MTs Al - Amanah Bandung . Hypothesis that the writer fo rmulated are follows. (1) Writer is able to plane, implement, and evaluate t he teaching of identifying expotition text by criticl analitic of discourse method at seven grade students of MTs Al - Amanah Bandung . (2) Seven grade students of MTs Al - Amanah Bandung are able to idetifying expo tition text by criticl analitic of discourse method . (3) criticl analitic of discourse me thod is effective in learning to identifying expotition text . Based on the data processing research that has been done, the authors conclude as follows. 1. Writer is able to plane, implement, and evaluate the teaching of identifying expo tition text by criticl analitic of discourse method at seven grade students of MTs Al - Amanah Bandung . This is proved by the results obtained by the authors in the preparation of the learning gain score of 3.56 with a very good category. 2. Seven grade students of MTs Al - Amanah Bandung are able to Identify expo tition text by criticl analitic of discourse method . This is proved by the re su lts of the average value of 31 prete st and posttest mean score of 57.16. Increase by 26,1 6 . Thus, the average v alue selisish pretest and posttest av erage score is 26,1 6 . 3. Criticl analitic of discourse method is effective in learning to identying the text . It is proved by the results of calculations with the results of t st atistic of t hitung ≥ t tabel yaitu 10,94 ≥ 2,06 confidence le vel, 5% significance level and 24 degrees of freedom. Accordingly, the authors concluded study identifying of expotition by criticl analitic of discourse method . The author offers suggestions for teachers and their students and educati - on contribute to the building of subjects Indonesian language and literature in or - der to better develop. Key Word : Learning, identifying, ex potition text, criticl analitic of discourse metho

    Ave Fenix Fire Station

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    Material of interest: Chrome plates.https://openscholarship.wustl.edu/bcs/1008/thumbnail.jp

    New Measurements of the EMC Effect in Few-Body Nuclei

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    Measurements of the EMC effect show that the quark distributions in nuclei are not simply the sum of the quark distributions of the constituent nucleons. However, interpretation of the EMC effect is limited by the lack of a reliable baseline calculation of the effects of Fermi motion and nucleon binding. We present preliminary results from JLab experiment E03-103, a precise measurement of the EMC effect in few-body and heavy nuclei. These data emphasize the large-x region, where binding and Fermi motion effects dominate, and thus will provide much better constraints on the effects of binding. These data will also allow for comparisons to calculations for few-body nuclei, where the uncertainty in the nuclear structure is minimized.Comment: Proceedings from talk at the Topical Group on Hadron Physics meeting, Nashville Tennessee, October 22-24, 2006. 9 pages, 6 figure

    Strong neutron pairing in core+4nn nuclei

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    The emission of neutron pairs from the neutron-rich N=12 isotones C18 and O20 has been studied by high-energy nucleon knockout from N19 and O21 secondary beams, populating unbound states of the two isotones up to 15 MeV above their two-neutron emission thresholds. The analysis of triple fragment-n-n correlations shows that the decay N19(-1p)C18*→C16+n+n is clearly dominated by direct pair emission. The two-neutron correlation strength, the largest ever observed, suggests the predominance of a C14 core surrounded by four valence neutrons arranged in strongly correlated pairs. On the other hand, a significant competition of a sequential branch is found in the decay O21(-1n)O20*→O18+n+n, attributed to its formation through the knockout of a deeply bound neutron that breaks the O16 core and reduces the number of pairs.Peer Reviewe

    Infantry Branch of the Army

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    49-1Military AffairsInfantry Branch of the Army . [2358] Reduction not advised because of "savage Sioux" still in the U.S ., etc.1886-3

    Scalable Ion Trap Quantum Computing without Moving Ions

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    A hybrid quantum computing scheme is studied where the hybrid qubit is made of an ion trap qubit serving as the information storage and a solid-state charge qubit serving as the quantum processor, connected by a superconducting cavity. In this paper, we extend our previous work [1] and study the decoherence, coupling and scalability of the hybrid system. We present our calculations of the decoherence of the coupled ion - charge system due to the charge fluctuations in the solid-state system and the dissipation of the superconducting cavity under laser radiation. A gate scheme that exploits rapid state flips of the charge qubit to reduce decoherence by the charge noise is designed. We also study a superconducting switch that is inserted between the cavity and the charge qubit and provides tunable coupling between the qubits. The scalability of the hybrid scheme is discussed together with several potential experimental obstacles in realizing this scheme

    James M. Lindsay

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    33-2Private Land ClaimsReport : Petition of J. Lindsay. [808] Creek treaty of 9 Aug. 1814.1855-5

    Roby and Utley and Charles C. Roby

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    29-1Indian AffairsReport : Claim of of Roby and Utley. [488] Ottawa.1846-1

    Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting a plan for the reorganization of the Indian Department, in compliance with the resolution of the House of Representatives of the 2d of March last

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    26-1Indian AffairsLetter on the Reorganization of the Indian Dept. [365] Prepared by the CIA; recommends formation of a Southern superintendency to embrace the country west of the Mississippi River and South of the northern line of the Osage reservation.1840-3