1,758 research outputs found

    Titan International Couples Share Joy, Challenges

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    Penalaran adalah proses berpikir yang dilakukan dengan cara tertentu untuk menarik kesimpulan. Ke m ampuan penalaran matematika siswa diperlukan untuk mencapai hasil yang lebih baik dalam menyelesaikan suatu persoalan matematika. Oleh karena itu perlu dipikirkan suatu pembelajaran matematika yang menekankan pada kemampuan penalaran matematika bagi siswa. Salah satu cara untuk meningkatkan kemampuan penalaran matematis siswa adalah dengan menggunakan model reciprocal teaching yang memusatkan perhatian kepada proses berpikir anak dimana dalam pembelajarannya menggunakan empat strategi, yaitu merangkum, memb uat pertanyaan, menjelaskan kembali, dan memprediksi. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dengan tujuan : 1) Untuk mengetahui peningkatan kemampuan penalaran matematis siswa yang menggunakan model pembelajaran reciprocal teaching lebih baik daripada yang menggunaka n model pembelajaran konvensional; 2) Untuk mengetahui sikap siswa terhadap pelajaran matematika dengan menggunakan model pembelajaran reciprocal teaching. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode eksperimen dengan desain pretes - postes control group design . Variable bebas dalam penelitian ini adalah pembelajaran matematika dengan model reciprocal teaching , sedangkan variabel terikatnya adalah kemampuan penalaran matematis siswa. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas VII I SMPN Cimanggung dengan sa mpel sebanyak dua kelas yaitu kel a s VIIIA sebagai kelas Eksperimen dan kelas VIIIC sebagai kelas kontrol yang ditentukan secara acak. Instrume n yang digunakan berupa tes tert ulis kemampuan penalaran matematis siswa yang berbentuk uraian dan angket respon s iswa terhadap model reciprocal teaching dikelas eksperimen. Hasil penelitian adalah : 1) Kemampuan penalaran matematis siswa yang menggunakan model pembelajaran reciprocal teaching lebih baik daripada siswa yang menggunakan model pembelaja ran konvensional; 2) Siswa bersikap positif terhadap pelajaran matematika dengan menggunakan model pembelajaran reciprocal teaching. Kata Kunci : Model Reciprocal Teaching , Kemampuan Penalara

    Development of E-modul Flipbook Buffer Solution Based On Discovery Learning Model

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    This research and development aim to produce a valid, practical, and effective e-module buffer solution flipbook. The development of this e-module refers to the ADDIE development model which includes the analysis stage, the design stage, the development stage, the implementation stage, and the evaluation stage. There are four subjects in this research, namely media experts and material experts as validity test subjects, chemistry teachers as the practicality test subject,ct, and 35 students in class XI MIPA 3 as the practicality and effectiveness tests subjects. The instruments used for validity are validation sheets by media experts and material experts, practicality, namely observation sheets on the implementation of e-module, teacher and student response questionnaires, and effectiveness, namely learning outcomes tests. The results of this study are: (1) the validity of the digital module from the material expert is 3,6 and the media expert is 3,5 which is in the very valid category with a consistency test between validators are 100% which is in very high criteria, (2) the average percentage of e-module practicality is 85,66%, where the percentage of practicality based on the questionnaire responses of students and teachers the to the digital issue is 85,33% and 86% in the very practical category, 3) e-module meet the effective criteria (≥85%) based on the achievement of class completeness with percentage 88,57%. Based on these data, it is concluded that the e-module flipbook buffer solution developed with the ADDIE model is valid, practical, and effective for use in learning. Keywords  ADDIE, E-Module, Buffer SolutionThis research and development aim to produce a valid, practical, and effective e-module buffer solution flipbook. The development of this e-module refers to the ADDIE development model which includes the analysis stage, the design stage, the development stage, the implementation stage, and the evaluation stage. There are four subjects in this research, namely media experts and material experts as validity test subjects, chemistry teachers as the practicality test subject,ct, and 35 students in class XI MIPA 3 as the practicality and effectiveness tests subjects. The instruments used for validity are validation sheets by media experts and material experts, practicality, namely observation sheets on the implementation of e-module, teacher and student response questionnaires, and effectiveness, namely learning outcomes tests. The results of this study are: (1) the validity of the digital module from the material expert is 3,6 and the media expert is 3,5 which is in the very valid category with a consistency test between validators are 100% which is in very high criteria, (2) the average percentage of e-module practicality is 85,66%, where the percentage of practicality based on the questionnaire responses of students and teachers the to the digital issue is 85,33% and 86% in the very practical category, 3) e-module meet the effective criteria (≥85%) based on the achievement of class completeness with percentage 88,57%. Based on these data, it is concluded that the e-module flipbook buffer solution developed with the ADDIE model is valid, practical, and effective for use in learning.Keywords ADDIE, E-Module, Buffer Solutio

    Semantic web-services or semantic-web services?

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    The emergence of the Semantic Web together with the promise of Web Services, a new level of service on top of the current web is envisaged as the new silver bullet and considered as the next great cure-all for IT’s ill. However, in order to employ their full potential, appropriate description techniques for such services need to be developed, and even though the future looks bright, promising and interesting, one should proceed with caution as potential pitfalls lie ahead. In this paper a brief overview of how to best ensue such issues is given, together with a personal clarification to which this paper is entitled.peer-reviewe

    Matrix decomposition algorithms for feature extraction

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    Clinical decision support software is a delicate system which, can potentially be the physician’s closest friend. The aim of such systems is to be able to cleverly recommend a list of treatment options which closely matches the patient. We envisage a system which learns from experts without ever needing to ask them for feedback, and thus one which learns from past patient encounters. The system needs to be adaptive as well as dynamic, since all patients are different even if they may exhibit very similar symptoms. This paper proposes using matrices to capture such data, and algorithms using Singular Value Decomposition to predict treatments.peer-reviewe

    Corpus-driven bilingual lexicon extraction

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    This paper introduces some key aspects of machine translation in order to situate the role of the bilingual lexicon in transfer-based systems. It then discusses the data-driven approach to extracting bilingual knowledge automatically from bilingual texts, tracing the processes of alignment at different levels of granularity. The paper concludes with some suggestions for future work.peer-reviewe

    Reading between the lines of code : visualising a program’s lifetime

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    Visual representations of systems or processes are rife in all fields of science and engineering due to the concise yet effusive descriptions such representations convey. Humans’ pervasive tendency to visualise has led to various methods being evolved through the years to represent different aspects of software. However visualising running software has been fraught with the challenges of providing a meaningful representation of a process which is stripped of meaningful cues and reduced to manipulating values and the field has consequently evolved very slowly. Visualising running software is particularly useful for analysing the behaviour of software (e.g. software written to make use of late binding) and to gain a better understanding of the ever-important assessment of how well the final product is fulfilling the initial request. This paper discusses the significance of gaining improved insight into a program’s lifetime and demonstrates how attributing a geometric sense to the design of computer languages can serve to make it easier to visualise the execution of software by shifting the focus of semantics towards the spatial organisation of program parts.peer-reviewe

    Forecasting using non-linear techniques in time series analysis : an overview of techniques and main issues

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    The development of techniques in non linear time series analysis has emerged from its time series background and developed over the last few decades into a range of techniques which aim to fill a gap in the ability to model and forecast certain types of data sets such a chaotic determinate systems. These systems are found in many diverse areas of natural and human spheres. This study outlines the background within which these techniques developed, the fundamental elements on which they are based and details some of the predictive techniques. This study aims to provide some insight into their mechanisms and their potential.peer-reviewe

    Distributed application reliability on unstable, dynamic, P2P-based platforms

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    Application developers are used to a homogeneous, reliable and easily manageable platform on which to deploy their applications. Increasingly however, the need for a highly scalable distributed environment is becoming prevalent. Just as TCP/IP offers reliability over unreliable links, we aim at providing a simple API to hide an underlying unstable, dynamic, P2P platform and present a consistent, reliable view to the applications requesting it. The API should provide robustness and features found in present Grid-systems, which have similar objectives but numerous inherent and logistical differences. Applications would be able to run in a distributed manner over such a platform.peer-reviewe

    Automatic document clustering using topic analysis

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    Web users are demanding more out of current search engines. This can be noticed by the behaviour of users when interacting with search engines [12, 28]. Besides traditional query/results interactions, other tools are springing up on the web. An example of such tools includes web document clustering systems. The idea is for the user to interact with the system by navigating through an organised hierarchy of topics. Document clustering is ideal for unspecified search goals or for the exploration of a topic by the inexpert [21]. Document clustering is there to transform the current interactions of searching through a large amount of links into an efficient interaction where the interaction is navigation through hierarchies. This report will give an overview of the major work in this area, we will also propose our current work, progress and pitfalls which are being tackled.peer-reviewe
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