6,632 research outputs found

    Matching seeds to needs: Using informatics to select crop varieties adapted to future climates

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    Poster presented at Agriculture and Rural Development Day 2009. Copenhagen (Denmark). 12 Dec 2009

    Arranging Your Furniture

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    UML-B and Event-B: an integration of languages and tools

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    UML-B is a graphical front end for Event-B. It adds support for class-oriented modelling but retains the Event-B concept of a closed system characterized by families of spontaneous events. UML-B is similar to UML but is essentially a new notation based on a separate meta-model. We provide tool support for UML-B, including drawing tools and a translator to generate Event-B models. The tools are closely integrated with the Event-B verification tools so that when a drawing is saved the translator automatically generates the corresponding Event-B model. The Event-B verification tools (syntax checker and prover) then run automatically providing an immediate display of problems. We introduce the UML-B notation its tool support and its integration with Event-B

    Finishing Furnitureā€¦ Old and New

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    A zero-cost, real-time, Windows signal laboratory

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    This paper introduces a Windows-based signal capture, display, and waveform synthesis package called ā€œWin-eLabā€. The software is able to run on a conventional desktop or laptop with no additional hardware, and can perform real-time Fourier analysis on audio-frequency signals. This paper is intended as an introduction to Win-eLab, aimed at motivating further use of it in both teaching and self-directed learning contexts. The use of the software to familiarize students with the concept of ā€œlaboratoryā€ instrumentation is discussed, as well as the usefulness of a simultaneous time-domain/frequency-domain display for understanding signals, particularly in signal processing and communications systems courses. It is anticipated that applications may extend beyond electrical & electronic engineering ā€“ for example, as an aid to understanding mechanical vibrations, acoustics, and in other discipline areas

    The Presence of GC-C in Extracellular Vesicles Secreted by Colorectal Cancer Cells

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    Background: Guanylyl Cyclase C (GC-C) is a membrane-bound protein found on intestinal epithelial cells involved in the activation of CFTR. This protein has previously been involved in the development of colorectal cancer. Extracellular vesicles (EVs) are bilayered vesicles of varying size (30 to 1,000 + nm in diameter) that believed to be secreted by all cells in the human body. In the past decade, EVs have garnered attention due to their impact in the field of oncology, where they have been shown to potentially serve as biomarkers for various cancers. In this study, we looked at the EVs secreted by GC-C+ and GC-C- cell lines. We expected GC-C to be present on the EVs secreted by GC-C+ cell lines and that this finding may intake a role for GC-C at tissues distal to the intestinal epithelial cells. Methods: GC-C+ cells lines (T84 and CT26-hGCC) and GC-C- cell lines (SW480 and CT26-WT) were cultured and their media was harvested, then ultracentrifuged to extract the EVs from the media. These EVs were then checked for the presence and absence of various markers (GC-C, Calnexin, TSG101) via Western Blot. Exosome size was assessed via NTA to further provide evidence for the identity of these EVs. Results: Western blot confirmed the presence of TSG101 in both EV types samples, as well as the presence of GC-C in EVs derived from GC-C+ cell lines, but not from GC-C- cell lines. Calnexin was found to be absent in EV samples, excluding the possibility of lysate contamination. NTA analysis confirmed the correct size for the exosomes in sample. Discussion: This study assessed the contents of EVs secreted by colorectal cancer cell lines. Our findings indicate the presence of GC-C on exosomes and microvesicles. Further studies will need to be conducted in order to assess the function of these GC-C+ EVs in the setting of colorectal cancer

    Towards a methodology for rigorous development of generic requirements patterns

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    We present work in progress on a methodology for the engineering, validation and verification of generic requirements using domain engineering and formal methods. The need to develop a generic requirement set for subsequent system instantiation is complicated by the addition of the high levels of verification demanded by safety-critical domains such as avionics. We consider the failure detection and management function for engine control systems as an application domain where product line engineering is useful. The methodology produces a generic requirement set in our, UML based, formal notation, UML-B. The formal verification both of the generic requirement set, and of a particular application, is achieved via translation to the formal specification language, B, using our U2B and ProB tools

    Graph Isomorphism and the Lasserre Hierarchy

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    In this paper we show lower bounds for a certain large class of algorithms solving the Graph Isomorphism problem, even on expander graph instances. Spielman [25] shows an algorithm for isomorphism of strongly regular expander graphs that runs in time exp(O(n^(1/3)) (this bound was recently improved to expf O(n^(1/5) [5]). It has since been an open question to remove the requirement that the graph be strongly regular. Recent algorithmic results show that for many problems the Lasserre hierarchy works surprisingly well when the underlying graph has expansion properties. Moreover, recent work of Atserias and Maneva [3] shows that k rounds of the Lasserre hierarchy is a generalization of the k-dimensional Weisfeiler-Lehman algorithm for Graph Isomorphism. These two facts combined make the Lasserre hierarchy a good candidate for solving graph isomorphism on expander graphs. Our main result rules out this promising direction by showing that even Omega(n) rounds of the Lasserre semidefinite program hierarchy fail to solve the Graph Isomorphism problem even on expander graphs.Comment: 22 pages, 3 figures, submitted to CC
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