4 research outputs found

    Association between Anthropometric Hormonal Measurements and Bone MineralDensity in Puberty and Constitutional Delay of Growth and Puberty

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    The aim of this study is to evaluate the acquisition of bone mineral in healthy children throughout puberty and in children with constitutional delay of growth and puberty (CDGP), and to relate changes in bone mass to age, weight, height, sitting height, body mass index and sex hormones in healthy boys. A total of 90 boys: 15 boys with CDGP and 75 healthy boys in different pubertal stages were examined. The number of children assigned to each Tanner stages was 15. Although bone age, weight and Body Mass Index (BMI) were significantly higher in stages II, III, IV, V compared to stage I and CDGP, mean height and sitting height values were higher in stages III, IV, V compared to stage I and CDGP. Also, serum FSH, LH, oestradiol, total and free testosterone levels progressively increased, although serum sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG) levels decreased, in healthy children with progression of sexual development. Significant increase was observed for serum oestradiol levels at stage II and above (p < 0.001), for serum total and free testosterone levels at stage III and above (p < 0.001), for serum FSH and LH levels at stage IV and above (p < 0.01 and p < 0.001) respectively. Also, it was shown that bone mineral content (BMC) and bone mineral density (BMD) measurements were significantly higher for pubertal stage lll and above groups according to both the CDGP group and stage I group. When BMD and BMC measurements of children with CDGP (0.62 ± 0.05 gr/cm2 and 23.4 ± 2.8 gr) were compared with bone age, age, BMI and height-matched controls, there was no significant difference between children with CDGP and controls, except for age. Bone mineral density and BMC measurements in children with CDGP were significantly lower than those of age-matched controls (for pubertal stage lll: p < 0.05, for pubertal stage IV: p < 0.01). The strongest correlation coefficients were found between BMD and height among auxological parameters (r = 0.63, p < 0.001) and serum oestradiol levels among hormones (r = 0.55, p < 0.001). The most important findings of this investigation was the determination of body composition and hormonal measurement changes during puberty in boys; oestradiol was the most potent determinant of BMD among pubertal boys. We suggested that there is a critical age period for accumulation of bone mass according to the results. Longitudinal studies will elucidate why sufficient mineralization does take place after puberty starts in CDGP. Keywords: Bone mineralization, constitutional delay of growth and puberty, gonadotropins, oestradiol level, puberty "Asociación Entre las Mediciones Hormonales Antropométricas y la Densidad Mineral Ósea en la Pubertad y el Retraso Constitucional del Crecimiento y la Pubertad" RESUMEN El objetivo de este estudio es evaluar la adquisición de mineral óseo del hueso en niños saludables a través de la pubertad y en niños varones con retraso constitucional del crecimiento y la pubertad (RCCP), y relacionar los cambios de masa ósea a la edad, el peso, la altura, la altura sentado, el índice de masa corporal, y las hormonas del sexo en niños varones saludables. Examinamos un total de 90 niños, 15 niños con RCCP y 75 niños saludables en diferentes etapas de la pubertad. El número de niños asignados a cada etapa de Tanner fue 15. Aunque la edad ósea, el peso y el IMC fueron significativamente más altos en las etapas II, III, IV, V, comparados con la etapa I y el RCCP; la altura promedio y los valores de la altura sentado fueron más altos en las etapas III, IV, V, comparados con la etapa I y el RCCP. Por otra parte, los niveles séricos de HEF, HL, estradiol y testosterona total y libre, aumentaron progresivamente, aunque los niveles séricos de SHBG disminuyeron en los niños saludables con el avance del desarrollo sexual. Se observó un aumento significativo en los niveles de estradiol sérico en la etapa II y por encima (

    Turkish Turner Syndrome Study Group

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    Objective: Children with Turner syndrome (TS) have a specific growth pattern that is quite different from that of healthy children. Many countries have population-specific growth charts for TS. Considering national and ethnic differences, we undertook this multicenter collaborative study to construct growth charts and reference values for height, weight and body mass index (BMI) from 3 years of age to adulthood for spontaneous growth of Turkish girls with TS.Methods: Cross-sectional height and weight data of 842 patients with TS, younger than 18 years of age and before starting any therapy, were evaluated.Results: The data were processed to calculate the 3rd, 10th, 25th, 50th, 75th, 90th and 97th percentile values for defined ages and to construct growth curves for height-for-age, weight-for-age and BMI-for-age of girls with TS. The growth pattern of TS girls in this series resembled the growth pattern of TS girls in other reports, but there were differences in height between our series and the others.Conclusion: This study provides disease-specific growth charts for Turkish girls with TS. These disease-specific national growth charts will serve to improve the evaluation of growth and its management with growth-promoting therapeutic agents in TS patients