23,118 research outputs found

    What People Revealed through Greetings

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    Greeting is an important part of communicative competence that each member of speech community must know hence s/he can be function appropriately in the speech community. It is culturally bonded that it becomes the first and formemost part of language skill taught to children in learning in their native language and students in learning their second or foreign language. The study is aimed at finding out what people may reveal when they greet each other as well as the kind of greeting they used. The study is conducted to Indonesian who live in United States, by observing and filming their interactions during a party. During their interaction, the participants do not only used popular term of greetings such as ‗hallo‘ or ‗how are you‘ but they also greet each other by other forms such as giving compliments, hence it suggest more than acknoledging other‘s presence. Beside verbal greetings, there are also types of body gestures used as greeting suggesting the different types of background relationships. The most obvious observable fact is that greeting is consistently used as mark of solidarity with the consistent similar respond, though it may as well use to reveal power and authority. One of important means of greeting is that it is used to maintain their cultural identity. Male and female respondents also show different ways in using verbal greetings and gesture showing that they greet each other. They also use different ways in giving compliments and in responding toward them

    Formula Analysis in JK Rowling’s Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone and Rick Riordan’s Percy Jackson and The Olympians: The Lightning Thief: A Comparative Study on Fantasy Fiction

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    Budaya populer sebagai bagian dari budaya masa telah mengalami pergerakan yang cepat pada awal abad ke-20. Salah satu produk budaya populer ada di bidang sastra—yang kemudian lazim disebut sastra populer—yang juga telah mengalami perkembangan pesat termasuk perkembangan genre dan formulanya. Fiksi fantasi adalah salah satu genre sastra populer yang banyak mendapatkan respon positif baik di pasar maupun diskusi-diskusi akademik. Contoh fiksi fantasi adalah Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone karya JK Rowling dan Percy Jackson and The Olympians: The Lightning Thief karya Rick Riordan. Tulisan ini akan menganalisis formula yang digunakan dalam kedua fiksi tersebut, meliputi persamaan dan perbedaannya, dan juga faktor-faktor yang membuat keduanya disukai pembaca. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kedua fiksi fantasi tersebut secara umum mempunyai formula yang sama pada penokohan, struktur narasi, dan motif tindakan. Sedangkan perbedaannya terutama terletak pada cara penulis menyajikan mitologi dan metafor di dalamnya. Formula merupakan salah satu faktor utama yang membuat suatu fiksi disukai dan mendapat respon positif di pasaran, termasuk juga konsistensi, orisinalitas, kemampuan menarik keajaiban, tempat (setting) dan gaya (style). Kata kunci : sastra populer, fiksi fantasi, formul

    Hubungan antara pengetahuan dengan sikap ibu dalam pemberian mp - asi pada bayi di Desa Wonorejo Kec. Guntur Kab. Demak

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    Retno Wulandari ”Hubungan antara pengetahuan dengan sikap ibu dalam pemberian mp - asi pada bayi di Desa Wonorejo Kec. Guntur Kab. Demak” (xi+59 Halaman+6 Tabel+9 Lampiran) ASI adalah nutrisi utama bayi Namun bila sudah tidak dapat lagi memenuhi semua kebutuhan bayi yaitu saat bayi mulai berusia 6 bulan, maka MP-ASI lah yang menunjangnya. Kenyataannya banyak bayi usia 0–6 bulan sudah diberi MP-ASI oleh ibu, dan itu berakibat bayi obesitas dan rentan terhadap penyakit. Sikap ibu dipengaruhi oleh kebiasaan yang turun temurun yang ada di masyarakat. Untuk mengetahui hubungan antara pengetahuan dengan sikap ibu dalam pemberian MP-ASI pada bayi di Desa Wonorejo Kec. Guntur Kab. Demak Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian deskriptif dengan studi korelasi. Instrumen penelitian adalah kuesioner yang dibagikan kepada 59 responden. Pengambilan sampel dalam penelitian ini menggunakan tehnik sampel jenuh, karena populasi yang sedikit dan semua memenuhi kriteria inklusi. Subyek penelitian adalah ibu–ibu yang mempunyai bayi berumur 0–12 bulan. Analisa data menggunakan analisa univariat dan analisa bivariat. Hasil penelitian didapatkan bahwa dari 59 responden, pengetahuan responden tentang MP-ASI (55,9%) dan sikap responden tentang pemberian MP-ASI yang baik (50.8%). Pendidikan formal responden yang terbanyak adalah SMP (49,2%) sedangkan yang paling sedikit adalah PT (6,8%). Hasil dari korelasi pearson chi square pengetahuan dengan sikap sebesar 0.420 signifikan pada 0.001, hubungan sebesar 0.420 tersebut adalah signifikan dan dapat dikatakan bahwa ada hubungan antara pengetahuan dan sikap ibu.dalam pemberian MP-ASI pada bayi usia 0-12 bulan

    Women’s Roles in Negotiating Diasporic Identity in Jhumpa Lahiri’s Unnaccustomed Earth and Only Goodness

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    Today diaspora becomes highligthed issue when people become parts of global world. The term of diapora cannot be separated from old world/new world, past/present, or rooted/uprooted. In a diaporic position, people usually face a condition of in-betweeness, the situation between the homeland where they come from and that of the new land where they have to live today. By using Vertovec’s ideas which suggests diaspora as type of consciousness, this paper intends to discuss women’s roles in diasporic world experienced by the Asian-Indian female characters in Jhumpa Lahiri’s Unnaccustomed Earth and Only Goodness. As one of the diasporic ethnic groups in the world, Asian Indian women encounter paradoxical nature, the situation in which they have to adapt to the new environment but on the other side they still maintain their old habits. Languages, beliefs, traditions, costums, and foods become the apparatuses that the women use as the negotiation tools between old world and new world. By focusing on these women’s roles, this paper depicts how these female characters still maintain the Indian values yet on the occasion also adopt the American’s. On each generation, the in-betweenness situation is different. The efforts of maintaining old world tradition may react the resistance from the latter generation. However, in both short stories, Lahiri reveals the the importance of maintaining the old world. In her ways, she appreciates the maintaining old world values among the Americans’. Keywords : diaspora, identity, old world, new worl


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    This study aims to determine the influence of social media promotion on purchasing decisions with buying interest as an intervening variable. The research was conducted on Bencoolen Coffee Malang consumers with a total of 130 respondents. This type of research uses a quantitative method. The sampling technique in this study uses nonprobability sampling with purposive sampling method by deliberately taking samples according to predetermined sample criteria. Data collection for this research uses questionnaires. The data analysis technique used in this study is using scale ranges and path analysis. The results of the study indicate that social media promotion has a significant positive effect on purchasing decisions, social media promotion has a significant positive effect on buying interest, buying interest has a significant positive effect on purchasing decisions, and buying interest is able to mediate the relationship between social media promotion and purchasing decisions


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    Being bilingual nowadays is required by most people because of the social needs. They have to speak even to switch an appropriate language in appropiate time in order to suit when, where, and to whom they speak.Moreover, a switching that occurs over phrases or sentences including exclamations and tags at either end of the sentence is called code switching. South Kalimantan with Banjarmasin as its capital is one of the provinces in Kalimantan Island. Some of Banjarmasin citizens come to study in universities or colleges in Malang. To keep contact with each other, they establish AMKS (Asrama Mahasiswa Kalimantan Selatan). Since they are bilingualis, in informal meetings or even in formal meetings they do code switching. Thus, this study focused on the types, the reasons and the factors of code switching done by Banjarese students in the formal meetings. This is a descriptive study and applies a qualitative approach for the data in the form of texts. The data was taken at their formal meetings held at AMKS’s boarding house. The result showed that according to Wardhaugh there were 2 types of code switching which occurred in the meetings. They were Situational code switching, Methaporical code switching. According to Hoffman were 3 types; Inter-sentential code switching, intra-sentential code switching, Emblematic. According to Hymes were 2 types; Internal code switching, Temporary code switching. Banjarese students switched into Banjarese because of 6 reasons,but only 5 reasons found in the text; they were:(1) the background of the speaker,(2) The differences of ages among the speaker,(3) Being influenced by the interlocutors who switch the code ,(4) Talking about particular topic, (5) for humorous effect. There were 4 factors that stimulated code switching among Banjarese students, they were: (1) the participants, (2) the effectiveness of the message, (3) the setting, (4) the topic of the conversation. From the result, it was obvious to see that Banjarese students like to switch in the form of intersentential for amplifying a point and winning an argument reason. The setting factor is the most stimulative factor to stimulate code switchings

    Hyphenated Americans’ Experiences in Multicultural Interactions Portrayed in American Fictions

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    American society cannot be detached from the society’s multiculturalism. The various ethnic groups inevitably may lead into cooperations, frictions, or conflicts in their interaction. Fiction, as one of literary works, is one of the ways in picturing its reality. Most of hyphenated-American writers wrote both their experiences and imagination through fictions which mostly are about those of racial-based. Some fictions such as Sui Sin Far’s In the Land of the Free, Bienvenido Santos’ Immigration Blues, Anzia Yezierska’s Soap and Water depict the unfavorable experiences in their first interaction in America. While, Monfoon Leong’s New Year for Fong Wing and Gish Jen’s In the American Society elaborate the inter-race interaction and their confusion in blending their identity in the new land. It is found that though they can stand living in a multicultural society, most hyphenated Americans still face situation where sometimes they are still regarded as the subordinated class and it leads into fear and uncomfortable life. Racism is still big issue in American life even though it has long been declared that all men are created equal. In the interaction process some of them still had a tight tie to their origins, while others could easily conform to the American culture. Key words : hyphenated-American, ethnic group, multiculturalism, racism


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    This study is a library study aimed at figuring out how language attitude plays an important role in maintaining particular language, by taking a look at the case of Javanese language. Javanese language is viewed as a case here, as Javanese language is considered as being endangered though not by the size but by the fact that it has lost its public function, it is no longer effectively taught to the next generation, and it has undergone shrinkage in both variety and properties. Language contact, language policy, and language attitude are seen as the reasons of Javanese language shifted by Bahasa Indonesia. Javanese positive language attitude is suggested as the key factor in maintaining Javanese language because the first two factors are inevitable and are difficult to be changed. Positive language attitude is important in maintaining Javanese language because once the attitude is enriched with the cognitive and affective aspects of considering Javanese language as part of the speakers identity – and culture in the bigger sense – the attitude toward Javanese language will be positive and this will lead to positive behavior toward Javanese language as well


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    This research purposed to describe the increased independence and learning achievement of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) student through utilization ICT module in X grade student SMA N 1 Ngemplak. This research was an classroom action research held in 2 cycles, each cycle includes four phases of activities, i.e: 1) Planning, 2) Implementation Measures, 3) observation, and 4) Reflection. These research subject were XC grade student SMA N 1 Ngemplak academic year 2011/2012. Data collection technique used observation, tests, interviews and field notes. The research instrument in the form of evaluation tests, observation sheets, interview and field notes. Data analysis in this research using descriptive statistical analysis. The data have been collected are classified into two groups: quantitative and qualitative data. The results showed an increase independence learning Information and Communication Technology XC grade students by using ICT module, the increase can be seen from the increasing number of students who obtained a score of independence learning at intervals over which the interval 22.5 - 26.4 from 0 students (0%) in Cycle 1, increased to 3 students (6%) in cycle 2 and in the interval 18.5 - 22.4 from 3 students (8%) in cycle 1 increased by 22 students (61%) in cycle 2. The results of evaluation tests showed an increase in student achievement, the first cycle of evaluation results show that the average value of the class has increased from 83 in the first cycle and then increased to 93 on the second cycle. Whereas the value of standard deviation in the first cycle of 10 down to 8 on the second cycle. Significant deterioration in the standard deviation can narrow the range of values between high and low so that the value of students in class become more homogeneous. Based on the results of these research concluded that there is increased independence and achievement learning ICT XC grade students through utilization of ICT module. Keywords: Increased Independence Learning, Learning Achievement, Module ICT


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    Penyerahan penggunaan sebagian atas tanah Hak Pengelolaan kepada pihak ketiga ini akan ditindaklanjuti dengan pemberian sesuatu hak atas tanah sebagaimana terdapat dalam Undang-Undang Pokok Agraria. Ketentuan Pasal 2 Peraturan Menteri Dalam Negeri Nomor 1 Tahun 1977 juncto Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 40 Tahun 1996, pemegang Hak Pengelolaan berhak untuk; menentukan hak atas tanah yang dapat diberikan kepada pihak ketiga, yaitu; antara lain, dengan Hak Guna Bangunan (HGB) atau Hak Pakai. Perjanjian sewa-menyewa menurut Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Perdata pasal 1548, sewa menyewa ialah suatu perjanjian, dengan mana pihak yang satu mengikatkan dirinya untuk memberikan kepada pihak yang lainnya kenikmatan dari sesuatu barang, selama suatu waktu tertentu dan dengan pembayaran sesuatu harga, yang oleh pihak tersebut belakangan itu disanggupi pembayarannya. Penelitian ini bertujuan Untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis apakah Hak Pengelolaan atas tanah dapat di sewakan kepada pihak lain dan Untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis konsep Hak Pengelolaan atas tanah sesuai dengan nilai kemanfaatan agar efektif dan efisien. Metode pendekatan yang digunakan adalah pendekatan Socio legal research dengan spesifikasi penelitian deskriptif analitis. Jenis data yang dipergunakan adalah data Primer dan Sekunder. Teknik mengumpulkan data yang dipergunakan yaitu melalui studi dokumen atau bahan pustaka dan studi lapangan atau wawancara. Analisis data menggunakan analisis data kualitatif. Berdasarkan penelitian ini diperoleh hasil: Pertama : hak pengelolaan atas tanah PT.Pelabuhan Indonesia III (Persero) Bima bisa disewakan kepada pihak lain dengan cara memanfaatkan tanah hak pengelolaan denga cara menyewakan tanah hak pengelolaan kepada pihak lain, Kedua, konsep hak pengelolaan atas tanah sesuai dengan nilai kemanfaatan yang efektif dan efesien, dengan cara memanfaatkan tanah hak pengelolaan yang dimiliki PT.Pelabuhan Indonesia III (Persero) Bima dengan cara menyewakan kepada masyarakat untuk menempati tanah hak pengelolaan\ud agar tercapainya tujuan perusahaan yang efektif dan efesien
