18 research outputs found

    Dampak Kenaikan Harga Bahan Bakar Minyak (BBM) terhadap Biaya dan Pendapatan Usaha Tani Sayuran

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    The increase in fuel affect production costs and revenues Article aims to analyze the impact of price increases on the cost of vegetables and farm income. The results showed explicit costs increased due to higher fuel prices. Plant mustard greens and spinach and profits decline Plant mustard greens and spinach and profits decline. Yet kale and cucumber plants have increased profits due to the increase in output prices This means that both types of vegetables because it is not affected by any increase in the price of its output

    Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Peningkatan Nilai Tambah Produk Jagung

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    Desa Bentok Kampung merupakan salah satu desa yang ada di Kecamatan Bati-bati. Luas tanam Jagung sebesar 1.365 Hektar dengan luas panen sebesar 1.386 Hektar dan produksi 10.112 ton. Selama ini jagung manis hanya dijual dengan cara direbus atau dijual mentah melalui warung eceran di pinggir jalan sebagai oleh-oleh bagi pengunjung lokasi wisata di Kabupaten Tanah Laut. Oleh karena itu dilakukan kegiatan pemberdayaan masyarakat kepada wanita tani guna meningkatkan nilai jual produk jagung manis sehingga dapat menambah penghasilan rumah tangga. Produk yang diolah dalam kegiatan ini dalam bentuk minuman susu jagung dan snack jagung. Metode yang digunakan dengan cara presentasi, diskusi dan demonstrasi kepada wanita tani di Desa Bentok Kampung. Tahapan kegiatan yang pertama dilakukan adalah survey dan koordinasi. Kegiatan pemberdayaan masyarakat yang dilakukan terdiri dari dua pelatihan yaitu pelatihan pengolahan produk dengan bahan baku jagung manis dan pelatihan manajemen usaha dengan materi perhitungan Break Even Point (BEP) dan kewirausahaan. Peserta kegiatan pemberdayaan masyarakat sebanyak 23 orang. Berdasarkan hasil kuesioner dari pre test dan post test yang diperoleh dapat diketahui bahwa semua peserta sebelumnya belum pernah membuat kedua produk tersebut dan tidak pernah memperhitungkan biaya dengan rinci dalam penentuan harga. Setelah kegiatan ini 100% terjadi peningkatan pengetahuan untuk kegiatan pengolahan dan 85% untuk pelatihan manajemen usaha. Tindak lanjut kegiatan ini Desa Bentok Kampung menjadi desa binaan dan pendampingan produk

    Dampak Kenaikan Harga Bahan Bakar Minyak (BBM) terhadap Biaya dan Pendapatan Usaha Tani Sayuran

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    The increase in fuel affect production costs and revenues Article aims to analyze the impact of price increases on the cost of vegetables and farm income. The results showed explicit costs increased due to higher fuel prices. Plant mustard greens and spinach and profits decline Plant mustard greens and spinach and profits decline. Yet kale and cucumber plants have increased profits due to the increase in output prices This means that both types of vegetables because it is not affected by any increase in the price of its output


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    The aim of research to know technically Enterprises Making Tempe Mr. Joko Sarwono and to find out the revenue costs, benefits and feasibility of making tempeh as well as the problems faced in Tempe Making Enterprises factory. The data collected is in the form of primary and secondary data. Primary data was collected through direct interviews with entrepreneurs tempe, using questions that have been prepared beforehand. Results of research on Analysis of Business making tempe in Subdistrict Binuang Tapin district in April 2016 is the amount of average production per day 40 boards tempe with the production value of Rp. 25,000,000, - per month and variable costs of making tempe Rp.19,600,000, - or Rp 784,000, - per day and fixed costs Rp. 3,128,250, - or Rp. 125,130, - per day, for a month tempe reception is Rp.25,000,000, - or Rp 1,000,000, - per day and profits of Rp. 2,271,750,-  or Rp. 90,870, - per day so that the value of R / C Ratio obtained for 1.10 means RCR> 1 means the tempe making business profitable and worth the effort. Keywords: Tempe, business analysis, Revenue cost ratio


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    The research was conducted in the village of Pinang Habang Wanaraya Barito Kuala District of South Kalimantan Province. When the study began in October until April. Data collected includes primary and secondary data by using a sampling technique by means of a simple random sample (Sample Random Sampling) is sampling 25% of the 87 farmers as many as 22 people are to farm the farmer scallion scallion. The results showed that the production of scallions average of 3545.45 kg / one growing season with an average land area of 0.30 ha / farmer. The amount of revenue that an average of Rp39.000.000,00, - the selling price Rp11.000,00, - / kg. The total average cost of Rp21.330.847,36, - / farmers include explicit costs an average of Rp9.240.732,85, - / farmers and implicit costs an average of Rp21.004.166,66, - / farmers. so that the total average cost of Rp30.244.899,51, - / farmers. While the average income of Rp29.759.267,15, - / farmer with a gain of Rp8.755.100,49, - / farmers. Feasibility level with RCR value of 1.29 and, -, with a breakeven point BEP Production amounted to 369.69 kg less than the amount of production that is equal to 3545.45 kg, and the price of Rp8.548,54 BEP, - less than the price the current Law Rp11.000,00, -, scallion kg, the farmers gain acceptance for Rp4.066.553,15, -. means farming leek Pinang Village Habang Wanaraya Barito Kuala District of South Kalimantan worth the effort


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    This research wanted to know the consumer behavior in demand of egg as source of animal protein in South Kalimantan. In particular, this research aimed to identify and to know the price elasticity, cross elasticity and income elasticity at low, middle and high income groups, which were divided into the rural and urban areas and also were divided into egg of layer, "buras" and duck. The data that was used in this research was SUSENAS data 1996, with 1698 surveyed households. The analysis used TOBIT model or the censored regression model. TOBIT model is a regression model that was used to estimate the qualitative difference between limit observation (zero) and non-limit observation (continuous). The result also showed that generally, the characteristic of demand of egg based on SUSENAS data 1996 in South Kalimantan was in-elastic except on demand of egg at low income stratum in rural area and on demand of egg of "buras", where the both of them were elastic. In accordance with SUSENAS data 1996, for South Kalimantan society, egg was normal good since all estimations showed that income elasticity was higher than zero and smaller than one. Key Words: demand, egg, income, elasticity and Tobit Mode

    Impacts of Climate Change on Productivity and Efficiency Paddy Farms: Empirical Evidence on Tidal Swamp Land South Kalimantan Province – Indonesia

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    The purpose of this article is to evaluate the impact of climate change on productivity and technical efficiencypaddy farms in tidal swamp land. The analysis showed Impact on productivity have not good because negative.Technical efficiency analysis uses frontier production function. The analysis showed the farmers in tidal swampland have good efficiency, with an average of 78%. The local paddy varieties production in tidal swamp lands,positively and significantly, affected by land use, fertilizer; labor and climate. The number of seeds had nosignificant effect. Production factor that found significantly influence the farmers technical efficiency iseducation. Age and farm business experience had no real effect.Keywords: Tidal Swamp Land, Paddy Farms, Productivity, and Technical Efficienc


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    The purpose of this study was to determine the trading system channel, knowing the margin marketing system, the farmer's share, marketing efficiency  and problems faced in marketing system Siam Banjar Orange (Citrus reticulata) in the Village Karang Buah Belawang District of Barito Kuala Regency. This study used survey method and data sources used are primary data and secondary data. Method of determination of farmers sampled using purposive sampling method and determination of trading system agencies using snowball sampling method. The result showed in the Village Karang Buah Belawang District of Barito Kuala Regency.  There are five marketing system channels, the most large margin system is on the channel III orange with big size, with a margin Rp.6000/kg, the largest farmer's share is on channel  system 1 measure orange Siamese large and small, with the value of the farmer's share  100%. While most  marketing system   efisien  located on the  marketing 1 system channel for sizes large and small . The constraints faced in marketing  is to maintain the quality of citrus from producer to consumer