333 research outputs found

    Peranan Pimpinan Dalam Meningkatkan Prestasi Kerja Karyawan Melalui Motivasi Psikologis

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    Banyak faktor yang mempengaruhi prestasi kerja (job performance) karyawan. Faktor tersebut dapat datang dari lingkungan luar Perusahaan antara lain suasana tertib atau konflik dalam masyarakat dan keluarganya, tuntutan masyarakat terhadap karyawan sebagai anggota masyarakat, baik dari segi politik maupun dari segi sosial

    Permintaan Tenaga Kerja Dalam Suatu Industri: Analisa Teori Ekonomi

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    Jumlah penduduk yang besar dikaitkan dengan pembangunan mempunyai dua implikasi. Pertama sebagai modal dalam proses pembangunan karena penduduk sebagai sumber daya manusia (human resources) mencerminkan potensi yang dapat diarahkan untuk mengolah sumber-sumber alam yang tersedia untuk kesejahteraan seluruh masyarakat

    Peran Cacing Tanah Kelompok Endogaesis dalam Meningkatkan Efisiensi Pengolahan Tanah Lahan Kering

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    Tanah lahan kering di Indonesia didominasi tanah berlereng dengan lapisan bawah padat, lapisan atas tipis, sertamiskin bahan organik dan fauna tanah. Pengolahan tanah lahan kering berlereng secara mekanis selain dapatmemadatkan tanah lapisan bawah dan menurunkan populasi fauna tanah, juga mahal dan sulit dilakukan. Aktivitascacing tanah yang membuat liang di dalam tanah dengan memakan massa tanah dan bahan organik dapat mencegahpemadatan tanah serta mencampur tanah lapisan atas dan bawah (bioturbasi). Liang-liang cacing tanah meningkatkaninfiltrasi dan aerasi serta menurunkan aliran permukaan dan erosi. Melalui kasting, cacing tanah kelompokendogaesis meningkatkan stabilitas agregat tanah, mengonservasi bahan organik, dan menempatkan hara maupunbahan organik di daerah rhizosfir sehingga nilai fungsi hara maupun bahan organik untuk pertumbuhan tanamanmenjadi efektif. Dengan pemberian bahan organik yang cukup jumlah dan jenisnya serta penempatan yang tepat,cacing tanah endogaesis dapat meningkatkan efisiensi pengolahan tanah dan memperbaiki kesuburan tanah lahankering. Untuk itu, perlu penelitian mengenai potensi cacing tanah kelompok endogaesis, kesesuaian habitat, caraperbanyakan, cara inokulasi, dan cara perbaikan habitat sesuai permasalahan yang perlu diatasi

    Empowerment of Land Resource to Increase Competitiveness and Added Value of Agricultural Product

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    In global free trade action, Indonesia has many rivalry constrain to involve on standart product quality need which determined by developed countries from subtropical area. Agriculture product added value based on tropical natural resource is not accommodated proportionally, so that the Indonesian farming system has faced many obstacle resulting low competitive. Competitiveness digging of Indonesian specific land resource is a step in the right direction to do, besides it can increase competitiveness and has protected by regionally regulation. The Indonesian spatial competitiveness are sun energy, rainfall, mineral deposit, diversity of agricultural commodities, geographical position, and agricultural land availability for spell of production. Agricultural production arrangement that considering land capacity and specific competitiveness will increase production efficiency, added value, and selling product. Arrangement of spatial plan of various commodities and correct zonation based on need and location of market will increase competitiveness and farmer welfare. Functional food development, commodity choice, harvest area placement and harvest time arrangement are absolute competitiveness of Indonesian agricultural product and can not be competed by other region

    Prospek Dan Tantangan Pengembangan Biofertilizer Untuk Perbaikan Kesuburan Tanah

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    . As mega-biodiversity country, Indonesia should empower soil biological resources to improve soil tillage efficiency and sustainable crop production. The empowerment can be done by the enrichment of the soil with species and population of soil organisms through the application of biofertilizer in the form of a single organism or consortia. In line wih the heterogeneity of agricultural land, the development of biofertilizer production should be done taking into account the presence of specific functional native organisms that have been exist in the field. The selection of consortia biofertilizer formulation is the functional types of organisms that have a high compatibility and kinds of carriers that is able to maintain its functional value. In addition to having the ability to increase the availability of N, P and K, the functional microbes should have the ability to provide essential micronutrients to support of quantity and quality production. Challenges in biofertilizer application are the determination of criteria for C-organic content, nitrogenase and soil phosphatase enzymes. This determination needs to be made as a reference to the making of “soil biotest kit" so that it is effective and valuable in the implementation

    Potential Development of Agriculture Commodity High Economy Value in Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta Province

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    Indonesia has been able to reach self sufficiency for rice, but the problem is decreasing farmer economic value exchange. For that reason besides pursuing increase land productivity and agriculture commodities development, the improvement farmer income must be done. Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta Province has ± 0,319 million ha within land typology from mountainous vulcanize until sand shore. The problem is narrow land tenure, so that to increase farmer income the development of agriculture commodity with high economics value should be executed based on land carrying capacity. High diversity of land typology with good irrigation network and farm road infrastructure make DI Yogyakarta Province potential to be developed as agriculture seed centre and off season commodity planting. The minerals deposit of volcanous Merapi mountain and marine can increase quality ofagricultural product which good for health, therefore it is potential for development of functional food and improvement livestock reproduction for calf production. Through agricultural product that has high economics value, farmer income and public prosperity are expected to increased

    Kemampuan Beberapa Jamur Tanah Dalam Menguraikan Pestisida Deltametrin Dan Senyawa Lignoselulosa [the Ability of Some Soil Fungi on Degradation of Deltamethrin and Lignocelluloses]

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    Some of soil fungi capable in degrading pesticide deltamethrin, therefore they can be used as fertilizer in organic farming. As a biofertilizer ,fungus also must be able to provide nutrients for plants. The purpose of the study was to obtain fungal isolates that have the ability to decompose pesticides deltamethrin and lignocellulose compounds, dissolved inorganic phosphate compounds and produce growth hormone IAA (Indole Acetic Acid) . The fungal isolates will then be used in the manufacture of bio-fertilizers. Soil samples were put into mineral medium containing deltamethrin, fungus that grew on this medium would then be isolated. The ability of fungus in decomposing deltamethrin was observed using GC. While the ability of fungi to decompose lignocellulose, to dissolve inorganic phosphate compounds and to produce IAA was observed using a spectrophotometer. The results showed that the fungus Aspergillus Niger TR1 had the ability to degrade 90.68% of deltamethrin 500 ppm after 1 h incubation and to degrade 0.46% of Poly R - 478 by after 30 min incubation. In addition, this fungus had cellulase activity of 0.029 units/ml and were able to dissolve inorganic phosphate compounds and produce IAA

    Isolasi Dan Seleksijamur Aphyllophorales Pengurai Lignin Dihutan Bukit Bangkirai, Kalimantan Timur [Isolation and Selection of Aphyllophorales as Lignin Degrading Fungi in Bukit Bangkirai Forest, East Kalimantan]

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    Isolation and selection of Aphyllophorales as lignin degrading fiingus had been done in Bukit Bangkirai Forest, East Kalimantan. Aim of the research was to obtain Aphyllophorales fungi which have ability to degrade lignin. The fresh fruit bodies were collected from trunks, branches and litters of plants in the forest. The work was conducted at dry season. Fruit bodies were taken to base camp for isolation. The isolates were tested for their ability to degrade lignin. We found 24 isolates of Aphyllophorales fungi. Those isolates were grew in poly R-478 medium, 12 isolates were able to degrade lignin. Megasproporia sp. strain IB-24 had the highest ability in lignin degradation. The fungus can degrade poly R-478 8,05% during 90 minutes
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