19,656 research outputs found

    Complete positive ion, electron, and ram negative ion measurements near Comet Halley (COPERNIC) plasma experiment for the European Giotto Mission

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    Participation of U.S. scientists on the COPERNIC (COmplete Positive ions, Electrons and Ram Negative Ion measurements near Comet Halley) plasma experiment on the Giotto mission is described. The experiment consisted of two detectors: the EESA (electron electrostatic analyzer) which provided three-dimensional measurements of the distribution of electrons from 10 eV to 30 keV, and the PICCA (positive ion cluster composition analyzer) which provided mass analysis of positively charged cold cometary ions from mass 10 to 210 amu. In addition, a small 3 deg wide sector of the EESA looking in the ram direction was devoted to the detection of negatively charged cold cometary ions. Both detectors operated perfectly up to near closest approach (approx. 600 km) to Halley, but impacts of dust particles and neutral gas on the spacecraft contaminated parts of the data during the last few minutes. Although no flight hardware was fabricated in the U.S., The U.S. made very significant contributions to the hardware design, ground support equipment (GSE) design and fabrication, and flight and data reduction software required for the experiment, and also participated fully in the data reduction and analysis, and theoretical modeling and interpretation. Cometary data analysis is presented

    Exciton Hierarchies in Gapped Carbon Nanotubes

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    We present evidence that the strong electron-electron interactions in gapped carbon nanotubes lead to finite hierarchies of excitons within a given nanotube subband. We study these hierarchies by employing a field theoretic reduction of the gapped carbon nanotube permitting electron-electron interactions to be treated exactly. We analyze this reduction by employing a Wilsonian-like numerical renormalization group. We are so able to determine the gap ratios of the one-photon excitons as a function of the effective strength of interactions. We also determine within the same subband the gaps of the two-photon excitons, the single particle gaps, as well as a subset of the dark excitons. The strong electron-electron interactions in addition lead to strongly renormalized dispersion relations where the consequences of spin-charge separation can be readily observed.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure

    The trellis complexity of convolutional codes

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    Convolutional codes have a natural, regular, trellis structure that facilitates the implementation of Viterbi's algorithm. Linear block codes also have a natural, though not in general a regular, “minimal” trellis structure, which allows them to be decoded with a Viterbi-like algorithm. In both cases, the complexity of an unenhanced Viterbi decoding algorithm can be accurately estimated by the number of trellis edge symbols per encoded bit. It would therefore appear that we are in a good position to make a fair comparison of the Viterbi decoding complexity of block and convolutional codes. Unfortunately, however, this comparison is somewhat muddled by the fact that some convolutional codes, the punctured convolutional codes, are known to have trellis representations which are significantly less complex than the conventional trellis. In other words, the conventional trellis representation for a convolutional code may not be the “minimal” trellis representation. Thus ironically, we seem to know more about the minimal trellis representation for block than for convolutional codes. We provide a remedy, by developing a theory of minimal trellises for convolutional codes. This allows us to make a direct performance-complexity comparison for block and convolutional codes. A by-product of our work is an algorithm for choosing, from among all generator matrices for a given convolutional code, what we call a trellis-canonical generator matrix, from which the minimal trellis for the code can be directly constructed. Another by-product is that in the new theory, punctured convolutional codes no longer appear as a special class, but simply as high-rate convolutional codes whose trellis complexity is unexpectedly small

    Unequal Error Protection QPSK Modulation Codes

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    The authors use binary linear UEP (LUEP) codes, in combination with a QPSK signal set and Gray mapping, to obtain new efficient block QPSK modulation codes with unequal minimum squared Euclidean distances. They give several examples of codes that have the same minimum squared Euclidean distance as the best QPSK modulation codes of the same rate and length. A new suboptimal two-stage soft-decision decoding is applied to LUEP QPSK modulation codes

    QPSK Block-Modulation Codes for Unequal Error Protection

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    Unequal error protection (UEP) codes find applications in broadcast channels, as well as in other digital communication systems, where messages have different degrees of importance. Binary linear UEP (LUEP) codes combined with a Gray mapped QPSK signal set are used to obtain new efficient QPSK block-modulation codes for unequal error protection. Several examples of QPSK modulation codes that have the same minimum squared Euclidean distance as the best QPSK modulation codes, of the same rate and length, are given. In the new constructions of QPSK block-modulation codes, even-length binary LUEP codes are used. Good even-length binary LUEP codes are obtained when shorter binary linear codes are combined using either the well-known |u¯|u¯+v¯|-construction or the so-called construction X. Both constructions have the advantage of resulting in optimal or near-optimal binary LUEP codes of short to moderate lengths, using very simple linear codes, and may be used as constituent codes in the new constructions. LUEP codes lend themselves quite naturally to multistage decoding up to their minimum distance, using the decoding of component subcodes. A new suboptimal two-stage soft-decision decoding of LUEP codes is presented and its application to QPSK block-modulation codes for UEP illustrated

    On a Class of Optimal Nonbinary Linear Unequal-Error-Protection Codes for Two Sets of Messages

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    Several authors have addressed the problem of designing good linear unequal error protection (LUEP) codes. However, very little is known about good nonbinary LUEP codes. We present a class of optimal nonbinary LUEP codes for two different sets of messages. By combining t-error-correcting ReedSolomon (RS) codes and shortened nonbinary Hamming codes, we obtain nonbinary LUEP codes that protect one set of messages against any t or fewer symbol errors and the remaining set of messages against any single symbol error. For t ≥ 2, we show that these codes are optimal in the sense of achieving the Hamming lower bound on the number of redundant symbols of a nonbinary LUEP code with the same parameters